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What games do you love but there is a section / mission you dread / hate doing ?


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I can think of a few:

Demon’s Souls - the Swamp of Sorrows (5-2)


Shadow of the Colossus - Fighting Cenobia (14th colossus)


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - climbing Death Mountain (the boulders)


Final Fantasy VII - Chocobo Breeding / Racing


Psychonauts- Black Velvetopia

Arkham Asylum - the Killer Croc fight


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Resident evil 4: the water room in the castle


Godhand: the boss rush parts


hitman 2 silent assassin: The Chinese castle and sniper mission


mass effect 2: the final boss part


evil dead fistful of boomstick: the second to last level as the puzzles are annoying


return to castle wolfensten: any of the stealth only missions

Edited by Lonemankane
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1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Demon’s Souls - the Swamp of Sorrows (5-2)


Shadow of the Colossus - Fighting Cenobia (14th colossus)


Psychonauts- Black Velvetopia


I'm actually one of those weirdos who loves the entire Valley of Defilement, and Black Velvetopia, but Cenobia can be a chore if you don't use one of the jump tricks to immediately climb the final pillar. Personally, I think Poseidon/Pelagia (12) is far worse, since steering them via the "teeth" rarely works how I intend. At least it's possible to jump directly onto their head from a platform with timing, which saves a lot of time and frustration.


Several that come to mind:


The Duke's Archives (Dark Souls) - Besides finding it generally uninteresting, I hate rigged boss fights like the first Seath encounter, not to mention it forces you to do that boring prison area afterwards. It can be skipped with a tricky elevator jump, but I was never able to perform it consistently.


Wall of the Holy Prohibitions (Blasphemous) - A confusing maze of doors and keys, with an annoying enemy type harassing you the entire time. Fine enough on your first playthrough, but kind of a drag on subsequent runs.


Underground (Resident Evil Remake/Original) - Those tunnels with the boulders and cranks. I simply find this whole bit rather dull. ?


Hidden Valley (Hitman 2: Silent Assassin) - This utterly broken mission is among the worst in the franchise. Whether or not the guards and invisible snipers discover your identity is damn near pure luck, and sometimes they kill themselves by walking into the path of a truck. Earning SA here can be a nightmare. YAME! YAME! "Guards are now looking for a suspicious ninja."

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I'll think of more later, but the first thing that came to mind:


Hitman 2: Sniper Assassin levels. Absolutely love the new Hitman games, but Sniper Assassin can eat shit. Or more specifically the hide all bodies challenge in each one. Nothing worse than doing everything right, then making one, minuscule mistake right at the end and screwing yourself. You kind of just lose motivation after that. There's a reason I've been playing Hitman 2 since July and haven't finished it lol. Regular missions are amazing...Sniper Assassin ruins it though. 

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Spider-Man PS4, Miles and MJ. I know not a unique thing but meh.


Ratchet and Clank (original), Planet Orxon. idk why but because of lack of starving this planet is just always one where I die a lot no matter how many times I’ve 100% the game. Plus the one gold bolt with the missile and the tunnel, ugh. 

I know there’s more, but I can’t think of them at the moment. 

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Tony Hawk American Wasteland, I played it on PS2 back in 2006. There are actually two moments that pisses me off always. One is a mission for Stevie Williams (East LA), where you need to do some tricks with using Nollie's, especially part when you need to jump off ramp and do Triple Kickflip Nollie. Second mission is when you and Matt Hoffman riding on BMX. I couldn't ride this crap no matter what.

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Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel: All the opening game stuff you have to do before getting to Sanctuary and Concordia. I don't know why, I really don't enjoy the opening few hours of the games, I think I've just played these parts sooooo many times over the years that I want to get into the meat of it right off the bat, everything at this point feels like tutorial chores. Adore both games, but these parts are a snooze fest.

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For me I'd have to say Final Fantasy VII, as much as I super love the game, played it from start to finish about 6 times.

I just find the beginning in Midgar on repeated playthroughs pretty boring and it feels like such a slog and quite a linear adventure until you finally break out and can start exploring.

There's so few materia, a few green ones and AP growth is so tiny in Midgar, and you don't have any summons yet, or Sephiroth.


I mean for me, the game gets going when you leave MIdgar in my opinion.

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Alien Isolation: There are more notorious parts that people hate (medbay, the nest) but there’s a part near the end of Mission 17 where you have to keep going back and forth along these dark corridors with very few places to hide in order to repair a generator. I’ve played the game a few times but my anxiety is always on another level on that part.


Simpsons Hit and Run: The final mission where you have to get the nuclear waste from the power plant and deliver it to the aliens in under the time limit and without crashing. I think I managed to do it once and decided to never bother replaying that mission.


The Last of Us: Probably everyone’s least favourite, at least in terms of scariness, restarting the generator in the hotel basement. Sometimes the trick will work where if you crouch immediately after restarting it you can safely move to the exit without any infected noticing you, but when that doesn’t work the run to the door to swipe the keycard is intense.


Skyrim: Collecting the crimson nirnroots in Blackreach, just hours of tedium.

OG/PS2 era Tomb Raider: Any underwater sections.



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Surprised that the sniper assassin missions in Hitman 2 are mentioned multiple times. Maybe doing them blindly could be a frustrating experience. I consulted a few guides myself and after getting the hang of it the whole mission is rather fluent and fast paced, quite an enjoyable change to the original missions.


back to the topic. The ones I would say are the mandatory crawling scenes in Metal Gear Solid 4 & 5. They are just painfully long and w/o any game play involved.


Adding one more: Sound Shape. Could be a much more enjoyable game if w/o those cursed random factor

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Witcher 3


It's one of my favorite games ever and I've replayed it multiple times. At this point I've played it so many times that I just do the main story and the friend based side quests.


But the serial killer quest is such a drag. It really drives me nuts that it's attached to Dandelion. I do it anyways since it's a friend quest but it is brutal running around gathering evidence.


And I know a lot of people love that quest, I get it. I did at first too but it's just become monotonous.

Edited by KingGuy420
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DOOM - Nightmare difficulty. Basically the developers (John Carmack & John Romero) intended this to be completely unfair when they made this game all those years ago. It still remains one of the most important and groundbreaking games in video game history. Across the thousand hours or so I pumped into this all time classic, I could never bring myself to enjoy or even appreciate Nightmare.


Nightmare Co-op is the only thing keeping me from the platinum in DOOM 2. Were it not for my utter stubbornness and extreme dedication I would of easily given up entirely. As a casual player, it's fair enough to just beat the game and move on.

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Of those ive replayed a fair few times...


FF VII - Kalm flashback - I like when Sephiroth starts his fun times but the bulk of it is just a slog to me.


FF VIII - D District - Round and round in circles you go with each floor looking pretty much identical to the last. Oh you reached a story point? Go all the back up now. Oh another story thingy?! Hope ya like NASCAR because back to the circles you go! Its just dull. 


FF X - Catcher Chocobo - I dont take as long to get the sigil as i used to but i still hate the process. Lightning Dodging and the Butterflies could also be listed but i rarely use Lulu and Kimahri late/end game so i dont have to hunt their sigils as often.


Ocarina of Time - Bottom of the well - For as much as ive replayed it i still dont have most of the fake floors memorized. Down to the basement i fall over and over and over....3DS made the Water Temple a lot better at least.


Twilight Princess - Spirit Bugs - Takes too long, you have to do it too many times, and it was a total chore even on the very first playthrough. 



Outside of those i think the only games i have a solid chunk of replays on are some of the Pokemon mainlines but theyre fine throughout for me.



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@AJ_Radio brought up Doom's nightmare difficulty I'd like to offer up something similar.


Rise of the Tomb Raiders Score attack. I enjoyed my time with the story mode but take away that context and it takes all the joy out of it. And I'm not great at that kind of precision anyway which means I had to use a videos to guide me through. Watch video, pause, play, rinse, repeat. Yikes.


Playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider now and expect much of the same with the Challenge Tombs. Double Yikes.


Same goes for Days Gone and the Challenge Modes. Enjoyed my time with that story as well. But where RotTR Score Attack was doable with the guides, these Challenge Modes seem damn near impossible for me ?

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