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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Wow, I missed a lot.


I am trying to set myself on a path to be more active in the next season. I really thought working from home would give me easier access to playing games when I wanted, but it turns out that hasn't been the case. And summer is the busiest time of year for us, because with what we do focusing around the school year, we tend to get a lot more done in the summer when nobody is hitting the site. 


So I would like to stay in for next season, if I am allowed. I have a slew of new games to wreck my completion % and for me to try and plat. I can't make any promises, but I'll try harder. Still, I am surprised I got one win, and also surprised that I was not last in Bronze League.


Congrats to the CWC members,  both who were eliminated and who remain.

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56 minutes ago, Kent said:

Thank you! :D I couldn't have done it without @jem and @Mesopithecus. I can't take credit for that plan because 80% of it was all their idea and I was receiving moral support from them hourly. I just played the games and barely got any sleep. xD 

Thanks for the shout out, but I did absolutely nothing besides check in every few hours. This victory was yours, so congrats. That was a mighty impressive win!

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1 hour ago, Kent said:

Thank you! :D I couldn't have done it without @jem and @Mesopithecus. I can't take credit for that plan because 80% of it was all their idea and I was receiving moral support from them hourly. I just played the games and barely got any sleep. xD 



As Jem said already, the victory was all yours, I was just cheering you on and giving you some motivational nudges now and then.


You did an awesome job and you should be proud of your performance :D  



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For me, I think the novelty of it has worn off. Back when this first started in 2014, it was really the only trophy hunting competition going at the time. There may have been others, but there weren't many, and this revolutionized the competitions section on this site.


As the site grew, many other competitions started, and they have evolved in some way over time. Whether it is a yearly backlog challenge with different monthly themes, or theme based tourneys (like Halloween or Christmas based competitions), there were fresh new comps everywhere one looked. Not to dog this comp at all, since it is the OG of them all, and my personal favorite, but beyond some points scoring changes, and how wins were decided, there really wasn't much evolution to this comp.


Maybe a rebranding would revive the interest. Keep it as the Trophy Hunters League, but evolve into something fresh.


Also, life changes a lot in 4 years. When I first joined this league in 2014, I was living alone with lots of time on my hands. Since that time, I moved in with my girlfriend, married her, have switched jobs numerous times, bought a house, etc. Life has just changed so much that for me, the kind of time I could put into this tourney 4 years ago just isn't there, and without the comp evolving, its easy to get left behind. I'm sure life has changed so much for so many others too, that they can't participate at the same rate they used to.


I think the decision to end it for now is a good one. But hopefully when it comes back, it will be fresh and new, and rise from the ashes like the phoenix. And if it comes back, I will be first in line to join.


Goodbye, OG. 

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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Thanks @Wdjat Prinny Doods @HcG Clawz and @Lucas for some of the best trophy hunting memories. And yes, to everyone who was in the league, too. That would just be a lot of tagging lol. Lots of great memories here and I'm sad to see it go, but I'm just as guilty in the lose of interest. Like @ShogunCroCop mentioned, life has changed a lot in the last 4yrs for me too. My girlfriend and I moved in with each other as well. Also, we actually moved to a different state together to pursue careers and possibly go back to school. With all that being said, I really love the Trophy Hunter's league, as it kept me very interested in trophy hunting over the years. Here's to many more years trophy hunting. ✊

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I was right there at the start when my bday buddy @Precision-Playyy started this whole thing. Over the course of the 22 seasons I have been a part of (skipped one due to a very busy schedule) I have had a major blast and, at times, it pushed me towards more efficient trophy hunting but, for the most part, I was in for the banter, the scoring fun and just being part of something cool. I never took competition as seriously as others but I cherish every single season we've had (I was on this thread during my off season too lol)


On S23, I have barely scored and both Nintendo and Prime Day are to blame. My family got me, all at once, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Octopath Traveler and I am not even close to done with them, so the summer of Switch is going to transition into a Fall of Switch. In other words, my S24 performance would have been disastrous :lol: 


I will keep an eye on future events like this because they're lots of fun! Happy trophy hunting everybody and see you around the forums! ^_^ 

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  • 1 year later...

Would there be interest in this being brought back?


I wold definitely be able to run it, as I now have a ton of time on my hands. Life has settled down for me finally.


There are definitely some ideas I have about maybe how to infuse some freshness into this, but before I share my ideas, I first want to see what the interest level would be, and I want to hear from those interested, what ideas they may have to maybe make this a phenomenal reboot. Since reboots are all the rage with movies right now, I am willing to bet there will be interest.


For now, with it being November 1, and with the holidays coming, this reboot will not happen until January, if enough interest is expressed in rebooting this.

Let me know if you're interested, and whether you like the current format, or want to change it, and what changes you think would help make it better.

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21 minutes ago, ShogunCroCop said:

Would there be interest in this being brought back?


I wold definitely be able to run it, as I now have a ton of time on my hands. Life has settled down for me finally.


There are definitely some ideas I have about maybe how to infuse some freshness into this, but before I share my ideas, I first want to see what the interest level would be, and I want to hear from those interested, what ideas they may have to maybe make this a phenomenal reboot. Since reboots are all the rage with movies right now, I am willing to bet there will be interest.


For now, with it being November 1, and with the holidays coming, this reboot will not happen until January, if enough interest is expressed in rebooting this.

Let me know if you're interested, and whether you like the current format, or want to change it, and what changes you think would help make it better.


Awesome to see this thread even pop up on the site now as I used to enjoy this. I would be up for taking part in it if enough were keen. I highly doubt I could keep up with the big guns these days (not that I could lol) but I will have a crack.


Always thought the format was really good, I guess the only thing would be the amount of super easy, super quick plats available these days. I think there would have to be a good set of rules in place.

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9 hours ago, freddie1989 said:


Awesome to see this thread even pop up on the site now as I used to enjoy this. I would be up for taking part in it if enough were keen. I highly doubt I could keep up with the big guns these days (not that I could lol) but I will have a crack.


Always thought the format was really good, I guess the only thing would be the amount of super easy, super quick plats available these days. I think there would have to be a good set of rules in place.


I have some ideas on how to address the super quick. super easy plats. I want to see what feedback comes over the next month or so, but my idea won't curb the use of super quick plats totally, but it will incentivize not getting them as often as possible.

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Wow i've completely forgotten about this thread that I thought i was discontinued a few years ago.


Seeing as I have seen a lot of Inkmasters (TV show), I was thinking of maybe incorporating a challenge during each round along with the other stuff that is featured in the League. Then, at the end of each period, have outside help on voting which person deserves to win said period.

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