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Life Is Strange: True Colors - September 10th

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I feel like such the odd man out here...everyone seems to hate the second game whereas I far and wide preferred it to how bored I was with the first game. LiS2 started off slow, but felt more like a suspenseful Netflix show when all was said and done (at least it did with the choices and ending I got)...had far more fun playing that. Just couldn't relate to Max and her hipster personality in the first game (I related more to Chloe). Even preferred Before the Storm to the first game. 


After how LiS2 ended for me...I'm hoping all these characters share a Universe and eventually come together to fight....something...in a Pseudo Superhero/Anti-Hero like game. 

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12 hours ago, Stan Lee said:

So many bad takes in one thread, this is near The Last of Us Part II levels of discourse.



Yikes. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but I actually wasn't aware this series was also on the hate list of goober gate burnouts with a persecution complex.


Game looks okay. I wasn't that enthralled by the original, so I never got around to playing the second installment—been waiting to see if it hits PS Plus first. Another one for the endless "maybe I'll play it someday" backlog, I guess.

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7 hours ago, wackt1 said:

Bro, gave you not played any of the metal gear solid games? or Far Cry 4 and 5? or Red dead redemption 2? or like half the call of duty games? or Wolfenstein? or literally any military shooter? or fallout new vegas, ? or XCOM 2, or Dragon age inquisition? or any just cause game? or the witcher trilogy? I could go on and on. but like 

the excuse "I DoN't LiKe PoLiTiCs In My GaMeS" is just code for "I dont like games that I dont agree with."


Your answer shows us all that you haven't read my text at all but just want to troll and quickly get likes. Otherwise you would notice that your answer has nothing to do with my post because I wrote current politics. And I won't argue with trolls.


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3 minutes ago, Sikutai said:


Your answer shows us all that you haven't read my text at all but just want to troll and quickly get likes. Otherwise you would notice that your answer has nothing to do with my post because I wrote current politics. And I won't argue with trolls.



No you didn't. 

You wrote "actual politics" not "current politics".

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Super (or should I say hella) excited for this!! Apperently the supporting character Steph also appeared in LiS: Before the Storm, I just don't remember her at all. I'm interested at how the games are connected when there is a reocurring character. 


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2 hours ago, Kesme63 said:

Super (or should I say hella) excited for this!! Apperently the supporting character Steph also appeared in LiS: Before the Storm, I just don't remember her at all. I'm interested at how the games are connected when there is a reocurring character. 


I think she was the D&D playing girl in BtS - either way, it look like she’ll be getting into hella more trouble this time than tabletop gaming

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On 3/13/2021 at 5:08 PM, SelectiveGamer said:

You mean I get essentially another easy Platinum? WORKS FOR ME 1f61d.png




I'm joking of course. I've been playing ever since someone online recommended it to me and I won't stop now. I've yet to play Life is Strange 2, which this thread is practically full of complaints about but I'll probably end up liking it lol

I like 2 more than 1 (although before the storm is still the best).


I did choose the isolation route though so that probably made it better. I liked the bond between the two brothers but the friend back home was annoying.


It was good though

22 hours ago, breakingthegreen said:

Kinda disappointed that it's no longer episodic, but otherwise, I'm Hella hyped. 

Not me, just release the whole game so i can play it and not have to wait a year to finish it ? i might even buy it at launch now because of that

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On 3/13/2021 at 7:23 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

I wonder if that might actually be true of all of them - Personally I enjoyed all 3 games to varying degrees, but Before the Storm was without a doubt my favourite and the one I felt the most emotionally invested in, and I wonder how much it being a tighter, 3- part story had to do with that :hmm:


I'm completely in the same boat as you. I actually went into Before the Storm with the lowest expectations because I assumed it was a bit of a cash-grab on the back of the original's massive success, but it was anything but and it's now my favourite of all 3 games in the series. I would say the 3 part story had a lot to do with its razor sharp pacing, but I also feel like the dialogue is the best in the series on top of it being the most emotionally charged. 

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20 hours ago, Sikutai said:


Your answer shows us all that you haven't read my text at all but just want to troll and quickly get likes. Otherwise you would notice that your answer has nothing to do with my post because I wrote current politics. And I won't argue with trolls.


maxresdefault.jpglmao good i dont argue with someone lacking reading comprehension

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I think there is some incorrect framing going on here by some users. 


Life is Strange 1 was openly... lets say progressive. The politics it supports if you had to frame its position is obvious. If people were hating just due to its political bent then they'd have maligned 1 just as bad. 2 is like a sledgehammer which you could instantly call all the beats to and felt like the devs were jacking off and wanting to cram in as many things as they could. The moment talk of crossing into Mexico you knew that the WALL was going to make an appearance which one of our heroes tears apart of course. Also, get the joke? Americans always talk of people crossing from Mexico into America, but here we have people fleeing America into Mexico, aren't we so subversive. They also bizarrely took a hot "Black issue" in regards to the police and applied it to a White passing Latino. You could even go further and say the broken home thing is another one, though to be "subversive" again, the White mother is the parent that abandons the children.


I've enjoyed progressive/inclusive/whatever games and I'm sure some others who dislike 2 have too. The main issue with 2 above everything else is that it simply a boring game. 1 and its prequel I could finish episodes start to finish with no issue. 2 I just wanted them over with and honestly, started putting me to sleep with the fatigue only building as each episode went by.


Anyway. This is the people behind Before the Storm and what they've put out for 3 looks promising. I can trust that this one will be good, though I fear the sheer damage that 2 did to the brand may be too much to overcome... 

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Not interested. 

Life is Strange 2 looked like garbage from the get go. Too melodramatic with virtually no real point, and whiny children.


Life is Strange was the socially awkward, trying to fit in child in a strange world the developers made up. Max was supposed to be a Senior in high school, but she is generally typical of what I see out of Gen Z kids. Highly emotional, easily triggered, immature mentally, obsessed with validation and how their peers view them as. Chloe was the tough girl, take no shit, don’t give a fuck tomboy who Max looks up to as an older figure. Despite this, there was a lot I liked about the game, but outside of the prequel I have no further interest in the Life is Strange franchise. 

It’s very difficult to make a television show, movie or video game based entirely on a kid or teen cast and have that writing be superb. I’ve watched various mediums that focus on teens dating back to the 1990s and there are usually a number of faults that prevent the writing and direction from being solid. Hollywood in the 1980s was obsessed with kids and teens starring in their own movies. Corey Feldman, Corey Haim and River Phoenix were popular 1980s teens who all starred in solid, well written movies based on the struggles and hurdles teens and young people must face before making a living as adults. 

Stuff like Life is Strange is always going to have mixed feelings, but that’s the same with movies. All the games have a political agenda, which I don’t see as entirely a bad thing because that’s what these story driven games are based upon. 

Another man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Edited by AJ_Radio
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8 minutes ago, MaxieM0us3 said:

Let’s be clear to that beautiful discourse in the thread: Every piece of media has politics in it, one degree or another. You can’t escape from the stories, character developments and relationships, morals and ideologies, as examples, that are parallel to our reality. You just can’t. Without politics, you have an inoffensive piece of work that doesn’t even try to challenge your morals, your ideas, etc.




In fact, I'd go further, and suggest that even if you did somehow manage to walk that tightrope, and deliberately skirt every issue, soften every edge, sand down every point and water down your game until it is nothing but an apolitical, morally, ethically, politically and culturally bland porridge with no point of view, no agency and nothing to say - in the current political climate, that would be arguably the most 'politically offensive' and politically aggressive stance you could take.

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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12 hours ago, MaxieM0us3 said:

Let’s be clear to that beautiful discourse in the thread: Every piece of media has politics in it, one degree or another. You can’t escape from the stories, character developments and relationships, morals and ideologies, as examples, that are parallel to our reality. You just can’t. Without politics, you have an inoffensive piece of work that doesn’t even try to challenge your morals, your ideas, etc.


12 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:




In fact, I'd go further, and suggest that even if you did somehow manage to walk that tightrope, and deliberately skirt every issue, soften every edge, sand down every point and water down your game until it is nothing but an apolitical, morally, ethically, politically and culturally bland porridge with no point of view, no agency and nothing to say - in the current political climate, that would be arguably the most 'politically offensive' and politically aggressive stance you could take.


If you want to be arty/pretentious about it sure. Tetris you see represents the social truth that no matter how well you try to fit into society, you always will never quite fit in the end. Even if for a time you can manage to fit in, eventually due to the progress of time you will fail to do so... or it is simply a game where you connect some blocks. Not everything has some grand meaning behind it. I mean... look at the games where you are trying to save a kingdom from some foreign empire. What is the message there? An anti-foreigner message? Or someone just using basing their game's plot off a basic premise? 


Additionally, @wackt1's comment of "I DoN't LiKe PoLiTiCs In My GaMeS" is just code for "I dont like games that I dont agree with." has some truth to it yes for a whole lot of people. However, let us not pretend it ain't the same for the "other side". X is pushing a "misogynist" message and should be cancelled/banned. X is anti-Trans. So forth. Are people ready to accept those without causing a fuss? I doubt it.


11 hours ago, Darling Baphomet said:

The first Life is Strange was very much a political game. I suppose people just ignored that and went with, "ooh, pretty lesbians, hehe!" To argue that the franchise has been "SJW-ed" or whatever ignores that the franchise from the start has been "SJW-ed". It's like people who complain about Star Trek Discovery ruining the franchise due to its inclusion, despite the fact that Star Trek has always been dedicated to expanding social boundaries, in ways highly offensive at the time.


Agreeing with my statement on 1 yes. Here is the thing. I'll ask you and the likes of @wackt1, @MaxieM0us3, @DrBloodmoney, and any others that want to pipe up. Is 2 actually a good game? This political stuff being pushed, is it in any way done competently? And if they ain't, then perhaps is it understand if some people scoff at 2 for pushing it?

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4 minutes ago, Rozalia1 said:

Additionally, @wackt1's comment of "I DoN't LiKe PoLiTiCs In My GaMeS" is just code for "I dont like games that I dont agree with." has some truth to it yes for a whole lot of people. However, let us not pretend it ain't the same for the "other side". X is pushing a "misogynist" message and should be cancelled/banned. X is anti-Trans. So forth. Are people ready to accept those without causing a fuss? I doubt it.


Okay, and? I'm not aware of any leftist or progressive folks here saying that they don't like politics in games. You're arguing against things that nobody has said. Unlike those arguing that they don't like politics in games - or more accurately, only like politics that they view as normal, and thus not political - we specifically don't like politics that promote harmful and regressive worldviews. Any perceived hypocrisy there is pure projection, as we're being quite clear and honest.

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12 hours ago, MaxieM0us3 said:

Let’s be clear to that beautiful discourse in the thread: Every piece of media has politics in it, one degree or another. You can’t escape from the stories, character developments and relationships, morals and ideologies, as examples, that are parallel to our reality. You just can’t. Without politics, you have an inoffensive piece of work that doesn’t even try to challenge your morals, your ideas, etc.

Yes, you said it perfectly. ???


12 hours ago, Darling Baphomet said:

The first Life is Strange was very much a political game. I suppose people just ignored that and went with, "ooh, pretty lesbians, hehe!" To argue that the franchise has been "SJW-ed" or whatever ignores that the franchise from the start has been "SJW-ed".

I honestly didn’t get that feeling at all with the first game. I just thought about high school life and using superpowers, I knew there was an option to be more than friends but I wasn’t taking that route.

Before The Storm though, I feel like it was really pushing for a relationship and to me it didn’t feel right. In my eyes they are just best friends who have complete opposite personalities which can work. Didn’t want them to be together at all “just for the sake of it”, being best friends is cool too.


And by pushing for a relationship, I have an example: in Beyond Two Souls the game kinda tries to hint “you should” be in a relationship with Ryan and/or Jay. Makes me cringe every time they put the “kiss” option like damn why, there is no chemistry!

Edited by LoveInHell
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24 minutes ago, Darling Baphomet said:

Okay, and? I'm not aware of any leftist or progressive folks here saying that they don't like politics in games. You're arguing against things that nobody has said. Unlike those arguing that they don't like politics in games - or more accurately, only like politics that they view as normal, and thus not political - we specifically don't like politics that promote harmful and regressive worldviews. Any perceived hypocrisy there is pure projection, as we're being quite clear and honest.


The structure of my post is remarking that it very obvious what views the opposing side hold. You then justify my post by doing exactly what I said.  


"You're arguing against things that nobody has said. Unlike those arguing that they don't like politics in games - or more accurately, only like politics that they view as normal, and thus not political - we specifically don't like politics that promote harmful and regressive worldviews."


I mean look at the above you put down. You don't think that the people you oppose don't define your view as promoting harmful and regressive worldviews? How come it's all good if you do it but not if they do it? 


Also, no answer given on my Life is Strange 2 questions?


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15 hours ago, AJ_Radio said:

Not interested. 

Life is Strange 2 looked like garbage from the get go. Too melodramatic with virtually no real point, and whiny children.


Life is Strange was the socially awkward, trying to fit in child in a strange world the developers made up. Max was supposed to be a Senior in high school, but she is generally typical of what I see out of Gen Z kids. Highly emotional, easily triggered, immature mentally, obsessed with validation and how their peers view them as. Chloe was the tough girl, take no shit, don’t give a fuck tomboy who Max looks up to as an older figure. Despite this, there was a lot I liked about the game, but outside of the prequel I have no further interest in the Life is Strange franchise. 

It’s very difficult to make a television show, movie or video game based entirely on a kid or teen cast and have that writing be superb. I’ve watched various mediums that focus on teens dating back to the 1990s and there are usually a number of faults that prevent the writing and direction from being solid. Hollywood in the 1980s was obsessed with kids and teens starring in their own movies. Corey Feldman, Corey Haim and River Phoenix were popular 1980s teens who all starred in solid, well written movies based on the struggles and hurdles teens and young people must face before making a living as adults. 

Stuff like Life is Strange is always going to have mixed feelings, but that’s the same with movies. All the games have a political agenda, which I don’t see as entirely a bad thing because that’s what these story driven games are based upon. 

Another man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Interesting, I remember before Before the storm was released LIS detractors always pointed not just poor writing but unbelievable characters. Suddenly out of nowhere all teenagers were brilliant beings, with no need of validation, not immature, etc, etc. Maybe they're just used that in current movies most of teenagers are hyper smart, lack confidence just for an split second and later they have that much wisdom to even advice elderly. Their only issue is crazy hormones, otherwise they would be gods.

I'm very curious about how politics will be handled in the new one. :popcorn:

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