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:platinum: #57: Super Street: The Game

Difficulty: 2/10. There is an option to change the difficulty, but still there is really strong rubberbanding and the AI makes silly mistakes. The AI crashes a lot, like not braking before tight turns. Also the game has a 'takedown' feature so the AI tries to ram you and others, crashing themselves out a lot. I do not recommend to play this game if you want to go ahead against a solid AI competitor.

Enjoyment: 6/10. Overall pretty fun and quick racing game with clear trophies. The online part is dead so a boosting group is required, but it only takes 3 races to get the trophies.

Plat time: 10 hours




:platinum: #58: Dirt 5

Difficulty: 3/10. The AI is pretty solid on higher difficulties. The way the cars handle can make a big difference per race. Overall not too difficult, some races are challenging on medium difficulty and can feel a bit unfair, but nothing too worrying.

Enjoyment: 8/10. Great overall straight forward arcade racer. I really liked the hill climb races, it worked really well and offers a nice different challenge. The online part is very alive and offers some fun different game elements which aren't in the singeplayer mode. 

Plat time: 25 hours




:platinum: #59: Maquette

Difficulty: -. Used a full guide for this one, not into puzzle games.

Enjoyment: 5/10. Not my type of game, but had it in the PS5 backlog so tried it out. The puzzle element feels good and I can see how people who enjoy these type of games can really enjoy it.

Plat time: 4 hours

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Call of duty Ghosts :platinum:

Difficult : 3/10

Fun : 10/10 

Time : 1 days 19 hr total


play on veteran collect the collectibles files Rorke + do the other trophy on your way to beat veteran & play ext mode alien if you good with it you can do in less then one day with partner u just need relic open prestige 1 at 31  + trophy 4 player + all challenge is easy if you know what you doing 


Edited by Brainswashed
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Plats continue to come in twos these days:


Plat #469: Seek Hearts




A World That Never Ends

Obtained all the trophies.


Yes, another Kemco plat. I don't know what it is, but I dig these short, easy JRPGs...usually. But Seek Hearts should have been called Suck Hard. Because man - does this game suck.


Back as an undergrad, I had a friend from Argentina. Good guy. We hung out a lot. I even met his parents one time. His dad was hilarious. His English was broken beyond belief. My friend told me that his dad pretty much just mentally rolled two dice in his mind, one for a noun and one for a verb, and whatever came up, that's what he said. It was a funny image to me.


I'm pretty sure the devs of Seek Hearts did the same things for the putrid story in this one. Rolling the dice, we get...fairy, robots, monster alchemy, and a super strong girl. Let's roll with it, baby! So, in the world of Seek Hearts, humans coexist with fairies, including great fairies. For some reason, they start building robots. Then one human gets the idea to build a robot fairy, and all hell breaks loose. Oh, and one of your party members is very strong. VERY strong. Why? Who cares, just go with it! Honestly, it sounds like a Mad Lib.


The jokes in this game are terrible. The main one is that our super strong girl keeps sending our robot into walls, but when anyone calls her on it, she gets mad about their "jokes". Pure hilarity!


Oh yeah - this game has titles, too! Want to know how you get titles? You...find fairies out in the world who bestow them on you! One fairy might say, "I bestow upon you the title of liar!" Sure, there are a couple of titles you get through normal gameplay, but the vast majority are obtained randomly. Awesome, right?


The main enemies you fight in the game are evil squirrels. Oh, and a whole lot of rice cookers (the game calls them "crockpots", but they look a helluva lot like my rice cooker). In fact, the optional boss in the game is a super strong rice cooker. Can't beat that!


Even if you're a fan of Kemco, I recommend steering clear of this one. It sinks to the bottom, along with other dreck like Sephirotic Stories. There are much better Kemco games available.


Plat #470 - Enter the Gungeon




Dat Plat

Acquire all other trophies


Now we're talkin'! Enter the Gungeon is one of my favorite games of the generation. A roguelike (roguelite? rogueish? I have no idea) 2-D shooter, done smart and done right, Enter the Gungeon has tons of weapons, tons of enemies, and tons of fun. It includes free DLC which adds additional challenges, additional characters, and...additional fun! The only gripes I have for this game are some annoying load times to start up, and an absurdly pointless plat grind (which also affects in-game 100%), due to a very poor decision by the devs. 


But man, it's so fun! Every time I got a new gun, or found a new enemy, I immediately went to my Ammonomicon to read its description. Many of them are hilarious. The references in this game are often incredibly vague, but always awesome. One enemy calls back to Godzilla's nephew Godzuki in the short-lived cartoon that I bet the vast majority have never even heard of (here's a link if you want to check it out in its awfulness). Some of the guns literally made me laugh out loud. My favorite was probably the rad gun. Hearing the gun say "wack" every time I missed my reload window made the failure completely worthwhile.


Another great idea are the "synergies" between weapons and items, both shown and hidden. The game has its own "synergies", which are obtained by holding two guns/items together which produce them. These can have great effects for you. However, there is often great synergy between items themselves. For example, there is an owl that hoots ever so often. His hoot acts as a small-scale "blank", which clear bullets from the screen. By itself, it's so-so (though great for the final bit of the final boss). But if you get an item that adds effects to blanks, it becomes uber-powerful. For example, there is a necklace which sets everyone on fire every time a blank is fired off. Good times!


There are RNG events in the game as well. Most of them offer the opportunity to get more guns, and some of them are just hilarious. My favorite is probably Brother Albern, who asks absurdly simple questions, offering treasure as a reward (and he looks completely puzzled when you answer his questions correctly). There are also random statues to which you can pray throughout the gungeon. None of these are guaranteed, but all of them are worth trying out at least once. There is an item called junk that is given to you if you destroy treasure chests. However, sometimes the junk can be sentient. Collect enough junk, and it will evolve over time. Evolve it enough, beat the game, and the junk (now called Sir Junkan) even gets its own ending screen. The care here is fantastic.


Bosses are thoroughly enjoyable. Even in a bad run, it's fun to try your best against fate as you stack up against, say, the Kill Pillars with your starting weapon. But the game is also kind to poorer players (like me). You can exploit "rainbow runs" to guarantee top flight guns and items, but only one per level. All in all, it's very solid.


So, why did the plat suck? RNG, of course. The "poor decision" to which I referred earlier was a series of quests which unfortunately must be done in order. Had these quests run in parallel, it would have been so much better. It wouldn't had subtracted any difficulty from the game. It simply would have reduced grinding time. But, on the plus side, I did manage to fill the enemy section of my Ammonomicon, most of the weapon/item section, and see every single area and every single event in the game (some of the weapons are a real pain to get, though). Another annoyance was the Black Market. This is an RNG event, but for whatever reason, it simply would not appear for me. Ultimately, I gave up on it for many months, before finally coming back and finding it. And of course, in true RNG fashion, I then found it twice more. Good times?


But anyway, I can't praise this game enough. I think I left it off my top 10 list due to the fact that I hadn’t completed the plat,but it probably deserves a place. The devs certainly earned a purchase of Exit the Gungeon from this one. 


Happy gaming!

Edited by starcrunch061
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