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[Rumor] December PS+ games


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I see this type of comment so many times and it baffles me. When have you ever seen a product increase in price and then the quality improve? I never have. Price increases are never about quality, they are always about inflation or "current market conditions". The product in question pretty much remains the same.


Also. Sony increased the price of PS+ in the EU last year (admittedly the 1 year subscription price was unchanged) and I didn't even see one person complain about it at the time or expect "an increase in quality".

Not seeing it does not mean it shouldn't be. There is nothing wrong with expecting better quality with an increase of prices. You know what happens in a football game where ticket prices rise but the team does not perform? Fans stop showing up, fans stop buying other products from the club. And rightly so. It baffles me that people think it's alright to increase a product for a year by 20% and expect nothing in return.

Edited by Starflakes
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If there's one thing I really hate it's people who excuse shady corporate practices, like we should not question it at all and just take it. Years ago the Sony fanbase bragged that they didn't have to pay for online, now they accept it and shout down anyone who disagrees, and honestly at this point who can blame Sony for milking it for all it's worth? It has been clearly demonstrated through this and the rise of DLC that players will do the corporate shaming for them. They have a bunch of ready made shills right there willing to preserve their status quo and ensure that they can push what they can get away with. It disgusts me to see people so eager to submit to large corporations when at the end of the day it is they who depend on our business to keep running.


Excellent response.


People have short attention spans and this has been made clear over the past few decades. They forgot what happened two years ago so eventually they come to accept it. I can imagine one or two years from now they will have mostly forgotten the 2016 Elections, and all the bullshit surrounding Donald Trump.


I remember in early 2011 I walked into a Best Buy a day after LA Noire was released and saw how they were giving out deals that you can get said DLC if you only buy from Best Buy. Likewise Gamestop was doing the same thing with the game, if you bought from them directly you could get a preorder bonus, if you preordered LA Noire you were in luck. If you didn't or if you bought the game used (because most kids thought LA Noire would be like GTA, because of the Rockstar logo put on the front cover) then you were out of luck.


Granted however, you were better off waiting a few months because by then thousands of kids were selling their copies of LA Noire back to the retail stores.


People bitched and moaned about DLC during 2009 - 2011 and how it is taking out what should of been in the base game. I don't hear people complain about this much anymore because like I said, short attention spans for the most part. Kids are growing up with 10 - 20 different electronic devices all connected in their homes with Netflix blaring in the background. It's not hard to see why so many of them become distracted and have great difficulty focusing.


Electronic Arts is especially guilty of bad practices, because the bottom line is corporate first, consumer last. People bitch so much about Madden yet they keep buying the games. EA has the NFL videogame license on lockdown, and since no other company can come in and provide competition on NFL games they can do whatever the hell they want. Glitchy servers, bugged game mechanics, overpriced season passes, forced DRM, the list goes on.


Then you have Ubisoft which gets a lot of hate as well, but nothing seems to be done as far as consumers trying to getting the corporation's attention.


Most people automatically forgive Bethesda because of the Fallout and Elder Scrolls franchise, when both series have been guilty of buggy gameplay which even Fallout 4 has a bit of it.

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Not seeing it does not mean it shouldn't be. There is nothing wrong with expecting better quality with an increase of prices. You know what happens in a football game where ticket prices rise but the team does not perform? Fans stop showing up, fans stop buying other products from the club. And rightly so. It baffles me that people think it's alright to increase a product for a year by 20% and expect nothing in return.


So you're saying that fans expect increased ticket prices to directly affect the performance of a team for the better? That really is crazy.

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Stories: Path of Destinies is a nice game in the first playthroughs but it's quite repetitive to get all the endings (24 or 25 (?) in total).

I hope for all of you that they fixed some of the bugs by now. Sometimes events wouldn't trigger or  the environment textures wouldn't load which made some passages hard to navigate. :|


Nope they didn't fix those issues, nor the falling through the floor one. I bought and completed it a couple of months ago, and yeah it gets boring as hell after a few playthroughs.

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So you're saying that fans expect increased ticket prices to directly affect the performance of a team for the better? That really is crazy.

No, that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is, if you're going to put a higher price on tickets, you better make sure you accomodate in one way or another. For example, by increased play by the team. There are also other ways, ways that are more certain as the team's play is dependend on a multitude of factors, so it's an unfortunate example. But the point stands. It does not make any sense to make people pay more for the same thing that innitially was paid. A better example would have been that they create a shop in the stadium in which fans with a season ticket get a discount. Especially when it's a 20% increase. How is this not completely obvious to people? I was never given a reason why the increase happened. That might explain a few things first. But from the way I see it, it was just a regular price increase because it is more reflective of market conditions. That's just basically a vague word for "not enough profit" and fair game, a company must make profit, but this was obviously only about that. It was never about the player. Which is reflective of them as a brand.

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You were given a reason for the price increase. Sony stated it was for "current market conditions" which basically means inflation. It is a perfectly valid and acceptable reason for a price increase as virtually every other product is increased in price for the exact same reason. The upkeep of the PSN doesn't come for free and the costs of doing so will have increased during the 10 years of it's existence. Sony has footed the bill for that for PS3 & Vita owners by offering them the use of it for free, and only charge PS4 owners for using it. You could even factor in the cost of increased wages to office staff dealing with the different aspects of the PSN & PS+, such as helpline staff, store staff & those responsible for negotiating the deals for the PS+ games. PS+ has been around for over 6 years now. I think one price increase in 6 years is very reasonable.


People also forget that PS+ used to offer Minis & PS1 games as part of the subscription. The quality did increase from then, but Sony still kept the subscription price the same for a number of years after.



Alright, point conceded.

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I see this type of comment so many times and it baffles me. When have you ever seen a product increase in price and then the quality improve? I never have. Price increases are never about quality, they are always about inflation or "current market conditions". The product in question pretty much remains the same.


Also. Sony increased the price of PS+ in the EU last year (admittedly the 1 year subscription price was unchanged) and I didn't even see one person complain about it at the time or expect "an increase in quality".

My guess is people tell that to themselves to justify the price increase. Surprisingly, the IGC did improve after the price increase, though this is completely subjective. 

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My guess is people tell that to themselves to justify the price increase. Surprisingly, the IGC did improve after the price increase, though this is completely subjective. 


Exactly right. Whether or not the quality has improved is completely subjective. My opinion on the whole thing is the quality differs each month, some are great while some not so much. However that monthly opinion is only relevant to me.


For example, this year one of the months that was regarded to be one of the best was February when Persona 4 Arena Ultimax & Helldivers was offered. For me that was the only month this year that I haven't either downloaded one of the games or already owned one, so I regard it as the weakest month. Another example would be August when Rebel Galaxy & Yakuza 5 were offered which was regarded to be one of the poorer ones. Yakuza alone made that one of the highlight months for me. It's all completely subjective.


This month, the 2 games rumoured so far don't hold my interest, but that doesn't make them terrible games. Also there are still 4 more games to be announced, as well as a confirmation on the PS4 offerings, so an opinion on this month as a whole really shouldn't yet be formed.

Edited by Stevieboy
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IF Sony increased the price a significant amount and said that this means that they can bring better games, new AAA titles etc to PS+ then they would have made an announcement about it. This is probably not the case, they just adjusted to market conditions. Prices go up based on that, and there's literally never an increase in quality. Of course if something was free before and now isn't then you should expect it to be better because the money is probably going somewhere, but when it goes up by $10 or so it was probably an inflation adjustment or something similar. Don't forget whatever games we get, we still get "free" games. I can't remember a single month where the total value of the games offered exceeded the value of a years subscription of PS+. Ever since the launch of PS Now, it seemed pretty obvious they wouldnt give out too many AAA games because you can get them all by subscribing there, so there is no point to give them out to plus members as you want people to get both services not just gain benefits of both on one. 


People who say that Xbox One has better games, that is because they are giving away AAA games from 4-5 years ago and most of those games have at one point been given out on PS+ or are available through PS Now. (obviously exclusive Xbox games remain exclusive)

Can we make it a rule that you aren't allowed to complain if you still cave in and get PS+ ?


Like, I don't have it, I have no interest in the games, I can complain.


If you have it, have no interest in the games, then complain about the games not being of interest to you, well, that's on you. 



I think that's wrong because surely if we are using the service we are allowed to have our opinions of the service we use. We can't just accept the service as a given, if it's horribly bad we can still complain, that just denies constructive criticism. 


I understand what you try and aim at here but think of it similar to, if you abstain from voting for a president you can complain about new laws and regulations but if you do, you cant because you voted? or if you don't have a car/motor vehicle you can complain about state of roads and public infrastructure, but if you do have one you cant?


Obviously people who are part of the service have as much right to complain what they get. If it bothers them they can choose to unsubscribe and come back when the month favours them, if they like it they can stay. There are other benefits of PS+ like the sales and online that people pay for anyway so they can't really judge the entire PS+ subscription on just the "free" games they get, you have to weight up the overall pros and cons. You only play single player games, and are not interested in the free games, and you don't buy things on sales? probably not for you. You want a huge library of games, but you care what you get? Probably better off getting PSNow. etc

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I see this type of comment so many times and it baffles me. When have you ever seen a product increase in price and then the quality improve? I never have. Price increases are never about quality, they are always about inflation or "current market conditions". The product in question pretty much remains the same.


Also. Sony increased the price of PS+ in the EU last year (admittedly the 1 year subscription price was unchanged) and I didn't even see one person complain about it at the time or expect "an increase in quality".

Video games. I remember when they used to be £29.99. Now they're about £40-£50, but they're also generally much better quality.

Not to say PS2 games are bad, far from it, some PS2 games are incredible... But now we have 1080p/60fps, and huge open worlds to explore that simply weren't possible back in the day when we had a lower price point.

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Video games. I remember when they used to be £29.99. Now they're about £40-£50, but they're also generally much better quality.

Not to say PS2 games are bad, far from it, some PS2 games are incredible... But now we have 1080p/60fps, and huge open worlds to explore that simply weren't possible back in the day when we had a lower price point.


I remember when N64 games used to cost £55-£60. So the price isn't really reflective of quality, rather the cost to manufacture and other overheads.

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Exactly right. Whether or not the quality has improved is completely subjective. My opinion on the whole thing is the quality differs each month, some are great while some not so much. However that monthly opinion is only relevant to me.


For example, this year one of the months that was regarded to be one of the best was February when Persona 4 Arena Ultimax & Helldivers was offered. For me that was the only month this year that I haven't either downloaded one of the games or already owned one, so I regard it as the weakest month. Another example would be August when Rebel Galaxy & Yakuza 5 were offered which was regarded to be one of the poorer ones. Yakuza alone made that one of the highlight months for me. It's all completely subjective.


This month, the 2 games rumoured so far don't hold my interest, but that doesn't make them terrible games. Also there are still 4 more games to be announced, as well as a confirmation on the PS4 offerings, so an opinion on this month as a whole really shouldn't yet be formed.

Yeah, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax alone made that the best month for me. Rebel Galaxy and Yakuza 5 was also a great month. Other games that I'm interested in are Code Realize and Transformers Devastation. Also tried Amnesia and enjoyed that a bit.


I agree, though usually rumoured games turn out to be false. My PS+ subscription ran out so depending on what Sony offers, I'll renew or skip this month.

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Video games. I remember when they used to be £29.99. Now they're about £40-£50, but they're also generally much better quality.

Not to say PS2 games are bad, far from it, some PS2 games are incredible... But now we have 1080p/60fps, and huge open worlds to explore that simply weren't possible back in the day when we had a lower price point.

It's interesting, I was at my parents at Canadian Thanksgiving, and went through some old boxes of stuff from when I was a kid. I had an original Atari, and NES, a ColecoVision, Sega Master System etc...


I was shocked at some of the box prices - those original cartridge based games were $80 Canadian, and that would have been mid 80's.


Now gaming was much more of a niche then, and I remember often having to go across the border to get games at all. We didn't even have a Toys R Us in Canada at that time, and there certainly were no electronics or dedicated game stores.


Prices have certainly gone up from when games actually went mainstream, but not from where they originally started. Certainly indexed for inflation, games are likely cheaper now than they were 20 years ago.

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I agree, though usually rumoured games turn out to be false. My PS+ subscription ran out so depending on what Sony offers, I'll renew or skip this month.


If it was just the screenshot as evidence, I would agree but Strickenbiged saw the actual image on the PS4 store app so I am guessing this is legit.  If memory serves, this will be the second time Sony has done this exact same thing.


As for the games themselves, I might add Stories to the "purchased" but not downloaded pile, though I don't feel very strongly one way or the other about either.

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If it was just the screenshot as evidence, I would agree but Strickenbiged saw the actual image on the PS4 store app so I am guessing this is legit.  If memory serves, this will be the second time Sony has done this exact same thing.


As for the games themselves, I might add Stories to the "purchased" but not downloaded pile, though I don't feel very strongly one way or the other about either.

Ah ok, I didn't see Stricken's post. Though that makes me wonder why the screenshot in the OP mentions November.

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Stories seems cool, anyone played it?

Yeah, I got it over the summer on sale. Maybe $5?


Anyway, it is fun, first few playthroughs are good. Hard to explain, but basically its a 'choose your own route' game, where all but one choice has a 'bad' ending. But gives you info to make a better decision the next time.


Playing blind, you will probably get the best ending within 4-5 playthroughs.


Problem becomes, then you have another 20 playthroughs to get all endings, and another 5-10 after that to fully upgrade your character.


Playthroughs only take 30-60 minutes once you know the route, but it is still very, very repetitive by the end.


I would have preferred a 8-10 hour plat with less 'content'.

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