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Trophy thoughts?

Infected Elite

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9 minutes ago, Gommes_ said:

List looks good and rather easy. I'll play this game eventually after I finish Street Fighter 5.

I would personally wait with calling it easy. I don't see an option to create private tournaments and in the beta those tournaments were in the battle hub and everybody could join, up to 32 players. So if you really have to win 10 tournaments that are available for everyone, you will actually have to be pretty damn good at the game to win them.

So far the official tournaments aren't available either.

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13 minutes ago, SnowNinjaRaccoon said:

in the beta those tournaments were in the battle hub and everybody could join, up to 32 players. So if you really have to win 10 tournaments that are available for everyone, you will actually have to be pretty damn good at the game to win them.

Most of more casual players probably won't even sign up there. Welp, here goes the platinum I guess. Certainly doesn't sound like a trophy one should stress over or it will be a misesable experience. 

On the other hand it's really weird to have such a difficulty spike in one trophy compared to the rest of the list(which is piss easy). Maybe we are missing something and tomorrow will tell.

Edited by Akrioz
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4 hours ago, Infected Elite said:

Seems easy compared to V and 4.


Icons are cool, game tile... not so much


Forgot our resident Fighting Game generals:

@LancashireLad87 @Copanele @FreshFromThaDeli thoughts? will you guys be playing?

Thanks for the tag. I love the trophy icons and the Platinum's name and image.


This list more of a grind than it is a test of skill assuming winning 10 tournaments can't be boosted. I will be playing this game for long lengths in Ranked and will unlock all the trophies naturally along the way. 


I just want this game in my hands already. 1 more day!

2 hours ago, Copanele said:


See ya in the game ! Whoever plays as Blanka gets blacklisted ?

Hey man! You already know I played Blanka in SF V. You will have to deal with it again when playing me in 6 ??

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59 minutes ago, FreshFromThaDeli said:

I just want this game in my hands already. 1 more day!

I am honestly so hyped that I will boot it up at midnight just to do some trials.

Haven't been this hyped in a long, long time.

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I'm still curious to know how much of the game is on the disc. I get that World Tour and Training Ground count as add-ons that install separately, but I'm hoping they're actually on the disc, much like some DLC is in certain GOTY editions, or this will essentially just be a digital only game on a disc.


If anyone who gets it wants to try and check how much is installed without being connected to the internet, that'd be appreciated!

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9 hours ago, Infected Elite said:


Yep that's exactly the case. Weird they didn't just go with one list. Somewhat curious the thought behind that. But only one Juri trophy icon :( there are 2 Cammy ones tho :)


Actually Juri also have two trophy icons. The 2nd and the 11th trophies in the list.

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Not a fan of the descriptions. Just a little too long for me. 

Winning the tournaments and getting all of those "Nice" fans are the worst, as has already been pointed out. I really don't understand the thinking behind a trophy which you have no control over whatsoever. 

I don't usually play Street Fighter (just MK) but the World Tour mode has me thinking about this one. It's a shame that mode only has a handful of trophies.

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Seems doable and feasible even for more midcore/semi-casual fighting game players like myself. The tournaments trophy will definitely be the hardest depending on if you can boost it or not. I doubt casual players will sign up for tournaments that much, so you'll be left with the pros and avid fighting game players. I also don't know how tedious it'll be to get 600 of those Nice fans. Not sure I can even play this game that much since I'm stuck on FF14 doing raids lol.

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I think there might be some confusion around what "Nice" fans are. @SnowNinjaRaccoon already has the trophy and went from 200-600 in only two days.




Maybe it's just related to the single player?


Edit: Ah, right. I guess that's PowerPyx and the guide is already up.  You only need to like 600 things.

Edited by langdon
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I like the art on the trophy icons a lot, and as much as I want to play this, I will wait for a complete edition when it is released 1-2 years from now. Maybe now SFV Online will be easier to climb through the ranks.

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2 minutes ago, FreshFromThaDeli said:

We should do a friendly little PSNP tournament tomorrow. Just for fun 1f4af.png....and bragging rights 1f643.png


I'd get wrecked. lol. You guys are on another level!


Curiously though, some world pros are saying Modern controls are a bit better than Classic, but it's a give and take. Will be interesting to see how many stay classic or go modern.

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11 hours ago, SnowNinjaRaccoon said:

I would personally wait with calling it easy. I don't see an option to create private tournaments and in the beta those tournaments were in the battle hub and everybody could join, up to 32 players. So if you really have to win 10 tournaments that are available for everyone, you will actually have to be pretty damn good at the game to win them.

So far the official tournaments aren't available either.


Okay, this could actually be hard, you are right.

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these trophies are beautiful. I'm relieved to see an easier list this time around. grinding ranked in SFV was brutal. if tournaments can be boosted, this game will be a piece of cake and I can go back to USF4 for a more challenging experience. if not, even better. an unboostable trophy for winning 10 tournaments makes this plat great for the cabinet :) 

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2 hours ago, Infected Elite said:

Curiously though, some world pros are saying Modern controls are a bit better than Classic, but it's a give and take. Will be interesting to see how many stay classic or go modern.


Yeah, the Modern controls were quite surprising. I was never a charge character user but the modern controls made using Guile super easy and fluid. I might have one character with Classic controls and one with Modern controls. Modern could work well on an arcade stick. The potential is there for 5 fingers on the face buttons with barely any movement, like a Guilty Gear or an SNK fighter. My stick doesn't work with PS5 games though. So, I'll have to try it with the PS4 version.

Edited by the_real_culture
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Is the Fans trophy the thumbs up button from after matches? Where you can basically commend or give kudos to the player after the match? Not sure if that has to be done either 600 times in total or 600 unique players. Probably just 600 times total as a reviewer already has it and they wouldnt have come across THAT many unique players that also pressed that button for them.


The list itself is very easy, no rank trophy like 4 or 5 and everything can be boosted.

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1 hour ago, FreshFromThaDeli said:

We should do a friendly little PSNP tournament tomorrow. Just for fun 1f4af.png....and bragging rights 1f643.png


It will be difficult to get enough people to show up at such short notice, if we can invite each other to a private tournament that would be great, either way I'm down for a tournament or friendly matches online since a real player is very different compared to level 8 CPU who reads my inputs, performs frame perfect punishes and is optimal as fuck :P 


Some guy doing all Ryu combo trials, his trials leave a lot to be desired I thought they would have taught you more about his drive rush combos.


All Ryu Combo Trials in SF6 - YouTube



Edited by LancashireLad87
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Trophy list is ridiculously easy. The "Nice" trophies should not scare you as most players will give you a thumbs up if you give them back after each match. Got 60 today and didn't even play that much. It's a bit of a shame really lol, was looking forward to a typically formidable SF trophy list

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