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Walking Dead Collection Trophy Thoughts?

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11 hours ago, ZachBoardyHD said:

The thing I don't  understand is why have they released 'The collection' when they're making one more season which will be the final?

So people can catch up with the story by purchasing a single game I believe, also just a moneygrab for people who are gonna stack the trophies.

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1 hour ago, MRTheChez said:

I'm not paying 51€ for 52 trophies (1170 points) that is just another way to get money while i already got all of the content.

No one is making you buy them again, this is mostly for people that didn’t play it before and might wanna play it now, it’s a good value if you look past the trophy list.

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This is the most idiotic trophy list i have ever seen.

Despite the first season, these games are pretty boring anyways the second time around. I probably wouldn't even have played it, giving 3 extra plats. But this list - 30 hours of already known telltale content for 1 platinum - just ridiculous...

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1 hour ago, gameoncomrade said:

This is utterly ridiculous. I've filed a complaint to Telltale Support.


What's ridiculous is you filing a complaint over an imaginary digital list. Get a grip, it's a set of trophies aligned to a packaged set of games.


You know when you read about a customer arguing over something so trivial you can't help but think "why would you do this?". You've just hit that criteria.


Argue over something worthwhile.

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14 hours ago, theSpirae said:

Telltale games have the worst trophies/achievements and don't deserve Platinum, and releasing Collection before the series/game is not over is cheap


Telltale in a nutshell 


TT is shitty company, they had something good, but instead of improving it, they've ran it into the ground. there's no excuse for their games to run like a slideshow, they shouldn't have gotten away with that for this long


I gave them a lot of chances, but they kept getting worse, I wish I've quit buying their games earlier than I did

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1 hour ago, Ingberg said:

What is ridiculous about this? They’ve simply packaged four of their games together and no one is making you buy it. I would recommend this to someone who hasn’t played TWD games because I personally enjoyed them a lot and I think others should play them too. 


Keep it on topic. This is about the trophy list, not the collection in general.

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7 hours ago, LeetWolf2 said:

Anyone have a source for these supposed financial problems telltale is suffering from? Would like to know more about it and how the hell they messed up when they have licenses like mine craft and game of thrones.


From what I understand, the engine they're working with actually has no physics system. Any time you see an object or character move, it all has to be done by hand. That's a much bigger time commitment and resource drain than most people might suspect. (And that's why the animations in their games look so robotic and awful too.)


Also they laid off 25% of the entire company a few months ago. TLDR version is that they're going forward with different technology to make their games and cut a lot of employees because the way they do things was too expensive and low quality. 

Edited by ImplyingYouCare
wow my post copied itself three times the heck
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Ive plat season 1 three times

still have to stack season 2, start and finish michonne and season 3


ive lost interest in stacking these multiple times nowadays, they were fun the first time around but doing it over and over again for a trophy i already have is boring AF

Plus theyve got enough of my money as it sits

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I'm not surprised Telltale games are in trouble. Since Tales Of The Borderlands, they are practically click to proceed adventure games at this point, but worse than that, they are releasing far too many, saturating your own market with your own games.

Also, just because Minecraft is a popular franchise doesn't mean you should make it into a Telltale game....

The brilliance of Walking Dead Season 1 and The Wolf Among Us is long gone.


The choices barely make any difference. Games like Until Dawn superceeded Telltale's formula 2 years ago. I'd probably be buying more Telltalw games if they were on Vita.

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On 12/3/2017 at 8:29 AM, Beast_Mode255 said:


Well that, plus to get people who haven't played them all (like myself, I've only played season 1) a chance to catch up.


Alternatively, you could just buy the stuff you haven't played when they're on sale on PSN (and they're on sale a LOT) for probably 1/2 of what they're asking for the Collection. Season 1, 2, and MIchonne are regularly available for around $5, and Season 3 has been down to $15 a couple of times already. You'll probably get more trophies doing it this way as well if that matters to you.

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21 hours ago, willmill97 said:

I mean the trophy distribution for each season is a bit off, but it's not a bad list? Should be lucky we got this in the first place! 


This is nice, especially for people who haven't ever played any of the games. 

It's an awful list, same shit all over again. How is it lucky to play the same game where the appeal is the plot which all goes out the window after you've played it once? Not to mention it's 20+ hours of cutscenes just for a plat.


They didn't have to add a new list to compile all the games on a disc and you can already get TT's games in a bundle on the PSN store.

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Yeah I've literally not long ago finished playing Season 1/2/Michonne/A New Frontier in sequence so I'm not in a rush to buy this. Not to mention I've stacked all of the lists already apart from that 4th trophy list that the first season has.


I really enjoy these games but this list is lazy and the trophy distribution is all over the place as others have said.


I may pick this up and play through it towards the end of the final season's release schedule just before the last episode is available. I probably won't but i'll file it as a maybe for now ?

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Ive played this so many times, Xbox 360, Xbox 1, PS Vita (S1 and S2), PS4 that i dont think i can go through it again


That trophy list is so far out of whack that its actually off putting to trophy hunters


I wish they would have put there time and effort into another series, I await the day there is a Stranger Things Tell Tale game!

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