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What is the most annoying thing when trophy hunting?


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I may have posted here in the past.... but....

Any online trophies. I don't mind the skill vs. other people normally, but eventually all servers will come down :(

Torphies that you must rely on others to achieve, like Raids on Destiny. I'm completely fine with any trophy IF it can be done solo.

This, This, and THIS!

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Trophies based around things that are randomly generated by the game. I hate running around for ages waiting for a random situation to occur or a specific enemy to spawn......and then having to fight them over and over because they didn't drop the rare item you need!!


Also, not being able to chapter select after finishing the game.

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One may argue online trophies r the worst. To me, collectibles are the worst ever...having to watch a video while playing completely disrupts immersion. Even then some don't make sense and are just artificial means to prolong a game..

Second comes mp trophies. Luckily they're bootable unless the game is old or servers are shut

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For me it is literally the burnout involved with trophy hunting, you can steamroll your way through 4 or 5 games pretty easy and then just lose all motivation to play anything, I guess that's just natural though. Other than that, definitely trophies that can be boosted with microtransactions are the worst (I'm looking at you EA), you can either cough up money to do something in half the time or grind for dozens and dozens of hours. No problem with grinding (within reason), but knowing it can be paid for is the absolute worst thing a dev can do challenge wise with a game.

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  • 1 month later...

Play many playthroughs like as it happens on resident evil hd remaster (boring)


Multiplayer trophies / co-op trophies ( for example on ninja gaiden 2 if you dont have a good buddy ...)

Extreme grind trophies ( there are games that have certain trophies in which a person feels that only after a year is that you can get it like happen on disgaea)

And many missable trophies !


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I hate luck specific trophies as well, or needing something that has a very low percentage of dropping in an RPG or what not. I remember that trophy in the first Dark Souls that required most of the major weapons or some such. One of the weapons could only be dropped by the mages in the library area with Seath, and the drop percentage was incredibly low. Thankfully, it didn't take as much grinding as I thought it would, but I've heard some people having to attempt for 5-10+ hours just for that one weapon.


Speaking of which, grinding trophies are one of my biggest pet peeves. I have no shame in exploiting glitches that haven't been patched in games just to get annoying grinding trophies out of the way, such as the glitch with the race track, taunter, and leaving something on your O button and keeping your PS3 on overnight to collect the 1 million bolts needed for a trophy in the first Ratchet and Clank game.

When there's no glitches like that available though, and usually there aren't, it won't be unusual for me to simply not even bother with the platinum if it's going to be too much grinding, or I may just give up in my attempt for the platinum. Games are meant to be for entertainment, as soon as they start to feel like work, I stop caring about them.

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Well, like others, online trophies. But I don't mind if a game puts trophies on an online to which they are genuinely devoted. What I hate is when some lousy after-the-fact online gets trophies (PuzzleQuest: Galactrix makes you win 50(!) ranked matches - I doubt anyone ever found a single ranked match without boosintg), or when the company clearly has no intention of supporting the online (I have played and platted numerous GH games, and pretty much every time the online has been a mess after a couple of months of so. With Smash Hits, it was a mess on day one).


Luck-based trophies can be fun, but often aren't, due to ridiculous RNGs. I am loath to play any more pachinko in Yakuza, because God - it sucks.


But the main pet peeve are collectibles that have no in-game use.

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1. Trophies for playing well past what a game would take to beat, especially if the game doesn't add the time up across multiple playthroughs.  Why yes, I want to idle a game for 50 hours to get a trophy.  This is even more annoying on PSN because the systems have a timeout so I can't leave them idling overnight like I can on PC.

2. Bugged trophies.  Nothing is more frustrating than meeting the requirements and no trophy pop, but of course you have no idea how to fix the issue because most people didn't have a problem.

3. Online trophies, especially in dead MP games.  Playing 300 MP matches in Blazblue Calamity Trigger was not fun to me (made more so because it fell under #2 of being bugged since the requirement was actually 200).

4, Easily missable collectables that require getting all in one playthrough, especially if the conditions to obtain some are insane, yes I'm looking at you Treasure Hunter trophy in Trails SC Evo.

5. Grinds to levels beyond what is needed to beat a game

6. Speedruns or low level runs.

Edited by ladynadiad
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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Online

Mentioned multiple times, very few people want multiplayer trophies, they just want to be able to go on and play with their friends and focus on what they want to do. Even worse when the world of the casual gamer collides with a trophy hunter and insults are thrown around. It gets even funnier when developers say that they will ban people if they are found to be boosting for trophies. Well how about this, don't put them in the damn game!

2. Missables with no Chapter Select

I always read the summary of a trophy guide before starting a game to see what I'm letting myself in for. What I love more than anything is to read in the first part of a walkthrough that Step 1 is to just play the game and enjoy it and then concentrate on collectibles / miscellaneous trophies in another playthrough. Arguably you could say well do that anyway, well not if for one trophy I might have to repeat 20 hours. Chapter select normally remedies this.

Also I don't like it when I'm reading the missables and it's giving away part of the story to the game.

3. DLC Content that takes longer to complete than the main campaign.

Normally the reason for this is that it's repetitive and has no real relevance to the reason I got the game in the first place. Additional content that extends the life of the main story I normally really enjoy, not all the multiplayer crap, time attack modes etc etc.

4. Glitched Trophies

This should probably be number one, but if I read a guide and there are glitched trophies with no known fix then I'm steering clear of it until it's patched. I've been quite lucky with these up to now.

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Glitched trophies are the worst, obviously. Particularly when developers don't care about the consumers who bought their game enough to fix the damn things. Makes me never want to buy their games again.


Missable trophies, not as annoying if there's chapter select/NG+, but not all games have those... even though most should. There's no excuse for it anymore. Why make someone start all the way over just to find one collectable [for example]. And then you'd have to find them all again, what a pain.

Online trophies, it's not even so much that they exist, just the reality of them. That servers will, and do, get shut down and then you can never get them. If they would at least put in offline bots and have higher requirements for the same trophy against them [or the same doesn't matter to me] then it wouldn't annoy me at all. Perfect Dark Zero did this with it's achievements. But then, most games don't even have bots. So what can you expect. Or if developers truly cared about consumers, they could patch the stupid trophies after they shut down the servers to be obtainable any other way [or just give them out free].

Artificial playtime trophies. Why add a 24 hour playtime trophy when people can beat, and 100% your game in less time than that? Similarly, why force someone to play MP for xxx hours [whether directly, or indirectly through multiple prestiges] *cough*TombRaider*cough* if they are done with your game.

RNG related trophies. Needing for the stars to align for you to get a trophy, is annoying. It's not rewarding, it sure as hell isn't fun. It's even worse when you're expected to get a drop with the rate of 0.02% and the only enemy that drops it has a 2% chance of even showing up for you to fight. *cough*NinoKuni*cough*

Sometimes, with decisions developers make, you wonder if they even play their own games. Or any games for that matter.


Edited by Elvick_
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