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Server Shutdown - Dec 8th, 2023


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6 hours ago, JohzyDeMartin said:

Minimum should be 2+ 4, so 6 overall. 4 trophies from the first 4 missions, just stay away from all side missions, don't pick up collectibles, and don't buy a secondary upgrade.

Thanks, I appreciate it! I'll see what I can do. 

Edited by GunfighterHefty
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3 hours ago, JohzyDeMartin said:

Oh and in the very beginning you need to run out of the prison, if you walk out you pop a trophy. Forgot to mention that 1 before. 

Well, guess I got lucky then. I completed the online last night and popped the 6 trophies, as you mentioned. 

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On 12/3/2023 at 11:29 PM, Play3GianniGreed said:

You need an EA account to get the online trophies. Without logging in you can't play the online portion. 

It was pretty annoying to create an account just for that, at least the trophies were easy, but the game is garbage. One of the worst I have played on PS4. 

Garbage? Well, that’s entirely subjective.


I’ve never approached the original game from 2008 first hand therefore I cannot compare it to Catalyst but I had fun with this and it’s a shame this IP might never get a proper sequel, really (and by the time it does it’ll just be yet another reboot and I distrust DICE after Battlefield 2042, don’t believe their excuses for its munted launch state and don’t care that the game is mostly playable now, they can’t continue fucking up their games upon release then “fixing” them forever). Although I found the final cutscene(s) rather anti-climactic following the otherwise epic climb to the top of The Shard (again, a worthy sequel would be nice). This and the game could’ve gone with a bigger budget in the visual department, I mean, am I really looking at skyscrapers in the scenery or mostly white polygons (perhaps it was both visually intended and convenient for a AAA release that isn’t quite full price)?


I say Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst is a very 7/10 game. The action/parkour gameplay is unique, the cast of characters is good enough, the original score/soundtrack is pretty chill but everything else is fine I guess.

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8 minutes ago, Dry said:

Garbage? Well, that’s entirely subjective.


I’ve never approached the original game from 2008 first hand therefore I cannot compare it to Catalyst but I had fun with this and it’s a shame this IP might never get a proper sequel, really (and by the time it does it’ll just be yet another reboot and I distrust DICE after Battlefield 2042, don’t believe their excuses for its munted launch state and don’t care that the game is mostly playable now, they can’t continue fucking up their games upon release then “fixing” them forever). Although I found the final cutscene(s) rather anti-climactic following the otherwise epic climb to the top of The Shard (again, a worthy sequel would be nice). This and the game could’ve gone with a bigger budget in the visual department, I mean, am I really looking at skyscrapers in the scenery or mostly white polygons (perhaps it was both visually intended and convenient for a AAA release that isn’t quite full price)?


I say Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst is a very 7/10 game. The action/parkour gameplay is unique, the cast of characters is good enough, the original score/soundtrack is pretty chill but everything else is fine I guess.

Yeah, it's subjective, I was speaking for me. 

I think that the first game had a better story, even if that one too wasn't so great, but the story of Catalyst is full of cliché, flat characters, and overall boring. The game has better commands and better visuals, but for me, it was a chore to play. And I'm not an hater, I bought the comics too, of both games. It was just really disappointing. 

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31 minutes ago, esstee11 said:

Site homepage top ten list Mirrors Edge Catalyst is this weeks 7th most popular game with 1,249 recent players lol go get it guys clocks ticking only couple days left! 😆


I believe this is the first time the game has appeared on this list from the home page since it's first week of sale seven years ago.

Edited by Dry
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On 11/7/2023 at 2:47 AM, AlcoholicDinosaw said:

Hey there trophy hunters!

After doing some testing of completing this game three times offline recently (The first hour I was logged in to knock out the two online trophies, once obtained the rest of the game was completed offline after the mission "Mischief Maker"), I can confirm that Billboards are NOT tied to the Online Servers, the trophy "Fighting the System" was obtained offline with 11 Billboard Hacks and 4 Interventions. You are safe to do the Two Online trophies and leave it there to pick up at a later date, of course if you are still worried then by all means obtain the trophy or platinum, thankfully the game is not overly lengthy. 

Further confirmation for reassurance and clarity:

-Dashes can be done offline and are NOT tied to the servers in terms of earning the two relevant trophies.
-There does seem to be a fixed amount of Interventions, although I cannot 100% confirm as getting them to spawn initially can be finicky in its own right but never had the same one spawn more than once in that play-through, only in a nearby or slightly different area. 

If anyone has any questions please do reply to this or drop me a message and I'll do my best to help! :) 

Just saw this thread in general. If I start the game on the 6th, is 2 days a reasonable amount of time to unlock the two multiplayer trophies? I'd probably have about 3 to 4 hours of free time both days.

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On 12/6/2023 at 4:14 PM, HuntingFever said:

AFAIK, they didn't specify a time - therefore it could go at any time on the 8th.

Indeed. It can also depend on the server location. With some games people had luck with a closure after the weekend, but recent EA titles closed on the exact date (FIFA games for example).

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On 12/3/2023 at 7:53 AM, SpaceIsDandy said:

agree that the biggest piece of advice is to find a different challenge if the first one you find isn't just a couple of steps forward. I spent quite awhile trying to get one that was really high up in the air by almost no buildings around it, I assume a fair amount of the ones put down recently are probably on the easier side though     

For those who didn’t know, you can actually make your own time trial course & beacon to count towards the trophies if you’re having trouble finding ones you can do in game.


Theres no minimum distance required or anything so you can literally put the finish line right next to the starting line and create a course that is 1 second long, then place your beacon down right beside it. Takes about 10 seconds to unlock both trophies once you’re far enough in the story to unlock user generated content. 



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Unrelated question but I need help with Echo Customization.


I have collected some Runner Kits but when I go to Progression - Your Echo, I only have default red one. Anyone having the same issue? Couldn't find a thing on the internet.


EDIT: They appeared after restarting the game/console. Weird.

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I'm glad I found this topic. The game had been in my backlog forever and this was the motivation I needed to play it. I had a bit of excitement regarding my EA account (which I think you need to access the online stuff). It kept telling me I needed to change my password for the EA account, which turns out had been linked to some weird 'disabled.ea.com' email address and not my real one. To give EA support some credit, I was able to get on a chat with them and get it fixed in like a half hour. Knocked out the online trophies so everything is good, although it took me more like two hours since I may stink at this game. 😁

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Just got mine done!  Was pretty easy.  I've noticed a fair number of comments saying that this game is "a betrayal of the first game" and that they don't like it very much. I haven't played the first game but this one seems pretty good so far. Any ideas of what these people are talking about?  I've seen too many comments for it to just be a couple of the usual trolls.

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I waited a little longer than I should have but started the game tonight and got the two trophies in time. I assumed the servers would shut down later in the day but part of me was worried they'd go down sooner than later in the day.


I've enjoyed what I've played so far and am also curious what is so different from the first game that has led to such mixed reactions. I do intend to go back and play that one at some point.

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