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#496 - Ghostwire: Tokyo



Ghostwire Tokyoite
Acquire all trophies.




Plat #496 - Ghostwire Tokyo


Fun: 8/10

Difficulty: 3/10

Total time to platinum: 28hr 10min

#26 fastest Achiever


Not the biggest review for this one but I had a lot of fun with this one even though it doesn't get the best reviews. Combat and gameplay is something different which feels refreshing. Atleast it's not your typical FPS with guns but this time your waving a lot around with your hands and doing flashy moves to kill enemies.


The main story is a little bit weird especially when you're nearing the end and that killed my fun with a -1 because I didn't really care about the main character you need to save. The side missions however were a lot more interesting especially when your a fan of japanese stuff. It has pretty much everything in it. From little Kappas to big ass yokai bosses. It felt like I was back in Nioh with all these japanese terms.


Overall the collectables weren't too bad. Considering I got the game finished in 2 days and never had to use youtube is great as well.

Someone made a very nice interactive map so when I had that open on a different screen it was a breeze to blast through all the stuff you needed.


Overall a lot of fun with this one and I didn't expect to get it finished this fast.


Up next? Probably the new bugsnax DLC that I didn't see coming. 

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