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GTA Online (PS5) coming to PS+ March 15th


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According to the article, it was already confirmed to be a freebie on plus. Just had to wait on a offices release date. 

Here’s the paragraph from the confirmed article:


PlayStation will be making Grand Theft Auto Online available to acquire for a generous three full months. That means PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to download Grand Theft Auto Online for three months following its release, unlocking it permanently so long as the PS5 user maintains their PlayStation Plus subscription.” 

So we have a full 3 months to grab this. No excuses ? 

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14 minutes ago, mrslimee said:

About auto popping Trophies this time. Well if Online is  separated from story this time. Like thy are treating them as 2 different games how will we be sure auto popping will work?

Probably works the same way Killzone 3's standalone MP and Killzone Shadow Fall's standalone Intercept worked. Both had their own trophy list and autopopped trophies if you had completed them already in the base game. 

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2 hours ago, jjnet123 said:

you dont they will autopop on save transfer.

I don't have a PS5, and I don't have the masterminds trophy yet, but even if some of you have those, and there's autopop through save transfer, I think it would be wise to grab it but wait. They could add a masterminds 2.0 trophy of similar difficulty that you wouldn't want to deal with. And what's worse, they could add it to both versions, and if the transfer is one-time only...


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Not interested. I think just doing the online trophies once is more than enough, since I think the GTA Online community is a piss stain. Full of whiny kids and griefers who trash talk anybody that doesn't agree with them. One good reason why I stopped playing GTA Online back on the PS3.

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There's a saying: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


So, I'll take if it's for free. I'd even considered to buy it sometime later for a lower price, if there are new mechanics that are worth a third entry into the game, which I finished 100% both on PS3 and PS4. I think it is still a good multiplayer, even though some critics have their justified arguments. And personally I think Rockstar's latest decisions have been bad. They are not yet on the level of EA or Ubisoft and I hope they never will. We don't know what the future brings.

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