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What was your worst month for trophies?


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Inspired by THIS THREAD started by StoRmAreA (Here's his forum profile), what was your worst month for trophies? In what month did you earn the least amount of trophies?


You can find this by going to your PSN profile and clicking stats, where you can review your monthly activity. 


I somehow only earned 5 trophies in October 2013. Nov 15 (8) and Feb 13 (10) come close though lol.

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december 2014 only earned 23.


not sure what happened then i rotated between 3 games but never completed them (hell and damnation needs DLC still) back then i didn't have 2 consoles to boost the trophy's compared to then plus i gave up after the fact i missed one secret in the first level.


Edited by kingdrake2
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I earned zero trophies between November and December 2015. I'm pretty sure it was because FM15 was released so I spent two months playing it on Steam. Looking over the whole thing I don't earn many trophies per month, usually between 10 - 30 aside from the odd spike to the 90s or 100+ before it drops back to normal. 

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My worst months were March 2012 and March 2017. I only earned 7 trophies in these months. In 2012, I wasn't taking myself too seriously as a trophy hunter yet, so it's natural that I wasn't earning many trophies. In March this year, I was working, so i just didn't have time to dedicate myself to trophies.

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