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What if... Sony would take away trophies. (Scenario)


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I would only play games that i'm interested in, so probably around two or three games a year. I never even would have played most of the games on my profile if i wasn't hunting for trophies.


But i'm getting bored of trophy hunting anyway so it wouldn't really bother me.

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Guess I should keep the popular opinion alive. I would still play the games I do now, but probably would finish my games faster and move on at a higher pace.


Also, I'm pretty sure I would stop using PS+. I won't even need it for MP (on PS4) because I only go there for the trophies.

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I'd probably be pissed for a little while that all the hard work I'd put into my games had, in a sense, been taken away from me.  But to me, I'd know that I'd beaten every challenge those games had to throw at me, so I'd get over it eventually, and go back to playing games like I did before Sony even started to implement trophies.  I could clear my backlog faster since I wouldn't be likely to play on the hardest difficulties or go for 100% completion, etc.

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It'd make it more difficult to decide which my ideal platform is, PC or Playstation... as trophies play a size-able role in that. :)  Hell, I can barely decide with trophies.


It'd also make it harder to justify $60 purchases, as trophies have become the artificial game-extenders that I need to really get my bang for my buck out of most games these days.  Frustrating playthroughs on hardest difficulties, beating levels (or games) without dying.  Speed runs.  Not even because I don't like the challenge or I'm afraid to... I just wouldn't think beating a game without dying or under 6 hours was "a thing" in most cases.  I just wouldn't think to do it.  Not without trophies lighting the path for me anyways.  I never was the type of person to "invent my own challenge", as I consider medium/normal/default difficulty the developer-intended way to play their games and one enjoyable playthrough is typically enough for me.  And games are shorter than ever these days, rightfully or wrongfully so.




Ultimately, I'd go back to doing what I was before (and even sometimes since; especially in my time on PC) trophies/achievements existed.  Playing through games that look fun once, playing games with friends that look fun and replaying games I really liked just to enjoy them.  Things wouldn't change too much.  Might even be better. xD

Edited by Dreakon13
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at first, will probably be pissed, then whine for a long time... then after 1 day... will accept the fact and think of what to do next... which is probably not renew PS+, play less PS games... and maybe focus more on playing 3DS and finally start playing Mario games and Pokemon...

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I'd quit them. I stick with Sony now because of trophies (certainly not because of their wide variety of games or anything). I would almost certainly jump to Xbox without them.


Are you saying Xbox has more games? xD

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Probably wouldn't bother too much really
No more online trophies.
Although I would probably still have bought all the games I have for each system

Not sure how many multiplayer games I would actually play though otherwise.
I'd probably would still play Battlefield, Fighting games, Racing games probably(although I actually haven't played any yet online). Star Wars Battlefront and probably Destiny 
And whenever I get the game The Division would probably be on there as well.

Otherwise think my list would be pretty low.
Also did like Alien vs Predator multiplayer as well. 
Don't know if I would've bought the game Wander otherwise. Although I did buy because I wanted to play as The Griffin but The Griffin moved so slow I'd rather watch paint dry instead.
That I also have 80+ Nintendo Gamecube games and never factored trophies/achievements into that era.

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Some things would change:

- I would play online even less than I already do

- Barely any game would be played through multiple times on one system (if there are no collectibles like the skill points in the Ratchet & Clank-series that are normally earned with multiple playthroughs)

- I wouldn't even bother with difficulties higher than normal


Some things wouldn't change:

- If I like a game, I still would go for all collectibles (JRPGs are the worst as I'm a hoarder. Owning one of each item was a challenge I always tried but barely succeeded)

- Playing games I mostly enjoy

- Increasing the pile of shame...  :S

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Here, fixed that for you :awesome:


??? It has literally 3 exclusive games anything worth talking about, and if you're not into racing or shooters, then meh, nothing. I think they are losing one of these very soon too. I assume this applies to you as well, so nothing. If you don't count exclusives, then PS4 has about twice as many as X1.

Edited by MMDE
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I think losing trophies would take away a lot from the games I play. They make me want to explore, kill x amount, find collectibles and generally go off track instead of following the game story, therefore adding more depth to the game and increasing time played. Losing trophies essentially equates to rushing through games and not getting much enjoyment from it. The ability to explore would still be there, but that shiny prize and the 'ding' sound make it a lot more attractive to do!.

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