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Do you go for Multiplats and if, why?


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Personally no.  I use this site to track metrics of game completion for myself to try to cut down on the number of games I buy and don't finish.  I like knowing that each one of my plats/100%'s represents a unique game that I finished.  At some point I need to go through my profile and hide all my duplicate games to get more accurate stats.


That said, I totally understand why someone would want to replay a game and get another plat for it especially if it's an enhanced version.  If you want to replay it and count it towards your total, go for it.  More power to you.


To a lesser extent, I also understand why people have 6 copies (+DLC) of Sound Shapes popped with cross-saves, but by that point their goals and mine are so different that it's not really even the same conversation anymore.

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For the most time, no, I don't go for multiplats in one game. I rather play new games or backlog games than replaying a game I already know. And if I liked a game so much that I want to play I multiple times, then I play it again on the same version. ;)

However, there have been exceptions for me too...

- Sound Shapes: I just couldn't resist the possibility of sooo many trophies thrice

- Guacamelee and Assassin's Creed Liberation: For both games I played both of their version, because I wanted to get Platinum-Rank in their respective Project Platinum :P

- Another exception are remakes that have really lots of differences. On example would be the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake, which will be, from the looks of it, a very different experience than the original FF7. But these are only rarely the case.

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No it looks bad on your profile. But i am very tempted to re buy GTA V for PS4 because the PS3 version is now inferior. if i could delete the PS3 version from my profile then i definitely would


I started to do this on one of my old accounts bad idea lol was looking at my games played one day and it looked like shit so started this account only going to play the game once from now on haha


I really don't understand this chauvinistic attitude. Both of you want(ed) to play these games, but are denying yourselves the satisfaction to the point of not buying the game -- or creating a new account altogether -- just because 'it looks bad". I'm even more bewildered that you'd refuse to add GTAV PS4 to your profile, despite it being arguably the most content-rich remaster out there with its larger MP, FPS mode, more animals/content, noticeably better graphics, and even a different trophy list.


Multiplats are merely a sign that you really enjoyed a game. You could revisit the version you already platted, but we're all incentivized by trophies here and most of us would agree it'd be an inefficient use of time to play a game without the ability to earn trophies, especially if we've already platted said game. If the game's on sale -- or better yet, free -- then I see no downside to earning the same plat again.


I can somewhat empathize with you regarding cross-save games where you get a free plat without any work, but those are rare cases. If you enjoyed a game enough, you should be proud to have it on your profile platted multiple times.

Edited by GIONAScm2
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Depends if I feel like playing the game again. I did it recently with Gravity Rush because I enjoyed it immensely on PS4 and wanted more after the platinum. I regret triple dipping Sound Shapes though, it just feels dirty having 50+ trophies pop in 10 seconds.

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I really don't understand this chauvinistic attitude. Both of you want(ed) to play these games, but are denying yourselves the satisfaction to the point of not buying the game -- or creating a new account altogether -- just because 'it looks bad". I'm even more bewildered that you'd refuse to add GTAV PS4 to your profile, despite it being arguably the most content-rich remaster out there with its larger MP, FPS mode, more animals/content, noticeably better graphics, and even a different trophy list.


Multiplats are merely a sign that you really enjoyed a game. You could revisit the version you already platted, but we're all incentivized by trophies here and most of us would agree it'd be an inefficient use of time to play a game without the ability to earn trophies, especially if we've already platted said game. If the game's on sale -- or better yet, free -- then I see no downside to earning the same plat again.


I can somewhat empathize with you regarding cross-save games where you get a free plat without any work, but those are rare cases. If you enjoyed a game enough, you should be proud to have it on your profile platted multiple times.

Yeah well when they release GTA online standalone i will get it. Honestly I dont give two shits about the content they added in the remaster( first person or being an animal is not why GTA is good). Its the fact that PS3 does not get any more online updates. Multiplats are not a sign of enjoyment or are a bigger fan. I bet you that the biggest fan in the word doesn't even have a platinum.


Its silly to buy a whole game for just a portion of it hence why i think they should sell Online standalone.

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As a generalised rule, no. Mostly based on the paying twice idea, if I want to play the game again I'll just play it again on the same console, if I really want to hear the trophies pop again I can always create a new user, don't even have to sign up for an official account. Having said that I do intend to get the DA: Inquisition plat again, I really really enjoyed the game first time round on the ps3 and some of the DLC was only released for ps4 so I have no problem playing it again.


I have on occasion thought about getting the PS4 version of Tomb Raider because I enjoyed it and sold my ps3 version, but if I did I'd probably only play the single player instead of redoing the multiplayer for a second plat. There's only two other situations I can think of at the moment which would get me to double plat and that's if they ever get round to making The Wolf Among Us season 2 and it wasn't available on ps3 then I'd probably rebuy season 1 on ps4 so decisions could carry over, and if at any point in the future either for ps4 or a future console they did a physical box set for a remastered Mass Effect trilogy including all DLC, I enjoyed ME so much that I've played several times after getting the plats and would have no hesitation doing it all again.


Personally I'd never trigger a cross-save plat because I wouldn't feel like I'd earned it, but if other people want to that's their choice. The feature is there and it doesn't affect my enjoyment how they get their trophies, it's up to the individual to decide what they want from their gaming. Do whatever makes you happy.

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There's only 2 games that I have twice on my profile. One is Dark Souls 2 which I first played on PS3 and had an absolute blast playing so I got it again on PS4. It was fun playing through it again as I knew the game like the back of my hand the second time around. However not many people were playing it so I did almost no co-op which is one if the things that made it fun on PS3 so I ended up running through my last 2 playthroughs as quick as possible so I could get a first 50 achiever for the plat (I got 27th place). The other is Dead Nation which I have on PS3 and PS4. I got both games for free however I don't have the plat for either but I may go for the PS4 plat one day.

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I don't have any, but wouldn't be opposed to it if I really wanted to play the game again. For me, it usually takes a little extra something to make me want to buy a game twice. For instance, played Skyrim on the 360 and loved it but didn't get any DLC, so repurchased the Legendary edition when it was on sale for $20 to experience Dawnguard and Dragonborn. This was on the same system so there wouldn't be a multiplat, but I could see this happening cross gen for future titles.  I would have to really want to play the game again though, and won't do anything just to inflate my trophy count (no cross save plats or anything like that for me).

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because I feel like it. I think that's a good enough reason to do just about anything in life as long as it's legal.


Nearly there. "...as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else" is what it should be. If it is legal it doesn't automatically mean it's also a good thing to do - and the other way around.

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Nah. One trophy set run is good enough for me, no matter how much I loved the game. And if I want to play it again, I'll just replay the version I already completed. It would be kind of a waste to buy a game and never touch it again, anyway. Even remasters/remakes/special editions rarely offer anything that would make me buy the new version.


The one exception I did was with Persona 4. I immensely enjoyed the original PS2 game and when I saw just how many features Golden added in, I just had to get it. That and a Vita, since I didn't have one at the time. But I probably won't do something like this again.

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I have some, but it really depends on the games or how much it takes to get the plat..


I have no problem in double plat some Tell Tales games, if I get them for free (well, I never bought any Tell Tales games.. I only played what I got from PS+..)..


I may double plat somes games if I get them cross-buy or for free AND if I enjoyed them (Sly 1 and NFS:MW). Said that I didn't double plat Playstation All-stars Battle Royal because I didn't liked it to much to make me play it twice.. and I never played the PS3/Vita new Sly game, even tough I have it..


Other than that, I double plat Demon's Souls, because I imported the US version before the EU version was announced (at the time it was unlikely to be released in EU), and then got the EU version at release in support to it being released in EU. Same deal with Catherine, but I never started the EU version because I was never able to plat the US one..


Still even if I double plat some games, I think that I would never auto-pop a 2nd platinum in a game just for the trophy count..

Edited by Han_the_Dragon
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I only do if a different experience is offered - or I played the inferior version prior.


For example, The Last of Us I have the platinum for both the PlayStation 3 and 4 - if I hadn't played the Last of Us prior to the Remastered version arriving I wouldn't have played the PlayStation 3 version.  


Deus Ex: Human Revolution when I get to replay it I'll play both as the game bears fundamental differences, same as Dark Souls II or Diablo III.


I see multi-platinums or auto popping platinums as taking yourself a bit too far, and it devalues what you're doing.  


I view getting platinums as something else to do whilst I'm playing a game; not playing games as something else to do whilst I'm getting platinums.

Edited by LastPisTolman
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I love multi-plats, and do it often. I'm not as fond of auto-popping (although I did for DW8:XL, because that game owed me for the 200+ hours I had sunk into it and its prequel on PS3). 


But playing a game I like again? Why wouldn't I do that? Maybe the trophies simply gild the lily, but I like doing them again nonetheless.

I go for multiplats and multi100%'s because I feel like it. I think that's a good enough reason to do just about anything in life as long as it's legal.


Damn straight.

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I recently brought the PS3 version of the MGS HD collection, mostly for Peace Walker though. I brought the collection for the Vita recently so I could play MGS2 and 3 when I wasn't at home. I got the platinum for MGS3, gave up on the MGS2 plati pretty early on though. I may eventually platinum MGS3 again on PS3, since I know there's separate trophy lists. If I ever do seriously attempt the MGS2 platinum, I may do it on PS3 as well; better controls.


Otherwise, I haven't got any multi-plats currently. I don't usually re-purchase games unless I no longer own my original copy (especially in the case of remasters/remakes), or I'm simply buying a re-released version of a game for trophy support (I regret doing this with the Silent Hill HD collection though).

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