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19 hours ago, StacFace92 said:


I can agree that if a game clearly sells itself as difficult (Soulsborne, Super Meat Boy etc) then fair enough if it doesn't have an easy mode. And I do get wanting a challenge (I'm currently slowly working my way through Street Fighter IV's trials between other games). I just don't think people should be locked out of a game's ending just because they're not as skilled as others.


I think my issue with 'git gud' etc is more the attitude than anything else, and that it doesn't stay with the Soulsborne games. I've seen it posted in threads asking for help on a wide range of games and it's just not helpful, it just makes the person saying it look like a dick imo.


With the latter I couldn't agree more. You shouldn't lock your players behind a difficulty-wall and have them play 90% of the game only for the last 10% to be so insane it's almost impossible (aka Soulsborne games but Super Meat boy and Hollow Knight are good examples).



My "wait, what" comment was mainly just asking for clarifications for the statement, which makes sense after reading your follow-up comment. I have not encountered anyone feeling superior for owning a PS5, that's why I was confused. I still don't know when my PS5 is coming even though I ordered it as soon as it was possible for me. The quantities are even lower in my country, so I most likely have to wait until next year. It's killing me, because I'm so hyped for Demon's Souls. 


No problem. Didn't take it offensive or anything but I've had my fair share of 'bragging' people so I'm done for atm. :P

And I get you. Demon Souls looks stunning. I'm personally going to wait a year or 2 for both the ps5 and the games to drop in price. Demon Souls ain't going anywhere (and I yet have to complete the rest of the Soulsborne games).

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From: maybe Popular (1) ---> very unpopular (10)


(1.) GTA: San Andreas is better than GTA: Vice City. Vice City is trash compared to San Andreas. You just like the songs from the 80s not the game.

(2.) Everyone complaining about my opinions (facts) or my english is a noob. Just some fun :) (but still true)

(3.) Dragon Quest is better than Final Fantasy. 

(4.) Turn based RPGs are better than Real-Time-Battle RPGs. (thats why (3.) is true)

(5.) Battlefield 2 is the best Battlefield (Strike at Karkand is the best BF Map ever). Place 2 is for Battlefield 1.

(6.) Sekiro is the worst FromSoftware (SoulsLike) Game. Even Dark Souls 2 is ways better.

(7.) The Halo series was never that good. Well... its trash.

(8.) Mass Effect 3 is better than Mass Effect 2.

(9.) Most of this indie games are trash. Go to a museum if you want to see artistically valuable stuff. 

(10.) Crash Bandicoot is overhyped trash. Put of your nostalgia glasses and play a good Jump&Run.

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I'm having more fun playing Fallout Shelter currently than I am the Last of Us Remastered lol.


Whilst I like the characters and cutscenes, the gameplay itself, especially teammate and enemy AI is god-awful and multiplayer was a drag. I enjoyed all the Uncharted games a lot, so TLOU has been very underwhelming so far.

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Siren is better than Silent Hill

Ghost of Tsushima was vastly overrated and the story was boring

PGA 2K21 is the best sports game of the last 5 years

Layers of Fear 2 was good

Death Stranding will be remembered as a groundbreaking defining game of the generation

Red Dead 2 was full of filler crap

Skyrim’s combat is so bad, in a game where the only thing you ever do is kill people, that it’s unplayable. 
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order was too short, easy, and was super repetitive with no replay value

The point-and-click adventure needs a renaissance 

36 Fragments of Midnight is actually a good game


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have no idea how unpopular these are going to be, but here goes...


1. Open world is at times enough to make me NOT want to buy a game. 10 years ago, this was a main selling point for me. 


2. Hollow Knight didn't need the difficulty and some soulslike mechanics. Would've been better without them. Still, a great game so far. 


3. Final fantasy XIII-2 was one of the most fun FF games ever. Objectively, it's not even close to being the best, but yeah, one of the most fun games in the series for me. 


4. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are incredibly boring. At least they were in the PS2 era. 


5. DMC is better than any of the numbered Devil May Cry games. 


6. Raiden in MGS2 was amazing. His story fit the overall MGS storyline and themes very well, and his looks were a great contrast to his dark past. 


7. This is probably not unpopular, but seeing so many people getting bored with Death Stranding... I loved the gameplay the most. The story was intriguing, although in the end, I was expecting something better. Too much hype, perhaps? Anyway, the gameplay... I was worried I'll be bored. After 2 hours of playing, I actually got bored. Then some new gear unlocked and 70 hours later, after getting the platinum I wanted to keep playing. It's MGS5 of walking simulators. And... 


8. MGS5 is like a Mona Lisa of stealth action games. It gives you so many options, so many ways to tackle a situation and what is often neglected, it's incredibly responsive. It's the worst MGS game story-wise, but the gameplay is amazing. Played it close to 300 hours on PS3 and PS4, Kinda hoping for a PS5 remaster, which is probably not going to happen. Also, the Quiet story arc... Make her disappear in the story and make the player feel it by not being able to use her anymore, after using her for every possible mission as a "kill-everyone-now" panic button. Loved it, made me feel like I've actually lost something, instead of being just a part of a boring (for a game in the MGS franchise) story. 


Well, that kinda escalated into the Kojima fanboyism territory...


9. As someone who will not be getting a PS5 in the next two years (waiting for the games), I don't want new games coming out on the PS4. I want to see some next gen stuff, both in terms of graphics (the horsepower) and in game design (ssd). The new Horizon game, I guess it won't impact the game so much... But if the new God of War comes out on PS4 too, I'll call it the definition of wasted potential. 


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1. Trophies are detrimental to the enjoyment of video games for a majority of people on this site 


2. Fun miscellaneous trophies such as ‘kill 7 chickens in under 10 seconds’ (from MW2) are by far the best type of trophy. They keep the hobby enjoyable and I love that they subvert the way a game is played. You can also tell that the devs have fun coming up with them 


3. In second place are difficulty/speedrun/etc trophies. They present an actual challenge instead of a monotonous checklist 


4. Worst of all are collectible trophies. They are never intuitive in-game and slogging through endless YouTube walkthroughs is soul-crushing 





1. I’d rather have a PS4/5 than a high-end PC


2. LittleBIGPlanet 2 is one of the best games ever made and deserved the attention that Mario Maker got


3. As great as they are, PS exclusives are too derivative;


A. Leaving Resistance/Killzone dormant and not having a big online FPS for practically an entire generation was a big mistake 


B. Wipeout and Motorstorm were fantastic racers and far better than Gran Turismo. Shuttering Sony Liverpool/Evolution Studios was a tragedy 


C. PS All-Stars should be given another chance, especially considering PS exclusives are the hottest thing in gaming right now 


4. Horizon: Zero Dawn is not on the same level as other big-hitter PS exclusives such as GoW and Uncharted. The story is mediocre and all of the characters are extremely dull


5. Naughty Dog had some extremely scummy P2W MTX in TLoU Factions. They only got away with it because they were the golden child of the PS3 generation


6. Heavenly Sword deserved a sequel, and Sony should have acquired Ninja Theory





1. Rayman Origins/Legends are two of the best platformers ever made 


2. Bioshock 2 is the best in the series because it’s actually fun to play. The original Bioshock aged terribly and is a bore


3. Infinite Warfare didn’t deserve the backlash it got. CoD had long been mocked for being the same every year, yet any deviation from the formula sparked an outcry 


4. DOOM 2016 was repetitive and ultimately a little boring. The multiplayer was better than the single player


5. The Guacamelee games are boring and soulless 


6. Underrated games/franchises: Infamous, Deus Ex, Dark Souls 2 





1. VR is still the future of gaming, we’re just a decade or two too early


2. We’re not remotely close to realising the full potential of games when it comes to branching storylines and evolving worlds. One day an open-world RPG like Fallout will have as much depth to its story as something like Detroit


3. Being open minded and accepting a game for what it is - flaws included - will help you enjoy gaming far more. Also taking a break from a game if it starts frustrating you is extremely healthy 


4. Incessantly shitting on games you don’t play/like is annoying as hell


5. Kevin Butler did nothing wrong 


6. Discord is full of degens


7. Junkrat takes skill

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I think Last of Us Part II was well worth game of the year. And if you'd told me last year that was an unpopular opinion I'd have been puzzled.


Now if you don't like the game that's okay. No need to start a war here. I'm not trying to change your mind. I've just never had a game (or any kind of media) make me feel that way before. Sure, that feeling was mostly awful. But that in itself is incredible and I respect the hell out of anything that can trigger such a reaction in me.

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I don't hold these opinions any more (it's always good to keep and open mind and be open to changing said mind) but in the past I have said:


- Witcher 3 was repetitive and boring. Get a quest, hold down R2 to track something, fight that something and repeat

- Persona 5 doesn't have good music

- I hate horror games


As mentioned I have flipped on these. I gave Witcher 3 a second chance and got hooked on the main story and powered to the end over a couple of days. And I played Persona Dancing All Night and now can't get "River In The Desert" out of my head. And after all the praise the Resident Evil 2 remake got I tried it while on special and had such a great time I've now played every RE game, Dead Space series and Alien Isolation and have realised I actually f***ing love horror games!!

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  • 2 years later...

-need for speed rivals is a very fun game, even if hated for being too arcade for realistic users and too much repetitive for others


-Many people when they wonder why "x" game doesnt have a remake/remaster, they dont take in that the game in numbers, didnt sell that well back in the day, so thats a huge fact for not creating a port



-Video game magazines will never return to its former glory because how the world works its pointless to have them, at least on this enviroment sadly


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"Annual sports games like Fifa, Madden and WWE games are technically shovelware, but My Name is Mayo games are technically not."


Not sure I agree with this but I'd love to hear your reasons 😄


The Last of Us series is overrated and I'd personally prefer it if Naughty Dog brought back Jak & Daxter instead. 🤐

Edited by Lanky-Lemon
Rapid post from the horse man
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