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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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On 17/09/2022 at 6:36 PM, Psy-Tychist said:

Q4. Everyone loves the sound of a Platinum popping, especially as its worth good points in the League. So then, who has scored the least amount of Platinums (who has competed in at least 10 seasons)?


Bonus: How many have they achieved in all their seasons?


Much more difficult question in the quiz this time.


So, the answers I have for this question are:

@Master_Mayhem_ guessed ShogunCroCop with 53 Plats.

@ShinobiMonk guessed YieuY with 6 Plats.

@Doylus91 guessed xZoneHunter with 27 Plats.

@ShogunCroCop guessed freddie1989 with 25 Plats.

@GTA_Darren guessed himself with 77 Plats.

@ApriIis guessed freddie1989 with 6 Plats.

@Jello guessed stupid0089 with 10 Plats.

@RedbeardRik guessed LucasV991 with 15 Plats.


Good guesses all, here is how many each of the guesses have earned:

ShogunCroCop has earned 49 Plats.

GTA_Darren has earned 63 Plats.

YieuY has only been active for 2 seasons and has 2 Plats.

xZoneHunter has earned 93 Plats.

freddie1989 has earned 31 Plats, one for each of the seasons he has entered.

stupid0089 has earned 39 Plats.

LucasV9991 has earned 44 Plats.


The correct answer is XShadowYakuzaX, formally just known as Shadow who earned a total of 3 Platinum trophies in the 14 seasons they competed.


The scoring stands like this.
1. Jello - 4pts
2. Anorak - 3pts.
2. ArcticCress, Shoguncrocop, Mesopithecus, UnwaveringSoul - 2pts.
3. FallacyUnknow, Mayhem, Beer, GTA_Darren, Prinny - 1pt
New Question Coming Soon!

Quiz Time!

Question 5: Lots of Nationalities have competed in the League, but which one of these has won the most League Titles?

A. United States

B. Japan

C. Netherlands

D. United Kingdom


Bonus Question: Name a nation which has competed in the THL, but has never won a League Title.

Edited by Psy-Tychist
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4 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:


Much more difficult question in the quiz this time.


So, the answers I have for this question are:

@Master_Mayhem_ guessed ShogunCroCop with 53 Plats.

@ShinobiMonk guessed YieuY with 6 Plats.

@Doylus91 guessed xZoneHunter with 27 Plats.

@ShogunCroCop guessed freddie1989 with 25 Plats.

@GTA_Darren guessed himself with 77 Plats.

@ApriIis guessed freddie1989 with 6 Plats.

@Jello guessed stupid0089 with 10 Plats.

@RedbeardRik guessed LucasV991 with 15 Plats.


Good guesses all, here is how many each of the guesses have earned:

ShogunCroCop has earned 49 Plats.

GTA_Darren has earned 63 Plats.

YieuY has only been active for 2 seasons and has 2 Plats.

xZoneHunter has earned 93 Plats.

freddie1989 has earned 31 Plats, one for each of the seasons he has entered.

stupid0089 has earned 39 Plats.

LucasV9991 has earned 44 Plats.


The correct answer is XShadowYakuzaX, formally just known as Shadow who earned a total of 3 Platinum trophies in the 14 seasons they competed.


The scoring stands like this.
1. Jello - 4pts
2. Anorak - 3pts.
2. ArcticCress, Shoguncrocop, Mesopithecus, UnwaveringSoul - 2pts.
3. FallacyUnknow, Mayhem, Beer, GTA_Darren, Prinny - 1pt
New Question Coming Soon!

Quiz Time!

Question 5: Lots of Nationalities have competed in the League, but which one of these has won the most League Titles?

A. United States

B. Japan

C. Netherlands

D. United Kingdom


Bonus Question: Name a nation which has competed in the THL, but has never won a League Title.

i will guess the united states. bonus: Ireland

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10 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:


Question 5: Lots of Nationalities have competed in the League, but which one of these has won the most League Titles?

A. United States

B. Japan

C. Netherlands

D. United Kingdom


Bonus Question: Name a nation which has competed in the THL, but has never won a League Title.

Gonna have to represent and say the UK. Bonus I'll guess Turkey 

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13 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:


Much more difficult question in the quiz this time.


So, the answers I have for this question are:

@Master_Mayhem_ guessed ShogunCroCop with 53 Plats.

@ShinobiMonk guessed YieuY with 6 Plats.

@Doylus91 guessed xZoneHunter with 27 Plats.

@ShogunCroCop guessed freddie1989 with 25 Plats.

@GTA_Darren guessed himself with 77 Plats.

@ApriIis guessed freddie1989 with 6 Plats.

@Jello guessed stupid0089 with 10 Plats.

@RedbeardRik guessed LucasV991 with 15 Plats.


Good guesses all, here is how many each of the guesses have earned:

ShogunCroCop has earned 49 Plats.

GTA_Darren has earned 63 Plats.

YieuY has only been active for 2 seasons and has 2 Plats.

xZoneHunter has earned 93 Plats.

freddie1989 has earned 31 Plats, one for each of the seasons he has entered.

stupid0089 has earned 39 Plats.

LucasV9991 has earned 44 Plats.


The correct answer is XShadowYakuzaX, formally just known as Shadow who earned a total of 3 Platinum trophies in the 14 seasons they competed.


The scoring stands like this.
1. Jello - 4pts
2. Anorak - 3pts.
2. ArcticCress, Shoguncrocop, Mesopithecus, UnwaveringSoul - 2pts.
3. FallacyUnknow, Mayhem, Beer, GTA_Darren, Prinny - 1pt
New Question Coming Soon!

Quiz Time!

Question 5: Lots of Nationalities have competed in the League, but which one of these has won the most League Titles?

A. United States

B. Japan

C. Netherlands

D. United Kingdom


Bonus Question: Name a nation which has competed in the THL, but has never won a League Title.

i am gonna say Japan

and Austria ranks last ?

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6 minutes ago, ApriIis said:

When are points for games locked in? I've been keeping a close eye on TOEM the last two days hoping it'd still be eligible for points come Monday morning... ?

I bloody hope it was 7 hours ago when the event ended! If it isn't then we might see 100s of points pulled from the results ?

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4 hours ago, ApriIis said:

When are points for games locked in? I've been keeping a close eye on TOEM the last two days hoping it'd still be eligible for points come Monday morning... 1f602.png

Same here hahaha. But yeah, like Psy said, they are locked in once the 12 hour syncing period has come to an end

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On 24/09/2022 at 2:48 AM, Psy-Tychist said:

Question 5: Lots of Nationalities have competed in the League, but which one of these has won the most League Titles?

A. United States

B. Japan

C. Netherlands

D. United Kingdom


Bonus Question: Name a nation which has competed in the THL, but has never won a League Title.


A much more straightforward question today and here are the answers:


@serrated-banner9 guesses the USA with Ireland never to win a title.

@RedbeardRik guesses the UK with Turkey never to win a title.

@Syr_Rys guesses Japan with Austria never to win a title.

@GTA_Darren guesses the USA with Ireland never to win a title.

@Jello guesses the USA with Sweden never to win a title.

@ApriIis guesses the USA with France never to win a title.

@Doylus91 guesses the USA with Romania never to win a title.

@Master_Mayhem_ guesses the USA with Japan never to win a title.

@ShinobiMonk guesses the UK with Japan never to win a title.

@NuclearManager guesses the USA with Austria never to win a title.


The question is a little bit of a cheat, because as of Season 36, there were an equal amount of champions from the USA and the UK. 48 times a champion has come from the US and the UK, but that may change with Season 37. 15 nations in total have won a league title besides the US and the UK.


As for the guesses of a nation that have never won a League, here are the incorrect guesses: 

Ireland - Aprilis is the only Irish champion.

Turkey - BrutalLooter won two titles for Turkey.

Romania - Gunner was our only Romanian to win a title last season.

Japan - Reinachii- is the only winner for Japan as the only other Japanese 'champion' was based in the US at the time.

Sweden - We have never had a Swedish competitor as of yet.


The correct answers are: France, Finland and Austria! So far we have had 2 competitors from Austria, 1 from Finland and 4 from France who sadly have never won a league title.


So the scores now look like this:

The scoring stands like this.
1. Jello, Anorak - 5pts
2. ArcticCress, Shoguncrocop, Mesopithecus, UnwaveringSoul, GTA_Darren, Aprilis, Master_Mayhem - 2pts.
3. FallacyUnknown, Beer, Prinny, serrated_banner, RedbeardRik, Syr_Rys, Doylus, ShinobiMonk - 1pt
New Question coming soon!
Edited by Psy-Tychist
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Quiz Time!


Question 6: During Season 9 and 10, Prinny introduced 'Golden Games' which counted for double points during that fixture. Which one of these is NOT a Golden Game?

A. DJ Hero 2

B. Catherine

C. Towerfall Ascension

D. The Guided Fate Paradox


Bonus Question: Which competitor came up with the idea of Golden Games?


Due to the lateness of the question, guess can ve allowed until the end of Sunday (2nd Oct).

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8 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:

Quiz Time!


Question 6: During Season 9 and 10, Prinny introduced 'Golden Games' which counted for double points during that fixture. Which one of these is NOT a Golden Game?

A. DJ Hero 2

B. Catherine

C. Towerfall Ascension

D. The Guided Fate Paradox


Bonus Question: Which competitor came up with the idea of Golden Games?


Due to the lateness of the question, guess can ve allowed until the end of Sunday (2nd Oct).

i gonna guess Towerfall Ascension

EDIT: oh god nearly forgot the bonus

bonus = Lucas 

Edited by serrated-banner9
adding bonus
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On 29.9.2022 at 9:03 AM, Psy-Tychist said:

Quiz Time!


Question 6: During Season 9 and 10, Prinny introduced 'Golden Games' which counted for double points during that fixture. Which one of these is NOT a Golden Game?

A. DJ Hero 2

B. Catherine

C. Towerfall Ascension

D. The Guided Fate Paradox


Bonus Question: Which competitor came up with the idea of Golden Games?


Due to the lateness of the question, guess can ve allowed until the end of Sunday (2nd Oct).

Catherine and Lucas

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Alright @Psy-Tychist, bring it on...


Fixture 7


Platinum League


LucasV9991 v Psy-Tychist

UGotHitByGunner v NuclearManager

man_with_wdjat v ArcticCress

GTA_Darren v Krazy_99

Mesopithecus v X18JELLO18X


Gold League


Berendsapje v Havoc273

connman88 v PikachuInZShower

ApriIis v Master_Mayhem_

stupid0089 v FallacyUnknown

xZoneHunter v jermthejerm


Silver League


madbuk v Reinachii-

cjninja125 v UltraDog177

TheScruffyton v Syr_Rys

Yunakia221 v Zephyr-pt

Doylus91 v ExsphereBrawler


Bronze League


UnwaveringSoul_ v freddie1989

DEMONICRUBLE18 v serrated-banner9

RedbeardRik v ShinobiMonk


IrishNelly v UnboundedCash99


Approximate starting time: 23 minutes from now

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8 minutes ago, Psy-Tychist said:

Quiz time!


Question 7: Drawing is nearly harder than losing but always more impressive to pull off. So how many draws have we had up until this season?


A. 124

B. 134

C. 144

D. 154


Bonus: What is the most number of draws in a season?

i gonna go with c. bonus: 10 (because i like the number lol

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15 minutes ago, Psy-Tychist said:

Quiz time!


Question 7: Drawing is nearly harder than losing but always more impressive to pull off. So how many draws have we had up until this season?


A. 124

B. 134

C. 144

D. 154


Bonus: What is the most number of draws in a season?

124 and lets say 7, hopefully its a lucky number

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On 29/09/2022 at 8:03 AM, Psy-Tychist said:

Question 6: During Season 9 and 10, Prinny introduced 'Golden Games' which counted for double points during that fixture. Which one of these is NOT a Golden Game?

A. DJ Hero 2

B. Catherine

C. Towerfall Ascension

D. The Guided Fate Paradox


Bonus Question: Which competitor came up with the idea of Golden Games?


Lets get to the answers!


@serrated-banner9 guesses C and Lucas came up with Golden Games.

@Syr_Rys guesses B and Lucas came up with Golden Games.

@Jello guesses C and Boooda came up with Golden Games.

@GTA_Darren guesses C and Hemiak came up with Golden Games.

@ShinobiMonk guesses D and Lucas came up with Golden Games.

@RedbeardRik guesses C and Hemiak came up with Golden Games.

@Master_Mayhem_ guesses A and Prinny came up with Golden Games.

@ShogunCroCop guesses A and Lucas came up with Golden Games.

@NuclearManager guesses C and Hemiak came up with Golden Games.


The correct answer was Towerfall Ascension that was not a Golden Game. Prinny instituted the idea, but Hemiak came up with the idea.


Lots of good guesses and I hope to see even more guesses next time.



The scoring stands like this.
1. Anorak - 7pts
2. Jello - 6pts
3. GTA_Darren - 4pts
4. RedbeardRik - 3pts
5. ArcticCress, Shoguncrocop, Mesopithecus, UnwaveringSoul, Aprilis, Master_Mayhem, serrated_banner - 2pts.
6. FallacyUnknown, Beer, Prinny, Syr_Rys, Doylus, ShinobiMonk - 1pt
Edited by Psy-Tychist
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20 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:


Lets get to the answers!


@serrated-banner9 guesses C and Lucas came up with Golden Games.

@Syr_Rys guesses B and Lucas came up with Golden Games.

@Jello guesses C and Boooda came up with Golden Games.

@GTA_Darren guesses C and Hemiak came up with Golden Games.

@ShinobiMonk guesses D and Lucas came up with Golden Games.

@RedbeardRik guesses C and Hemiak came up with Golden Games.

@Master_Mayhem_ guesses A and Prinny came up with Golden Games.

@ShogunCroCop guesses A and Lucas came up with Golden Games.

@NuclearManager guesses C and Hemiak came up with Golden Games.


The correct answer was Towerfall Ascension that was not a Golden Game. Prinny instituted the idea, but Hemiak came up with the idea.


Lots of good guesses and I hope to see even more guesses next time.



The scoring stands like this.
1. Anorak - 7pts
2. Jello - 6pts
3. GTA_Darren - 4pts
4. RedbeardRik - 3pts
5. ArcticCress, Shoguncrocop, Mesopithecus, UnwaveringSoul, Aprilis, Master_Mayhem, serrated_banner - 2pts.
6. FallacyUnknown, Beer, Prinny, Syr_Rys, Doylus, ShinobiMonk - 1pt

Just curious who is Anorak?

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