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would this be considered a shameful platinum?


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It’s a “game” that consists of dressing a jar of mayonnaise by repeatedly pressing one button hundreds of times.. or so I’ve been told.


I think the answer to this question is pretty self-explanatory. Yes, for the love of Christ, a thousand times yes! If you have this game on your trophy list you definitely suck.

Edited by dieselmanchild
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Your account, you do you. If it’s a game you like for whatever reason, even if it is solely for the trophies, play it. What anyone else thinks of your trophy collection should be wholly irrelevant and meaningless. 

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On 5/21/2020 at 3:57 PM, Mori said:

I was considering to make it my 100th plat. The decision wasn't easy, either Mayo or W2. But my inner German won the battle. Welp, 200th platinum it is then. Will be a huge achievement.


I was also thinking of doing this game for one of my milestones, but unfortunately I don't think I'm prepared for it just yet... 

Edited by CrimsonMercury
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Back when I was in my early twenties when trophies first became a thing, I would've said yes. I also still believed that E-points and videogames were serious business. I was a lot more immature.


Now fast-forward to 2020 and I think very differently. I fully see the appeal of unlocking more trophies to gain higher levels, even if that means an easy game here or there. However, that still misses the point that's most important; your enjoyment doesn't require my approval in order to achieve validation.


If you wish to unlock some extra trophies/points via an easy game then of course you should do that. If you like it, and you use your hard-earned money, then all the power to you. It's a hobby and you should execute that completely as you wish as long as it doesn't affect others. Gaming and trophy hunting do not affect anyone, so the runway is clear.

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31 minutes ago, aZombieDictator said:

I only find quick Platinums shameful when you start having 3+ stacks of each of them on your profile. 


But it's your own trophy list, it only matters to you, so who really cares?


I agree!! I will play all of the 'easy plat' games but I won't play the same game 2+ times from my account.

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23 hours ago, twothumbedfist said:

I look at other people's profiles a lot, I find it really interesting to see what other people are into and to get ideas for what to play next. 


My heart sinks when I see a profile with a bunch of ultra rares and then a few ezpz 20 minute plats shitting it up. It's sad when people with genuine skill and/or good taste succumb to the illness and buy cheap plats to pad their numbers. Even worse when they try and excuse it in the forums and say they bought a rat game to "take a break" after a hard game. Taking a break is switching off the PS4 and doing something else, or at the very least playing a proper game with less mechanical difficulty, or playing a game you've already played. Playing a rat game is just profile padding. 


I do care about other people's profiles, and stacks of quick plats are an eyesore.

Why do you care about other people’s profiles and what they play?

I don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone’s profiles or what games they play. All I care about is my own profile.


You sound like a trophy elitist and everyone has to be sheep and only play what you deem to be acceptable in your own eyes.

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40 minutes ago, usapro2017 said:

Why do you care about other people’s profiles and what they play?

I don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone’s profiles or what games they play. All I care about is my own profile.


You sound like a trophy elitist and everyone has to be sheep and only play what you deem to be acceptable in your own eyes.

All this from someone who made a thread with a list of games that don't, and I quote, "have any redeeming qualities for adults".


You're the elitist pal. I just don't like the fact that my hobby has been dicked on by a couple of publishers literally just shit posting on PSN. For most of the PS3's lifespan 20 minute plats weren't allowed. I'm fine with low effort games existing and people playing them, I just don't think they should be allowed to have trophy lists. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/22/2020 at 9:29 AM, twothumbedfist said:

All this from someone who made a thread with a list of games that don't, and I quote, "have any redeeming qualities for adults". You’re the elitist pal.

Jeez bro.. you zinged him good there. But was it really necessary? For all you know that man had a family. ?

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