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1 hour ago, Arzoden said:

------------- Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon -------------


Ahhh Spyro 3 was the best game in the trilogy tbh, it was enjoyable and the controls seemed a little more forgiving, less wonky camera action and such, that's not to say it was not there. But that's a given as it's an old game despite being a remake. Although the third spyro was a much longer experience compared to the first one it was more enjoyable for me and the girl who was playing with me, the amount of different stuff you could do kept the game immersive & fun for it's long duration. Now i say it is long and you are probably going to disagree with me based on the fact that you only need to get 100 eggs, witch is a lot less stuff to do than the previous 2 games. But you need too keep in mind, we tried to limit the use of guides a lot so we are sitting here thinking we need to collect everything up til the third world where i was like '' Jesus this is so long compared to the last 2, let me look up a guide '' Where we found out you do not need to collect everything. So technically spyro 3 is shorter than the other 2 games but it feels longer to most that don't start with a guide because you assume it's like the last 2 games where you need everything ?


Anyways this was a great game and both me and her liked it quite a lot, we had some rage moments and some funny moments, definitely suggest this to anyone who want to have a fun experience! 


the only one I didn't enjoy and didn't get the plat for, 1 was the best and 2 was still decent, but 3 wasn't for me


well done on the plat :)

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10 hours ago, Redgrave said:



:platinum: #275: N7 Elite - Mass Effect 3 (PS4)


And so ends my re-visit of the Mass Effect trilogy. I think because it's been long enough but playing the third game again was more enjoyable than I expected it to be. I mean the story still has its issues and the ending was weak but I think it has some decent moments throughout it. It also probably helps that unlike the first time I played it there was the extended edition DLC already in the Legendary Edition so I was at least given something of an epilogue as opposed to the really vague color coded ending you get in the original. If anything I wish there was more of a proper epilogue where you get to see the results of your choices instead of the slideshow. Alternatively the stuff that happens in The Citadel DLC could have been the post-game epilogue you get if you get the true ending and despite it being a bit jokey and full of fan service I think I would have accepted that.


For the gameplay it pretty much was copying the generic third-person military shooters of the time but I can't help but like it anyway because of it being a sci-fi setting that they put a lot of effort into designing the guns and making the armor look cool so it still felt original despite that. If anything this made me want a sci-fi military shooter that I feel we have been lacking for a while. Like give me Ghost Recon but with lots of sci-fi guns and fighting aliens or something. It also made me wish they kept the multiplayer in since I remember playing it on PS3 and it was pretty fun from what I remember of it. I do still wish they kept the weapon system from the first game but I guess that's what Javik's rifle and the M-7 Lancer you can get from The Citadel DLC is for.


The story has its ups and downs. I think the ups much like Mass Effect 2 come from the character moments although there are a couple that I feel aren't written very well like Legion's story. It has a feelgood payoff if you do it right but when you think about it, it doesn't really make much sense and the drama feels forced. I also feel like The Illusive Man was wasted potential since I feel like he should have been that kind of antagonist where you are given good reasons that he might be right about what he's saying which actually gives you a reason to agree with him. Instead you're told that he wants to control the Reapers and does prove it in some sense but then you're also given constant reminders from not only the third game but the previous ones that it doesn't work like that and so what could have been an interesting and thought provoking antagonist is instead a megalomaniac with an endless army of generic yet admittedly cool looking evil soldiers that gun down and experiment on civilians. But you know, maybe the Cerberus drip is good enough to overlook all that.


It definitely feels like there were changes done to the story and some parts were rushed. Like I like the idea of some of the things that happen but it seems they were either rushed and stitched together from other ideas because the writers between games changed. It's unavoidable to talk about them when talking about the story but the endings is definitely where this feels the worst. I know it's been said a million times but I want to say my piece anyway. I also know the game is over a decade old at this point but I'll just put it in a spoiler anyway.


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Not only is the ending rushed and feels kind of cobbled together but all but one of the options you are given make no sense to pick. You have the Blue ending, which you are told lets you control the Reapers but if you paid any attention at all from playing the first game all the way to the third game, this does not work out for anyone trying and no I don't care what the ghost child says. You are repeatedly told and shown that controlling the Reapers does not work and there is no reason to believe it would suddenly work because some stupid ghost child said so.


Then you have the Green ending, also known as Synthesis. This ending makes less sense than Control and I never even considered picking it in all my playthroughs. You are told "Doing this will fuse synthetics and organics together" but the method makes no sense. It just fires a green beam that causes everyone to glow green afterward. The easiest way to describe it is just Space Magic but Mass Effect is supposed to be "grounded" in terms of sci-fi so why the writers throw that out the window with this is beyond me but it's one of those things where I just assume it was also rushed. There is also a secret fourth ending where you run out a timer or shoot at the ghost child where the game basically gives you a middle finger and tells you everyone died but 50,000 years later the next cycle beat the Reapers.


Finally, there's the Red (and true) ending also known as Destroy. This feels like the most obvious choice to make because that was the goal all along: to stop the Reapers at any cost. You are told there are downsides to choosing this such as all synthetics such as the Geth and EDI will also be destroyed which is a shame but then you are also told that they can just be brought back anyway so there's no real downside to picking it. So really it makes no sense to not pick this one especially since if you get the maximum War Assets it's the only ending where Shepard lives anyway.


So in summary your endings are:


1. Go against common sense and everything you have been told and shown up to that point by trying to control a force that you can't actually control. This also makes Shepard look like a hypocrite because you convince The Illusive Man that this won't work.

2. Green Space Magic that makes no sense.

3. Die, but 50,000 years later everyone wins anyway.

4. Actually destroy the Reapers with the minor consequence being EDI and the Geth dying that you are told can just rebuild anyway.



The only other thing I feel is that the Reapers themselves went from being kind of Lovecraftian and mysterious space creatures to being conventional. A bit too conventional in the sense that they use ground troops and footsoldier tactics. In some way I kind of get the reasoning for this both in the story and gameplay department but in the end all the mystery and buildup was pretty much thrown out and I know it's because of re-writes. The Codex even goes so far as to give the Reapers a firepower range of 132-450 kilotons which basically means the Reapers could have been stopped with enough firepower and having stronger ships. Like damn, just give Shepard an Acclamator-class Assault Ship or a Star Destroyer and you won't even have to bother with building the Crucible or anything fancy.


Instead of just that, I think they should have gone through with the indoctrination stuff that was sprinkled throughout that way there's way more of a psychological aspect to the conflict and for Shepard. Like you start getting ideas of what Saren went through and there could have been flashbacks based on your Shepard's background. So if you picked War Hero (like I did) you see the Skyllian Blitz but because of indoctrination influence there will be things "off" about it, or you get flashbacks to Virmire but there are things that are obviously wrong about it. I'm going on but basically I think there could have been a much heavier psychological battle going on and that would have made the Reapers Lovecraftian and creepy while also letting them have ground soldiers.


Even though I find it to be a mixed bag I think there are some moments that are fine even if they aren't the best written. I do wish it was better but I think it's been long enough to where I can't really say I disliked it as much as I did originally. As far as trophies go it's like the other two on the Legendary Edition where there's no difficulty trophy and pretty easy to farm trophies. Beyond that it's just playing the game and beating it and the DLC's.

Really great analysis :)

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