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11 hours ago, voodoo_eyes said:

#421 - Metropolis Lux Obscura




Interesting game with a neat concept. Borrows a lot from Sin City, but loses itself in the excess of everything. A bunch of luck-based trophies, which dragged the score for this down a notch.



Enjoyment: 6.5

Difficulty: 3


Ahh you saved me time messing with images etc. Me too with Metropolis Lux Obscura as my latest plat!


For me enjoyment was an 8. I love noir tales. Yes its trying to be Sin City but hell i enjoyed the characters and especially the artwork cos i enjoy curvaceous ladies. 


Difficulty was id say a 3 as well. Its not difficult, its just luck. Altho there is some strategy to the longer fights. You dont have to work barely at all for nearly all but maybe 1 or 2 trophies. 

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Difficulty: 3/10

Enjoyment: 6/10

I mean, I'm not even a huge Star Wars fan in the first place. The movies are fun but I've never read a book/comic or watched any of the other shows. I was excited about the game because of the trailers and everyone saying it was an uncharted/Soulsborne hybrid but all they stole from Uncharted was climbing/traversal and all they stole from soulsborne is lock-on combat and ganking. I'm not gonna go into great detail about it cause my opinion is worthless, but I thought the game was just kinda fine. Didn't care about the story or anyone in it that wasn't already an established-lore character. Combat was pretty fun but gets boring because there's barely any diversity in the enemy types, and also they decided for whatever reason, probably to pad the game out, to leave out fast travel which was incredibly unnecessary.


I would understand if they left out fast travel between planets, but they didn't need to keep fast travel out of the meditation spots on planets. They even had mini-fast travel with the bird from the Wookie planet who would transport you to 2-3 different places depending where you were; so they had the technical ability, but just decided against it. The absolute worst part of the platinum was painstakingly watching and following along with youtube videos step-for-step to get the collectibles, but I can't hold that fully against the game. If it wasn't for the boring and tedious collectible aspect, I would have had a much better time with the platinum. 

Edited by ChunkyKong64
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Difficulty: 3/10

Enjoyment: 5/10


I mean, to be honest, I should be ashamed I bought the game. The game is made for freaks like me that just want the platinum; but honestly of all the cheap games made for trophy hunters, this is probably the most fun. Frustrating as all hell at times because of some seemingly bullshit platforming, but still more playable than other buy-it-for-the-easy-plat games. 

Edited by ChunkyKong64
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