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What is your biggest gaming disappointment of 2017 so far?


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We are half way through 2017. Like always a lot of games have been released in the last 6 months and like always with those releases there have been some major disappointments.

So before we move on into the second half of the 2017 gaming year, what one thing/event/game in the gaming sphere disappointed you most in the last 6 months?


For me it have to be Mass Effect: Andromeda. Everything about how the game was handled is just sad. From how the game launched to all the behind the scenes stuff we are hearing about now.

As someone who loved Mass Effect 2 and 3 to death it just disappointing to see what's happening to that series. Even if patches can make the game better (and I hear they have) it will not change the feeling of disappointment Mass Effect: Andromeda has given me.

Edited by soultaker655
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For me, it's definitely Digimon World: Next Order. I'm not saying its a bad game, but i dont like it, and I picked it up expecting it to be more like either Digimon World 3 or Digimon Story Cyber Sleigh. It is definitely not like either of those. It's a weird open world raising simulator where your digimon die every so often, and it's really frustrating finally getting a digimon I wanted, just for it to die. Especially since I then has to sit in the gym and retrain it up to the point where it's not completely useless. Otherwise, I would try to keep going in the story, and just die immediately. It was just overall an aggressively unfun experience for me. 

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The only games I've played that came out this year are Yakuza 0 and Persona 5, so I think it's safe to say neither of those disappointed me. In many ways they even exceeded my expectations. I don't think @Lucas can say the same about P5 though. I heard he hates it. ?


I would say Andromeda was a disappointment, but honestly, I wasn't even looking forward to that one. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be very good way before it even released. Bioware aren't what they used to be.


Since you've included events, I guess I'll go ahead and say the E3 conferences were disappointing for me. That's not to say they were all bad, because they certainly weren't (well, not all of them anyway), but I was expecting more considering how great some of them were at the last few E3's. There weren't as many announcements as I would have liked.

Edited by Undead Wolf
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I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but Breath of the Wild was a bit of a dumpster fire imo. I'm a huge fan of the Zelda series because I love the process of exploring complex puzzle-filled dungeons, acquiring new items to help navigate the areas and find secrets in new ways, and fighting the series' unique style of puzzle-boss, all of which are things that no other game has really done well in my experience. Then BotW comes out and completely scraps all of those things that make the series unique, instead opting for the "open-world 3rd-person action/adventure with RPG elements" approach that's been done to death a thousand times. There are still dungeon analogues in the Divine Beasts, but there are only four of them in the game, they're each about 15 minutes long, and the bosses consist of 'hit the thing until it goes poof and leaves'. There are still item analogues, but there are again only four of them and they're all given to you within 20 minutes of starting (before you're even allowed to leave the tutorial area). 


The worst part is that it's not even a bad game-- it's just not a Zelda game, and if this marks a new direction for the series then Nintendo might as well have just canned the series entirely. If the box said "Breath of the Wild" instead of "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" then I'd be all for it, but as it is now I'm salty because it's such an enormous departure from what made the games iconic to begin with.

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45 minutes ago, Xylobe said:

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but Breath of the Wild was a bit of a dumpster fire imo. I'm a huge fan of the Zelda series because I love the process of exploring complex puzzle-filled dungeons, acquiring new items to help navigate the areas and find secrets in new ways, and fighting the series' unique style of puzzle-boss, all of which are things that no other game has really done well in my experience. Then BotW comes out and completely scraps all of those things that make the series unique, instead opting for the "open-world 3rd-person action/adventure with RPG elements" approach that's been done to death a thousand times. There are still dungeon analogues in the Divine Beasts, but there are only four of them in the game, they're each about 15 minutes long, and the bosses consist of 'hit the thing until it goes poof and leaves'. There are still item analogues, but there are again only four of them and they're all given to you within 20 minutes of starting (before you're even allowed to leave the tutorial area). 


The worst part is that it's not even a bad game-- it's just not a Zelda game, and if this marks a new direction for the series then Nintendo might as well have just canned the series entirely. If the box said "Breath of the Wild" instead of "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" then I'd be all for it, but as it is now I'm salty because it's such an enormous departure from what made the games iconic to begin with.


Same here The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is so far my dissappointed game of the year 

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Recent memory... probably Battlefront. I know it's on me for feeling the hype, but that happens when you wait ten years for a sequel and constantly hear rumblings and see leaked shit that looks amazing. What's not on me, is releasing half a game at best, at full price, with a season pass that is also nearly full price (I think it was 75 or so when it dropped here) that only adds some maps and not the rest of the game that should have been there. PSP Elite Squadron is I guess the closest I'll get to Battlefront 3 then, it could definitely be worse, sad though that a PSP game from years ago manages to pack more content and gameplay into itself than a full priced game with full priced DLC on a console 2 generations newer.

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Can't think of anything major that was a disappointment.

But Snake Pass was fairly disappointing. I'm not big on the cheapness of it, and the physics are unpredictable. I wish it was more chill, because how they designed it really doesn't work for me. And a better use of the cute characters to build a story/world would've been nice.

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16 minutes ago, Crzy Minus said:

Half-Life 3 not being announced (again).

Or Left 4 Dead 3.... Or Portal 3....


Haven't played many new release games but I can agree with Mass Effect: Andromeda being my biggest disappointment. I knew it wouldn't match the original trilogy but jeez. I tried to at least finish the campaign but it's quite boring to me.

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Mine wasn't even a game being good or bad.


It was when StudioMDHR announced that Cuphead wasn't coming to PlayStation. After years upon years of watching gameplay for it and being allowed to believe it was only going to be a timed exclusive, that news was definitely a bummer.


Oh and the news that Playstation wasn't joining in on the Minecraft unification... Bastards lol.

Edited by KingGuy420
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So far Yakuza 0 was somewhat of a disappointment. I was n the fence whether I should buy it, but since the series narrative is highly praised, and I like a good story, I thought it could prove as a good start to get into the series. I am not really into the story, though, so I benched it. Maybe I'll get into it later.

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Well it was definitely not Andromeda for me because I really like that game.


Tekken 7 would have to be it. Mean it's alright and much better than shitty 6. Story mode was boring and not being able to chose who to play as sucked. I get it's the end of the Mishima story but still.

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For me its Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 that dissapointed the most. Glitchy and buggy game that froze crashed alot, you even fell through the world on everal occasions and even glitchy and unobtainable trophies. 5 minute loading times and booring story. They should have stayed away from open world game and done a more linear storylike in SGW 1 & 2.That would have been better and most likely alot shorter load times. 

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Not a major disappointment, but I bought Farpoint hoping for co-op campaign. Found out the co-op is a separate (not very fun) mode. It still looks cool, but I haven't gotten back to it yet after expecting to be able to play with my brother.


EDIT: And yes, I realize that's 100% my own damn fault. ?

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Nier:Automata. The demo hyped me as hell and when I played the game, I was like "meeeeeeeeeeeeeeh".
I'll try to finish it one day, but... I'm so not ready.
The thing that disappoints me most in the end though is finding myself hating the game whereas everyone likes it. I really want to like it but I don't know, I just... don't like it. (but thumps up for the OST that is probably one of the best I've ever listened to).

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For 2017? Sheesh, that's tough. It's really be a fantastic year so far. If I had to choose, I'd go with Ghost Recon Wildlands. I guess I wasn't exactly expecting game of the year, but I found Wildlands to be especially drab.

So sad to see all the Andromeda hate though. I believe, from the bottom of my heart, if the folks that disliked the game had played and formed an opinion in a vacuum, away from all of the negative press, the user response would have been much more favorable. It really was a fine game. I can't find any reason that it is in any way a lower quality game than 2 and 3. It has an equally expansive universe to explore, a myriad of interesting characters, and plenty of side missions to fill out the story. I truly believe bad press and some initially funky animations blinded people to the rest of the game.

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