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Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal — 48-minute walkthrough


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38 minutes ago, KingGuy420 said:

Am I the only one that's less excited after seeing this? I don't even know why. It looks good. I just can't put my finger on it...

I am with you!! Hearing so many things about the demo .. Like its nothing you ever seen!! I just watched it Guess what just another fps in my eyes sorry! I guess with the adult themes it suppose to be ground breaking ?? Meh!

Edited by Titanomachy_75
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I only skimmed through the video, but I'm liking what I see a lot.


I'm not usually into creating my own character in video games, but I love how you can select your character's backstory. Not only does it help with roleplay, but from the sounds of it, it'll affect events in the game, kind of similar to how it was in Mass Effect 1. The way CD Projekt Red have implemented player choices gets a bit thumbs up from me too. Similar to how it was in the Witcher games, there is no "good" or "evil" choice, it's all ambiguous. Very nice.


The shooting looks a little generic, but I can live with that considering everything it does right. I'm sure the game is going to be fantastic.

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1 hour ago, KingGuy420 said:

Am I the only one that's less excited after seeing this? I don't even know why. It looks good. I just can't put my finger on it...

same I felt like they weren't showing anything special. I wish they would've played and goofed around instead of walking 

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There is an outrage on twitch and on youtube videos about this game. The usual 15 year old call of duty and fortnite players think this is another generic first person shooter. First, this is CDPR, these guys haven't disappointed us so far. Second, this is an RPG game that implements first instead of third person mainly for storytelling reasons. Third, it greatly resembles the original Deus Ex, one of the greatest games ever made. I would say that the keyboard warriors need to wait and see the actual game and not judge it based on pre-alpha footage.

Edited by TheGwynbleidd
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Now it's all starting to make sense. They didn't want to reveal to the world that was just another fps so they decided to have a small showcase with no cameras to generate hype initially. 


Jokes aside it looks alright. I still think that first person in this game killed it for me. It's also too futuristic for my taste. We'll see though when it releases and when more information comes to light!


23 minutes ago, TheGwynbleidd said:

There is an outrage on twitch and on youtube videos about this game. The usual 15 year old call of duty and fortnite players thinks this is another generic first person shooter. First, this is CDPR, these guys haven't disappointed us so far. Second, this is an RPG game that implements first instead of third person mainly for storytelling reasons. Third, it greatly resembles the original Deus Ex, one of the greatest games ever made. I would say that the keyboard warriors need to wait and see the actual game and not judge it based on pre-alpha footage.

Not hating or anything but CDPR is literally known for one game and one game only and that's the witcher series which they did deliver strongly to their credit.  Second it's waaaayyy past pre-alpha stage as it's apparently playable from start to finish, according to CDPR. 

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There's definitely a lot of love that's been put into the game world, like damn. The RoboCop pistol looks like it will be fun to use and I can't wait to see what other 80's/90's action movie stuff they will have in it :P


I do feel they showed off a lot more than they needed to, namely the quest they showed. I mean it's cool that quests are large and have a lot of choices but to me it looks like they showed the more optimal way to handle the quest since it sounded like the alternatives would not be a good idea. But maybe that's just me. Either way I'm looking forward to it.

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1 hour ago, TheGwynbleidd said:

There is an outrage on twitch and on youtube videos about this game. The usual 15 year old call of duty and fortnite players thinks this is another generic first person shooter. First, this is CDPR, these guys haven't disappointed us so far. Second, this is an RPG game that implements first instead of third person mainly for storytelling reasons. Third, it greatly resembles the original Deus Ex, one of the greatest games ever made. I would say that the keyboard warriors need to wait and see the actual game and not judge it based on pre-alpha footage.


If you haven't been disappointed by CDPR yet, that means you haven't tried the standalone Gwent game. The way they managed blunder after blunder in a simple card game is disheartening to say the least. The spaghetti code that must be under the hood of that game is kinda hard to imagine with all the imaginative glitches that have popped up so far. The management and communication around it overall was also atrocious. I can't recall a single deadline since the end of last year that wasn't delayed, including even announcements of announcements (I'm not joking). Things were so bad that they are scrapping pretty much everything about the game and are relaunching a closed beta within the open beta to rebuild the game from the ground up. They do their best to keep their progress under wraps nowadays, and the little tidbits that they drop every now and then do little to inspire confidence in the community.


Yes, completely different beasts, but if there's so many problems under the hood of a simple card game, it doesn't really inspire much hope for the current state of the company.

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2 hours ago, Titanomachy_75 said:

I am with you!! Hearing so many things about the demo .. Like its nothing you ever seen!! I just watched it Guess what just another fps in my eyes sorry! I guess with the adult themes it suppose to be ground breaking ?? Meh!

Another fps? Lol, you should check your senses and really understand what is going on in that gameplay. This is the reason why they hesitated to show the gameplay to the rest of the world.


UI looks a bit clumpsy, font style and colors doesn’t fit for me, but I guess they will polish it as its just an alpha.

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I'm glad that CDPR have finally decided to release some footage of the game of late. At 48 minutes it a meaty sample of the game that has had the fans guessing about since 2013. From what i have read from multiple outlets such as IGN / Polygon and GamesRadar is that the CEO of CDPR has in fact been super nervous about releasing game footage. As a CEO of a company doing a Triple A title that places huge pressure on the company and individuals as a huge release that has fans expectant of great things. Anyone who says otherwise is just either ignorant or doesn't understand the requirements in making a new IP and dealing with the technology and additional personnel to manage a project of this size and scale.  


When the Witcher 3 footage surfaced for the first time at E3 there was an overwhelming slap down on places such as Reddit over the Witcher 3 and how the fan seems to have been "robbed" of their money as they based their pre-order on the footage and the detail. Don't get me wrong, i love games, i love the fact that they help pass time, and the enjoyment that a good story brings, but christ! Sometimes the sense of entitlement that some gamers have is exhausting, and you wonder why some companies hold back on releasing info on their titles. Obviously there are exceptions to the rules, but come on! 


We can't really complain at the moment as it clearly states "work in progress" - as such is not representative of finalised product. This was a showcase on mainly the story, what was achievable and the potential variation that is available to the player.


@PooPooBlast when you say "it's waaaayyy past pre-alpha stage as it's apparently playable from start to finish, according to CDPR." You are nearly correct (and this is not me slapping you down, just clarifying certain comments i have read about the game). CD Projekt Red explained that the game is now playable from start to finish internally. In an interview with Engadget, producer Richard Borzymowski explained that the game can be played through from beginning to end, with the story in place. It's still missing assets, includes bugs and requires playtesting, but this is a major step. This is very clear wording for fans and players alike that they are aware that there is a long way to go, but they've managed to hit a good milestone in it's development. 


I think us as fans just need to take a step back from the everyday hype machine and entitlement and just be thankful that we can expect potentially mind blowing games such as this. We are lucky folks.

Edited by NefariousDreamer
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The game is probably still a year or so away from release, which is really cool because the game will be polished as hell by the time it comes out.


Not a huge Witcher fan, but I respect the level of quality CD Projekt RED put in their games and I prefer present and future settings more than the medieval stuff.  So I can get behind this.  Probably preorder once there's a solid date on it.

Edited by Dreakon13
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