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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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16 minutes ago, steveblazinggrin said:

Well that was a good excuse to pull out 1,000+ points I guess. GGs @UnboundedCash99, insane match.


I'm starting to feel the dread of 2nd place kick in, all the strong opponents who could beat @NuclearManager are seeming drained 😅. @Lucas, please give him hell.


Anyways, excited to face @ApriIis! Not that I'm expecting a high scoring round though lol.


I'm still getting over the team event 😂 quite happy to even be sitting at 5th when I'm just chipping away at my backlog 

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4 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:

Mid Season Report time!


Be aware this is made before the latest results.


Platinum League:


After jumping back into the league from a small hiatus, @NuclearManager the man best known for stroking dogs and finding animals sits atop the Platinum Pile, a place he knows quite well. The apprentice @steveblazinggrin kneels before the leader with his only loss coming to Anorak, his grin still a blazing and still within touching distance of his maiden title. A surprising third is @Doylus91 who is staring upwards towards the top of the table but seems bewildered as to why he is here. @UnboundedCash99 and @Hitman_Spinksy1 hold the middle ground, Cash still scoring incredibly but after surprise attacks by Doylus and a savage beating by Steve, the wind has been knocked from him. The opposite can be said of Hitman, starting slow but gaining his sea-legs in the top league and holding his own. @ySlifer__ and @DEMONICRUBLE18 have had erratic starts to this season and are danger of falling towards the relegation zone. After Slifer went all out to destroy Lucas' hope he's been very quiet and DEMONIC has been chilling for the majority so far, I'm wondering he's having to wrap up warm in the Australian winter. Our dear @Lucas, how far can one man go to win and yet fall to LLLosses so painful. He still has a good score, but will have to put together some wins to have a chance of avenging his losses from this season. @Sebastian has the unenviable place of taking the only other spot in relegation as @ApriIis is currently AWOL. Even scoring the way Seb has, he is teetering on the edge of dropping into his favoured Gold zone, but he has the firepower to stay up if he wants to.


Gold League:


It's no surprise that the newcomer @Banana_Sausage47 is at the top of the pile, but unbeaten is no small feat, with the title looking like it will come down to them or the chasing @Prometheous101. The King of VR has looked dangerous back in his familiar habitat and when he and Banana meet in combat, the title of Gold Champion will be in the balance. @Arctic Cress has the third spot on lock and can still sneak in for promotion and possibly the title if the top two falter in any way, this veteran is never sleeping. @Connie had a good start but with battling their backlog being priority, their league placing has slipped to mid-table with @KillerUni12 holding their own and pushing up the table, looking for any weaknesses to make the leap into the top tier. @Zephyr-pt has been looking for victory elsewhere but is still in contention for staying in Gold for another season and floats nicely around mid-table. I have had the worst start to any season ever, but after beating Jello in a close match, I'm trying to get away from the relegation area, but this season is tough. @ShinobiMonk and @Krazy_99 share the bottom spaces with me, with Krazy only in the relegation zone based on total score. The quality of competitors shows that even veterans are not safe in the THL. @Jello unluckily is without a win this season and the former champion is looking most likely to get the chop to Silver for the first time in many seasons. Still time to claw back out of the red though.


Silver League:


@RedbeardRik has made a storming start to the season only beaten by Gaz with a well timed points burst. Sharing the spotlight is @emzynitro__ who is having a very good season so far and seems energised to get that top spot. For what Silver lacks in points it makes up for in drama. Third through til seventh are seperated by just 1pt. @Havoc273 at the head of the train having an interesting season. @gazdavis11 also having a good season but with his cruise now upon him, will he have enough points to stay in Silver? The verbose @serrated-banner9 is behind Gaz by virtue of points no from tenacity, he may pose a threat in the tail end of the season. @Wdjat Prinny Doods after his great lazy start had to do some trophy hunting and that has worked against him. Remember; lazy season is best season. @Piezilla57 after his breakout season in Bronze is finding Silver more of a challenge, or perhaps there are external reasons. In any case his draw with @GTA_Darren has been the highlight so far. Darren has had a hard time with only a recent win to lift him out of the relegation battle. If fortune doesn't smile, his battle with @madbuk will be for who gets to enjoy Bronze next season. Madbuk may have to escape his backlog to survive and @Meikoro will have to play something other than JRPG and VN's to evade the step down to Bronze. Still lots to fight for.


Bronze League:


The league that throws up the biggest matchups as new blood fights for supremacy. The newcomers fill 3 out of the top 4 places with a familiar face trying to regain hia crown. @XoX_Sunshine sits atop the throne, virtue due to his huge haul of points and nearly 1000 trophies in a month. The former Bronze Champ @Gnillisch follows closely behind, waiting for Sunshine to slip up. The last player joining this trio is @Paul_Cesar who has quietly crept into contention for the honour of Bronzeness. The new-to-be father @Fysh_Taco had a rough start but is now climbing towards the top alongside @NandK1998 and @Syr_Rys both putting in the work to challenge the top half. Rose being quiet and Syr_Rys getting the butt of the puns, they still are ahead of @TheClownsta and @ResidentDarrell. Clown is getting unlucky but still has a chance to push upwards and Darrell is still scoring erratically but a threat to anyone. The veteranest Veteran @freddie1989 is fighting it out for last place with @UltraDog177. Oskar seems to be on his own planet and unaware of what he needs to do to win. Maybe that is the strategy but the Wooden Spoon will be going to him if wins don't start coming.


With lots of records broken and still more to come, this season is going to be interesting...

Love reading your reports buddy!

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Fixture 6 results!


Golden Games: A Plague Tale: Requiem and Brotato


Platinum League

Gold League





Silver League

Bronze League





Standings after fixture 6






A more quiet round in Plat as the fight for the top spot seems to be up to Anorak and Steve this season. @ySlifer__ pulled some last-minute points from a PS4 launch game to avoid a draw against DEMONICRUBLE, while @Sebastian jumped from a relegation spot to 7th place. I now sit in the relegation spots together with ApriIis... How did this happen.... :lol:

In Gold the top 2 are both still unbeaten, but this upcoming fixture is finally going to change that. Banana has a big score advantage over Prom but none of that matters if this fixture is lost. Gonna be interesting 👀. @Connie eagerly made use of their own Golden Game submission with Brotato and posted a massive score of over 500 this fixture, leaving Krazy with yet another loss. Another high-scoring matchup in Gold saw Jello getting close to his first two points of the season, but he got denied by @KillerUni12's solid score of 416.

Silver was being Silver this fixture with once again no real nail biters this round. Still plenty of contenders for promotion to the Gold League though, so who knows what that might do to the scores in the final few fixtures.

In Bronze @Syr_Rys and @Fysh_Taco went neck-and-neck with only 1 trophy separating their final scores 😮. Fun match to watch and congrats to Syr for coming out on top in the end. Meanwhile, Sunshine, Gnillisch and Paul made sure to improve their promotion chances and all took home 2 points this fixture.


Because people have been asking so nicely... here's a very early fixture 7 reveal :popcorn:


Fixture 7


Golden Games: Sackboy: A Big Adventure (PS4 and PS5) and Tales of Arise (PS4 and PS5)


Platinum League


steveblazinggrin v ySlifer__

ApriIis v jermthejerm

DEMONICRUBLE18 v Hitman_Spinksy1

NuclearManager v UnboundedCash99

Doylus91 v LucasV9991


Gold League


Krazy_99 v Psy-Tychist

Killer_Unicorn12 v Zephyr-pt

ArcticCress v connman88

JelloDLuffy v ShinobiMonk

Banana_Sausage47 v Prometheous101


Silver League


madbuk v Meikoro

emzynitro__ v man_with_wdjat

Havoc273 v Piezilla57

gazdavis11 v GTA_Darren

RedbeardRik v serrated-banner9


Bronze League


UltraDog177 v Fysh_Taco

Syr_Rys v Gnillisch

TheClownsta v Paul_Cesar

freddie1989 v NandK1998

ResidentDarrell v XoX_Sunshine


Approximate starting time: 9 hours and 44 minutes from now

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17 minutes ago, steveblazinggrin said:

I reeeeeeeally wish I didn't get Cash before he fought Anorak. I was hoping Cash could beat him and put me back in the running, but it looks like he's drained after our match. Still though, there's a chance! LET'S GO @UnboundedCash99!!! 

The luck of the draw definitely favors @NuclearManager this season, but that doesn't mean that's it's over yet 👀

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