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[Rumor] December PS+ games


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Please provide any evidence, not anecdotal evidence, that showcases the "PS4 fanbase" has stopped subbing to PS+ as a result of this specifically.

The "PS4 fanbase" is largely mainstream casual audience, who couldn't care less about PS+'s free games, they only pay for the online. Like people did on 360, and a lot of those people are the exact same people. Going from the most popular last gen console [at the beginning] 360, to the most successsful one this gen PS4.


This amounts to the same thing CoD hate does. That people online love to complain and even more love to over-inflate the importance of  their voice.


Strawmanning me in the same sentence as asking for evidence for a claim which I of course never made. I said it's a poor marketing stunt to put such a weak line up at the end of the year. Especially considering the price has been increased as well. And you need only look at the thread itself (reddit), the most popular post is about the disappointment. Disappointment which is also prevelant here. However, don't put words in my mouth, I never said there was a decline in subscribers, I never correlated anything either. I just said it's a poor line up for the end of the year.

But please provide evidence for your claims and not anecdotal. Your post made me cringle just a little bit, I am sorry. Because first you ask for things I never claim, then you make a claim about the subscribers by not providing the data you asked me to provide.


Edited by Starflakes
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Strawmanning me in the same sentence as asking for evidence for a claim which I of course never made. I said it's a poor marketing stunt to put such a weak line up at the end of the year. Especially considering the price has been increased as well. And you need only look at the thread itself (reddit), the most popular post is about the disappointment. Disappointment which is also prevelant here. However, don't put words in my mouth, I never said there was a decline in subscribers, I never correlated anything either. I just said it's a poor line up for the end of the year.

But please provide evidence for your claims and not anecdotal. Your post made me cringle just a little bit, I am sorry. Because first you ask for things I never claim, then you make a claim about the subscribers by not providing the data you asked me to provide.

What strawman? "a lot of the PS4 fanbase does not feel that way and thus, marketing wise, this is a very poor move."

Unless sales have dropped, it is not a poor move. Thus, my point. Which is completely relevant, and it is not a strawman at all. Unless you said something you didn't mean. And given that Sony's approach has not changed a single bit since the launch of the PlayStation 4, years ago I might add, one can easily deduce that they are perfectly happy with how subscriptions are going for PS+. Well, they *increased* the price. But that's hardly proving your point now is it.

Despite the complaining on the internet about it. Gamers aren't the only people who own consoles, but keep pretending that people complaining on forums like this are the majority. or even "a lot" in the grand scheme of this industry if it makes you feel better.


Edited by Elvick_
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Strawmanning me in the same sentence as asking for evidence for a claim which I of course never made. I said it's a poor marketing stunt to put such a weak line up at the end of the year. Especially considering the price has been increased as well. And you need only look at the thread itself (reddit), the most popular post is about the disappointment. Disappointment which is also prevelant here. However, don't put words in my mouth, I never said there was a decline in subscribers, I never correlated anything either. I just said it's a poor line up for the end of the year.

But please provide evidence for your claims and not anecdotal. Your post made me cringle just a little bit, I am sorry. Because first you ask for things I never claim, then you make a claim about the subscribers by not providing the data you asked me to provide.


Look, I get it, Sony upped the price. Back in September. It's now almost December. I think it's time to stop constantly bringing it up. Did you, or did you not, manage to reup your subscription to the old price before the price hike? Or better, did you manage to find a card for the same price AFTER the price hike? There's tons of $50 cards available around here, even to this day.


I swear, three years from now we're still going to have mooks whining about the $10 price hike, like it's a complete deal breaker.

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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one content with PS Plus. I've always had games to download for the PS4, except October when they gave us Resident Evil and Transformers Devastation since I already had those.

I also don't mind the indie games. There's simply too much on the store to be bothered to wade through. I like having something like this chucking a few my way every now and then.

I wished they would try a little bit harder for the PS4. Most people with a PS4 is signed up for PS Plus so they should be trying to make the service on it stronger. For example, they could try upping the player count in a free to play game every month with some sort of bonus. Or they could try giving out an old game with multiplayer. How I would love it GGXrd Sign or some other non existent player count games were included, like they did with Injustice.

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Stories: Path of Destinies is a nice game in the first playthroughs but it's quite repetitive to get all the endings (24 or 25 (?) in total).

I hope for all of you that they fixed some of the bugs by now. Sometimes events wouldn't trigger or  the environment textures wouldn't load which made some passages hard to navigate. :|

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What strawman? "a lot of the PS4 fanbase does not feel that way and thus, marketing wise, this is a very poor move."

Unless sales have dropped, it is not a poor move. Thus, my point. Which is completely relevant, and it is not a strawman at all. Unless you said something you didn't mean. And given that Sony's approach has not changed a single bit since the launch of the PlayStation 4, years ago I might add, one can easily deduce that they are perfectly happy with how subscriptions are going for PS+. Well, they *increased* the price. But that's hardly proving your point now is it.

Despite the complaining on the internet about it. Gamers aren't the only people who own consoles, but keep pretending that people complaining on forums like this are the majority. or even "a lot" in the grand scheme of this industry if it makes you feel better.




I never made the claim that the subscriptions are in decline. You asked me to provide evidence for something which I never claimed. That is misrepresenting what I say, and therefore it's a strawman. Well, at least something very close to it. It will always be a poor move and if you think this weak line up suffices as a December month, then all hope is lost for you. December is always a month in which you want to end strongly. With this line up, they won't do this and suffice to say, therefore it's poor. You see, as someone who has learnt how to logic (like seriously), your argument does consist out of a strawman. Because claiming it's a poor marketing move, does not mean sales drop. You can even make poor marketing moves with sales increases. You see, the term 'good' does not equal 'bigger sales' here. It equals substance. Objectively, one can say that two relatively unkown games for the price of 15-20 euros is very poor for a December month. Marketing wise, this is very poor for a December month, because you want to end strongly. Even if they do end up selling even more, it would still be poor marketing. Because with a stronger line up, the likelihood of selling more on top of that would increase. Do you see my point?

Increasing the price mid year and then ending on such a low note is a slap in the face for every loyal PS+ fan. You can choose to stick your head into the ground and pretend you're not getting screwed in the bum, but you are.

I never said that the majority complain, I never said a lot of the people complain. This is something you made up about what I said in order to argue with something I did not say and win the argument. You don't know a strawman when it slaps in you in the face, I'm afraid. This whole converstation here is about something I never said. Let me tell you what I originally stated: I stated that I am extremely underwhelmed if this were the case and that it's a poor line up for the end of the year, despite my own interest in the games. Then I agreed with someone who said it's poor for the end of the year and that they at least should have put a more popular strong line up (implied in the post I agreed with).Then you made it about me claiming a decline in subscribers, that the majority of people are fed up with this and such. I never said this. So please, stop aruing with things I never said.

Look, I get it, Sony upped the price. Back in September. It's now almost December. I think it's time to stop constantly bringing it up. Did you, or did you not, manage to reup your subscription to the old price before the price hike? Or better, did you manage to find a card for the same price AFTER the price hike? There's tons of $50 cards available around here, even to this day.


I swear, three years from now we're still going to have mooks whining about the $10 price hike, like it's a complete deal breaker.



I personally am not too bothered with the price hike. However, with a price hike, so should an increase in quality come. Quality which has been lacking, really.


Edited by Starflakes
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Would be happy with this. Anything free is always nice.


I'd say Sony's numbers would suggest a vast majority of their PS Plus subscribers are just casual gamers who pay for the privilege of playing online. For them, the free monthly games are a bonus or they don't even care about them because they just want to play some FIFA or COD online every now and then. A few people unsubscribing from Plus because they are unhappy with the free content isn't going to hurt Sony much... There will 1000's of new kids playing COD and FIFA online in 4 weeks time when they open up their Christmas presents.


If you aren't happy with Plus content, vote with your wallet and don't subscribe. You just won't be able to get the full experience with most of the games you DO open your wallet for.

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Look, I get it, Sony upped the price. Back in September. It's now almost December. I think it's time to stop constantly bringing it up. Did you, or did you not, manage to reup your subscription to the old price before the price hike? Or better, did you manage to find a card for the same price AFTER the price hike? There's tons of $50 cards available around here, even to this day.


I swear, three years from now we're still going to have mooks whining about the $10 price hike, like it's a complete deal breaker.

If there's one thing I really hate it's people who excuse shady corporate practices, like we should not question it at all and just take it. Years ago the Sony fanbase bragged that they didn't have to pay for online, now they accept it and shout down anyone who disagrees, and honestly at this point who can blame Sony for milking it for all it's worth? It has been clearly demonstrated through this and the rise of DLC that players will do the corporate shaming for them. They have a bunch of ready made shills right there willing to preserve their status quo and ensure that they can push what they can get away with. It disgusts me to see people so eager to submit to large corporations when at the end of the day it is they who depend on our business to keep running. 




What strawman? "a lot of the PS4 fanbase does not feel that way and thus, marketing wise, this is a very poor move."

Unless sales have dropped, it is not a poor move. Thus, my point. Which is completely relevant, and it is not a strawman at all. Unless you said something you didn't mean. And given that Sony's approach has not changed a single bit since the launch of the PlayStation 4, years ago I might add, one can easily deduce that they are perfectly happy with how subscriptions are going for PS+. Well, they *increased* the price. But that's hardly proving your point now is it.

Despite the complaining on the internet about it. Gamers aren't the only people who own consoles, but keep pretending that people complaining on forums like this are the majority. or even "a lot" in the grand scheme of this industry if it makes you feel better.


I suppose the thousands of people in the comment sections of EVERY new PS+ video are just a minority, now are they? Also why do you assume that people who don't play games on the PS4 are the majority, and how would PS+ ultimately affect them when it has nothing to do with what they use the system for?

Edited by LunchCannon54
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Can we make it a rule that you aren't allowed to complain if you still cave in and get PS+ ?


Like, I don't have it, I have no interest in the games, I can complain.


If you have it, have no interest in the games, then complain about the games not being of interest to you, well, that's on you. 




But just because the games don't interest me, I don't think they're bad, I'm just not interested and have a shitload of other games to play. Maybe next month will be the one I resub to, who knows.

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