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Your Top 5 Proudest Plats


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1. Max Payne 3 - guess why ;f,

2. Black Ops 2 - Going for zombies trophies alone and challenges were hard to get,

3. Medal Of Honor Warfighter - All online trophies took me 18 hours to get with only 50 + - people online which was aprox 2 full lobbies. Nightmare to join a lobby,

4. Need For Speed The Run - Gold medals were just ridiculous. Also online trophy, play multi until game will allow to try for trophy, then win 3 games in a row to get a reward and trophy - done it by pure luck.

5. Red Dead Redemption - Online servers are horrible right now, to get 3 FFA in a row wins me and my buddy went trough hell of beeing invisible (invincble also) and infinte lobby loading screens. Nightmare but easiest out of this unhonored Top 5.

Also right now I'm working on Black Ops 3 on last gen which is Multiplayer only and challenges are just pure madness. I've played for about 50 hours and only 33% of them are done.

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Super street fighter 4


Well everyone what is the fuss about this game.


Ninja gaiden sigma 2


While its quite easy now. I played this when it was a new game. When no-one knew how to beat the Ultimate missions. Lots of time spent on it.


Binary domain.


All the 4 player co-op missions. All the mass setting up online. Not easy to organize and i don´t have a 2nd ps3 :P


Motorstorm pacific rift


I did the online early and legit. Getting the max rank online was a pain. Not only was it one of the most competetive online games ive played. You even get downgraded if you didn´t finish top 3. Wipeout is much easier imo.


Raiden IV


I did it with pause method. Nuff said, this game is brutal. Anyone that done this without pause has my respect!


Notable mentions.


Dead or alive 5



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Not much for me to go on since I do in fact prefer 'EASY' games as opposed to slogging my way through a very difficult title. But, there are a couple exceptions:


1. Hotline Miami


Short game and fairly easy for some people, but getting A+ on two particular levels were TOUGH to pull off. It's very easy to lose a combo and get killed by a shotgunner who is off screen. I very nearly threw my controller in frustration but managed to get the gold trophy after hours of failed attempts.


2. Batman Arkham Asylum


The story is easy and even the Riddler trophies aren't that bad. It's the combat challenges. You lose a combo in a split second and getting just enough points to earn three stars in Shock and Awe Extreme was painful. Still I persisted and just kept evading all the enemies until I randomly Batclawed and Bataranged until I got a good enough score for the Freeflow Gold trophy, and then the platinum.


3. Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor


Fairly easy game overall but a couple of trophies held me back a bit. Getting that Level 25 Rune required a number of steps in order to successful obtain it, which meant turning the Captains against the one Commander whom I had all branded. After several hours I finally got the trophy and right after the platinum. Still thinking of doing the DLC although one of the trophies is more difficult to get than everything that was available in the base game.


4. LA Noire


1940s style noir game. Boring for a lot of people especially when this game ended up being sold back to stores such as Game Stop and Best Buy back in 2011. I found it intriguing, and hope that someone out there will make a sequel even with the lead character dead. Two trophies, Car Fanatic being one of them was just stupid and unnecessary. A lot more people would have the platinum if it wasn't for the cars and the film reels, which alone take up a few hours time to collect all of them. 


5. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood


One of my favorite first person shooter games in recent memory. The story is easy and due to a bug you can obtain the Uber trophy by just playing the last chapter on the hardest difficulty. Challenges on the other hand took a little thought. While you didn't need to get the highest rating, you still needed to utilize headshots and using throwing knives to take out Nazis. Nothing insanely difficult but the Bridge challenge and the Graveyard took a lot of attempts. The robotic dog kept me stuck for a good two - three hours before I finally knew how to kill it.

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1. Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God - Unlike the other person who posted about this one in this thread, I wasn't fond of the game.  In fact the game pissed me off to such a degree that I was determined to get the platinum just to show this silly game that it couldn't defeat me.  Grinding for Bookworm was very tedious and I didn't have issues with change scrolls, my issues was the luck needed to get all the skills and spells for Grand Magus.  Once I had those, it was just grinding to fill the book with the weapons, staffs and shields.


2. Persona 4 Golden - I'd never actually played a Persona game before, so I'm proud of this one because it has such a complex system with all the Personas and such and at the time I played it, it was rather lacking in guides that helped with getting the arcana added for P4G specifically.  I didn't use any sort of specific trophy guide, just guides to help with fusing all the personas and maxing the social links.


3. Tales of Hearts R - This one actually requires some skills, but is probably one of the easiest Tales of games to plat.  Still, it was a lot of fun and also my 10th platinum.


4. Ys: Memories of Celceta - Got this one when it came out and it's my main reason why I bought a Vita to begin with.  It's also my first platinum and I did it mostly without any sort of guides


5. Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars - Another one I got upon release and platinumed without a guide.

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In no particular order...


1: Ghostbusters: The Video Game - 1S897f22.png  an amazingly fun campaign that truly felt like the third GB film.  A truly fun multiplayer that was always great fun to play with friends.  Plat is now unobtainable due to closed servers.


2: Resistance 2 - 1Scbca6b.png  A decent campaign mode, an okay competitive multiplayer, and a fantastic co-op multiplayer. Slogging through 10,000 ranked kills was a nightmare though, even boosting with friends.  Proud to get the plat though.


3: Twisted Metal - 1Sc93fc2.pngActually had a lot of fun with this game, though I had to do the 4 infamously glitched MP trophies 3 times each before they finally popped.  I've rarely been so glad to be finished with a game!


4: Grand Theft Auto IV - 1S396191.pngHad to do the 100% run TWICE, and spent far too many hours grinding online, but I'm nevertheless proud of this one, and rightly so.


5: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - 1S12e3ff.png Clocked up around 125 hours on this one; kept playing even after platinum.  Still load it up once in a while to go after weapons etc that I don't have yet.

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  1. Catherine - Those babel stages were insane. It almost made me go insane too after hearing the game say "Edge!" every two seconds for hours on end. I'm particularly proud of this one because I don't even think I'm very good at puzzle games. I persevered though because I love the game too damn much.

Vanquish - All of the challenges were difficult, but challenge 6 was something else. I remember being glued to my seat for hours repeating it over and over, and when I finally finished it, I was shaking. No game has given me the same feeling since.

Binary Domain - Now this was a battle of endurance. This game pretty much consumed my weekends for five months as me and a group of friends grinded out the MP trophies. It also has a horde mode that definitely wasn't what you'd call easy.

The Evil Within - Two words: AKUMU mode. It's a mode where one hit from anything (yes, anything) will kill you. Every enemy is a threat, and you have to plan out every single encounter or you won't last long at all. There are some particularly nasty parts that still gives me nightmares to this day...

XCOM: Enemy Unknown - This game doesn't mess around. On the higher difficulties, one wrong move, and that soldier you've spent half of the game training and making into a badass is dead. If you're playing on Ironman mode, you can't even reload and pretend it didn't happen. You have to live with the consequences. It's brutal.

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1. Binary Domain - Loved the single player but the MP was a huge time sink, especially since you can only get natural matches in TDM. Every other mode had to be boosted. And don't get me started on Invasions . . .

2. Naughty Bear - Liked the premise but the execution wasn't good. And the online was so glitchy. . .

3. Medal of Honor: Warfighter - Fun single player but glitchy as hell MP. One of the things I enjoyed most though was no private matches, so it is hard to boost. Sometimes boosting is a necessary evil (see Binary Domain) but I absolutely hate doing it.

4. Batman: Arkham City - I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be able to platinum this game, much less 100% it. Did it this year and am still high on completing it.

5. Batman: Arkham Origins - Technically I don't have this yet. However, thats because I have held of my "prestige" trophy for trophy 8,999, making the platinum number 9,000. Talk about jacked up MP. Frequent disconnects and freezes make this game nigh unplayable. Not to mention some trophys, like "Clutch" and "Predator Paragon" require full sessions. What that means is if someone DCs or freezes either before the match or during, you can be screwed out of eligibility for these. I was able to get Clutch naturally, Predator Paragon I had to boost

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Gran Turismo 5:


Getting all the golds in every race was harrrrrd especially when there's races that last a full 24 hrs. I did the X1 challenges legit with a wheel too, if that wasn't bad enough I had to leave my PS3 on for days at a time to grind up A & B-spec points. i'm proud of this plat GT6 was a better game ofc, but a huge step down in terms of difficulty.


Wipeout HD:


Beat zico,win every race in elite mode,zone Zeus. Possibly some of the hardest challenges I have ever encountered in a game, loved every moment of it though, i played and loved every Wipeout since the PS1, so I kinda knew what to expect from this one. Hope the series makes a comeback someday 




This one was a pain in the ass I kept missing treasure chests and ended up beating the game seven time before I eventually found them all and the collectibles were all luck based. Overall though despite what the reviews said I enjoyed this game


IA/VT colorful:


I love music games this wasn't really that difficult other than the step play mode on hard difficulty. I almost gave up on this one, but I came back to it a few months later and didn't have all that much trouble with it in the end 


Uncharted 4:


Saved this one for My 100th plat and my fave PS4 game. Total masterpiece 


Honorable mentions:


Ridge Racer vita
Dirt Rally
Life is strange 

project Diva f 

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  • 1 year later...

List your top 5 most satisfying platiniums earned, mine would be the following games:

1. Destiny: Flawless raider is one of the hardest trophies I've earned, I am REALLY proud of having this plat.

2. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End: What can I say... this platinum is just special to me, this is probably my all time favorite game.

3. Resident Evil VII: Biohazard: Completing the game on madhouse for the first time was as challenging as it gets, especially that Marguerite boss fight.

4. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: It was a grind to say the least, was tempted to use cheats, but couldn't since it deactivated the trophies. 

5. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves: Objectively Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is harder, but Among Thieves is one of my favorite games of all time, and a platinum I am proud of having on my collection. 




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1) Bioshock 1

2) Assassins Creed 2 (to this day my Fav assassins creed game)

3) Dragon Age Origins (Seriously set foot in every room?!?)

4) Dragon Age 2 (Those stupid collectibles) 

5) Borderlands 2 (loved it so much 100%ed it 5 times on Xbox360 xbone, ps3 ps4 and PC)

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32 minutes ago, mackenzie129 said:

1) Bioshock 1

2) Assassins Creed 2 (to this day my Fav assassins creed game)

3) Dragon Age Origins (Seriously set foot in every room?!?)

4) Dragon Age 2 (Those stupid collectibles) 

5) Borderlands 2 (loved it so much 100%ed it 5 times on Xbox360 xbone, ps3 ps4 and PC)


Haven't played any of the Bioshock games, I have to change that soon! Was looking at the PSN store, and the Bioshock collection was for sale for less than $20. Wouldn't buy them for the platiniums, but for the experience TBH. Will definitely buy the Bioshock the next time they're on sale!

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