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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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On 6/8/2022 at 0:35 AM, Yuna said:

I've been busy with my mom and doing housework like a good wife for once -_-

At least no one appears to be playing offline this round.....

Yuna said this, and then got points bombed by her opponent in the final few hours :giggle:

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12 hours ago, Lucas said:

WOW! @Sebastian and @Master_Mayhem_ once again with a whopping combined score of almost 1750 points this fixture. Just shy 100 points or so of last season's matchup between the two. Absolutely insane, well done guys! :blink::yay:

We told ourselves last season we wouldn't score that high again and look what happened :spank: We can't be trusted. Bring on the next season :opponent:

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Fixture 6 results:


Platinum League

Gold League





Silver League

Bronze League






Standings after fixture 6:



Due to changes to the counting bot, this will be added at a later time. Or you can check the league tables later today.

Edited by Psy-Tychist
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Fixture 7:


Platinum League


LucasV9991 v man_with_wdjat

GTA_Darren v ApriIis

xZoneHunter v Mesopithecus

Psy-Tychist v X18JELLO18X

Krazy_99 v ArcticCress


Gold League


Havoc273 v connman88

stupid0089 v TheScruffyton

Dzware v NuclearManager

FallacyUnknown v UGotHitByGunner

Berendsapje v  Boooda56


Silver League


Master_Mayhem_ v UltraDog177

ShogunCroCop v jermthejerm

madbuk v cjninja125

freddie1989 v Syr_Rys

fabyRomanuls v Yunakia221


Bronze League



RudeDonny v Zephyr-pt

UnwaveringSoul_ v ExsphereBrawler

RedbeardRik v YieuY

Doylus91 v Reinachii-


Official Start Time: 4 hours and 39mins from now.

Edited by Psy-Tychist
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2 hours ago, UnboundedCash99 said:

hey, i'd love to join this thing if y'all are taking in new peeps

We're pretty much always accepting new peeps! I'll put you on the waiting list. Do keep in mind that it'll be a while before the next season starts, as the current season is still ongoing and there will be a break of a few weeks after that as well.

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8 hours ago, Lucas said:

We're pretty much always accepting new peeps! I'll put you on the waiting list. Do keep in mind that it'll be a while before the next season starts, as the current season is still ongoing and there will be a break of a few weeks after that as well.


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Fixture 7 results


Platinum League

Gold League




Silver League

Bronze League






Standings after fixture 7





Once again a thrilling fixture!


@Reinachii- absolutely obliterates Doylus and takes the lead in the Bronze League! :o


High scoring match between @Sebastian and @ShogunCroCop. Seb takes the win by scoring an obscene amount of points again, taking him to a total of over 2.6k score in the season already :jaymon:. Shogun still managed to post his highest ever THL score in one fixture, though! Congrats to both for the impressive scores!


The fight for second place in the Platinum League is on now. Hope I don't still mess up somehow lol ?


In the Gold League @NuclearManager gets 6(!) plats in one fixture, but still only scores 225.8 points... interesting :hmm:


Fixture 8 will be posted soon, I promise :angel:

Edited by Lucas
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We're in the home stretch now. Still a few important matches to be played though. Good luck everyone!


Fixture 8


Platinum League


Krazy_99 v LucasV9991

man_with_wdjat v ApriIis

Psy-Tychist v ArcticCress

GTA_Darren v xZoneHunter

X18JELLO18X v Mesopithecus


Gold League


UGotHitByGunner v Berendsapje

FallacyUnknown v TheScruffyton

connman88 v Boooda56

stupid0089 v NuclearManager

Havoc273 v Dzware


Silver League


cjninja125 v Syr_Rys

freddie1989 v fabyRomanuls

madbuk v UltraDog177

jermthejerm v Yunakia221

ShogunCroCop v Master_Mayhem_


Bronze League


RedbeardRik v Reinachii-

IrishNelly v Doylus91

YieuY v Zephyr-pt

DEMONICRUBLE18 v UnwaveringSoul_

RudeDonny v ExsphereBrawler


Approximate starting time: 3 hours and 46 minutes from now

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Would have liked to put more of an effort in this season, but unfortunately work and traveling made it impossible to stay competitive. Still out of the country as of now and won't be back until the final day of the last fixture.


Still, can't promise I won't try break @Lucas winning streak ?. 


Edited by ApriIis
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48 minutes ago, ApriIis said:

Would have liked to put more of an effort in this season, but unfortunately work and traveling made it impossible to stay competitive. Still out of the country as of now and won't be back until the final day of the last fixture.


Still, can't promise I won't try break @Lucas winning streak 1f440.png


Don't even think about it.... :spank:

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