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#506 - Mahjong Adventure



Only really posting because I was the first to get it (on the EU stack at least). Not too difficult but if you don't manage your power-ups efficiently you could end up seriously frustrated. Getting gold medals is tight (time power-up is your best friend), money is limited and power-ups used on failed levels are lost forever.


And now back to Persona 5 Royal.


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Platinum #45 :platinum:

F1 2018




This is probably the least time consuming trophy list in the Formula One series from the PS4 and was a welcome change from the massive grinds from the years either side of it! Short(ish) and simple! 

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On 5/2/2021 at 11:11 AM, BlitzkriegHottie said:

"Yeah, darlin' gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space..."




"One Percenter"

Rarity: 33.04%

(Guess its a little bit off)


Days Gone: Villainized by journos for not being oscar bait, praised and defended by gamers to no end; the reality, however, is definitelly in between: It is by no means a bad game, but it is by no means a smooth experience neither. To critics and most gamers nowadays everything has to either be a brave and stunning "masterpiece" or the worst piece of shit in existence, there are apparently no in betweens, and that's beyond ridiculous.


The game has a lot of issues, some might be just nitpicks but others are actual problems that hurt the overall experience. This is the new Sony IP that really needed a sequel in order to iron all of it's wrinkles but in true Sony fashion, we instead get nothing (for those that don't know, the sequel has been cancelled). Not to mention the game  also has a sequel bait secret ending... 


One thing that really put me off was the main character: Deacon, in order for him to be more accessible (I assume), was turned into a diluted / nerfed version of a biker. If you're looking for a badass, dirty, foul mouthed violent biker like you'd expect Deacon would be after losing everything and during the end of the fucking world, then stop looking, you won't find one. Instead he comes off as whiny and soft. "Politically correct biker" is an actual quote from the game, lol. The way he treats O'brian through the whole thing is also something I greatly dislike.


I really enjoyed the game despite all of its issues, it's a ton of fun in the end. 


Trophy wise the platinum is very easy like most modern Sony exclusives. Nothing to worry about. The 100%, however, it's another story.


Game Rating: 7/10

Platinum Difficulty: 3/10 

Time to platinum: 50 hours


Also did the Survival and New Game+ DLCs, both are very doable, even the hardest difficulty (Survivor II) is very manageable, with only a couple roadblocks that will have you cursing. HOWEVER, time is going to be your enemy here, even by skipping all the things that can be skipped, you're still looking for almost 20 hours of extra gameplay. In the end I was exhausted so I decided to ignore the final DLC (the infamous challenges), since according to guides it will take 20-30 hours and that's a HELL NO. (Maybe much, much later)


Sadly, there's nothing to unlock in Survival / NG+ modes other than a crappy weapon that I only used to get the trophy related to it and quickly stored afterwards.


Survival and NG+ DLCs Rating: 5/10

Survival and NG+ DLCs Difficulty: 5/10 

Time to complete Survival and NG+ DLCs: 16-20 hours (skill dependant, they stack)


"Promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike" - Sarah


To be fair critics (plural) weren't hard on the game. The controversy is from IGN's review of a 6.5 out of 10. I thought along the same lines as you: good game, enjoyed my time with it but has some issues to fix. And basically the IGN reviewer said the same. She mentioned "bloated" and "messy" in her critiques but also mentioned action and exciting moments. But because she is a woman, and a gay woman, it got twisted that she hated the game due to an anti-male sentiment. 

I would have liked a sequel, but am also keen to see them perfect the style in the new IP. It's a shame Bend isn't in a position to be a 'two franchise developer' like Naughty Dog and Insomniac get to be. 

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18 hours ago, Jermster_91 said:

:platinum: #73 The Walking Dead: The Final Season



What can I say, the final season of the Walking Dead concluded everything and brought everything to a great end. With that said, it is a little different than other Telltale Games in the you need to redo some parts of a chapter to get another trophy that you might have missed if you just played it from start to finish. It is also a little more difficult with a 1.5 or 2 out of 10 with the finishing mini game being a tad challenging. Overall it was nice to finish the game and the story written by Telltale.



I completed the final season in the definitive edition and I was confused when you said you had to redo some parts. I looked at the roadmap and saw trophies tied to choices that cancel each other out. Sounds annoying. In the DE you just get chapter trophies regardless of your choices or collectibles.

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