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Trophy Spam Issue


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6 hours ago, JorgeSleep said:


Come on, bro. We all know what kind of """games""" we are talking about. Let's not play the "naive" card now.

Yeah I know things like the jumping games are obvious but some other things are murky.

Ratalakia for instance - very common and easy games but you can't say zero effort went into them. What about Powgi? Are they bad enough? And of course there's Mayo which debately started this mess but you know it has it's defenders too.

I guess you could hire someone for the site who manually determines what counts but it's a question of whether the site would do that.

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9 minutes ago, Sparklebun1996 said:

Yeah I know things like the jumping games are obvious but some other things are murky.

Ratalakia for instance - very common and easy games but you can't say zero effort went into them. What about Powgi? Are they bad enough? And of course there's Mayo which debately started this mess but you know it has it's defenders too.

I guess you could hire someone for the site who manually determines what counts but it's a question of whether the site would do that.

Let me be clear - I hate these games as much as the rest of you. I'm just advocating fairness.

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9 minutes ago, Sparklebun1996 said:

I'm just advocating fairness.

Well there are many things about the situation that could be deemed unfair if you want to really dwell into it.  Ratalaka for instance, they usually take between 30 minutes and an hour.  Is it fair they award so much gamer score  equivalent to Super Meant Boy or Badlands?  Ratalaka games are mainly played for the same reasons the jumping games are.  It's just that the jumping games took the exploitation to the next level.  POWGI are crossword puzzles, I don't hold those stacks in much higher regards than the jumping games.   But that is my personal opinion. 


Without trying to stoke up a big debate, because today is a good day,  if you are advocating for fairness there a multitude of ways to look at what is actually fair.  While Ratalaka games may be real games and all, their gamer score is greatly overvalued and I'd ask how many people sit around playing ratalaka games past platinum??  i'm betting the number isn't that great.  

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4 minutes ago, steel6burgh said:

Well there are many things about the situation that could be deemed unfair if you want to really dwell into it.  Ratalaka for instance, they usually take between 30 minutes and an hour.  Is it fair they award so much gamer score  equivalent to Super Meant Boy or Badlands?  Ratalaka games are mainly played for the same reasons the jumping games are.  It's just that the jumping games took the exploitation to the next level.  POWGI are crossword puzzles, I don't hold those stacks in much higher regards than the jumping games.   But that is my personal opinion. 


Without trying to stoke up a big debate, because today is a good day,  if you are advocating for fairness there a multitude of ways to look at what is actually fair.  While Ratalaka games may be real games and all, their gamer score is greatly overvalued and I'd ask how many people sit around playing ratalaka games past platinum??  i'm betting the number isn't that great.  


Ratalaika is an issue, because they add too easy trophy lists to their games and then release a lot of console and region stacks. That is what I was hoping this suggestion would solve, no matter the publisher etc.

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Just now, MMDE said:


Ratalaika is an issue, because they add too easy trophy lists to their games and then release a lot of console and region stacks. That is what I was hoping this suggestion would solve, no matter the publisher etc.

Yep i think today was a great win for the site and hobby but something still needs to eventually get done about the stacks and the value of super common trophies.  

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Will there ever be an option to hide all the multiple stack games aside from just one game for maybe each platform in the latest games tab as well? I feel like that would also take down allot of the clutter, especially since we can already see how many versions of the game there are by going to the trophies.

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Honestly the site looks amazing again already, and overnight (like literally I went to bed and woke up)


Great work everyone! For bringing up the issue for so long, that finally made a change.


Reminds me when X Box X series was released.





26 minutes ago, sweeping-lamp3 said:

Is there a way to view the games marked as shovelware so far?


The "Easy Games" tab on the far right of the site is your best bet. Since well, it at least lists the easiest games first and boy a lot of them are in the high 98%

Edited by enaysoft
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Wow the new game list is back to looking normal again! Like others have mentioned, I typically rely on the new trophy lists to see what interesting/new games have come out that I might not have been aware of and I've stumbled upon quite a few good games that I probably wouldn't have otherwise heard about or played. It's been borderline unusable for the last few months so this is a welcome change. 


Will be interesting to see if hiding the shovelware actually translates to less people buying/playing those games, but I guess time will tell on that one. 

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1 minute ago, Beyondthegrave07 said:

If it's blatantly obvious, we mark it right now. If we don't know (even if it has a 90%+ plat), we leave it. People can shit on Ratalaika if they want, but at least those are games. Same for EastAsiaSoft. I think some could argue POWGI, but that's the thing.... you can argue it so it's not blatantly obvious. I'm personally not touching it, and doubt anyone else will either. That's how straightforward I'm being with it. I'm sure some will get missed and retroactively applied, but it is what it is.


Oh, and by blatantly obvious, I mean animal xyzs, jumpers, strokers, and the like in case that wasn't clear.


Anyways, appreciate your confidence and support. Hope this puts everyone else at ease who's afraid we'll mark actual games.


This is exactly it. Rata, sometimes you, eastasiasoft all are ported PC games, sure, some are pretty shitty games but at least they are games. Hell, even breakthrough games technically have a right to be on the PlayStation store.


Easy trophy list does not equal not a game.


Jumpers, strokers etc are not games, plain a simple, no story, no objective, no gameplay, arguably no visuals. They are just an upgraded number counter.

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