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PSN Code of conduct


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6 minutes ago, Masamune said:

I've let a few... less than classy words slip in PS Messages before. 1f605.png But I only talk with a small group of friends on there, & I don't think any of them would report me for it... I think. 1f636.png

I wouldn't report ya don't worry. I dunno about @Dragon-Archon though... :P



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The ONLY time companies like Sony should issue a bannable offense for someone posting a message is when the message itself is either a threat, is extremely racist, or is very bad harassment. Like saying I'm going to hurt this person, I'm going to torture so and so.


Issuing a threat, regardless if it's on the President of the United States, your longtime friend, a family member, or whoever is against the law. Authorities have to take action whenever they hear or see someone issuing real life threats, and this can transcend onto the Internet too.


I know, because I had this happen to me back in 2009.


The word "asshat" isn't even that offensive. Niggas, colored people, yeah, those are actual offensive words because they imply someone might be racist.


First someone gets banned for having a PSN ID named "KingMADAFAKA", now this person gets a temporary ban for saying asshat in a message?

Edited by Spaz
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3 hours ago, FawltyPowers said:

One final thing - I kind of feel a bit left out, I can't remember if I've had anything nasty sent to me. The only one that stands out was being told I was crap at a game, which I was. :(


LOL i was accused of cheating in (NFS: The Run) because i finished a race... in second place. Behind the guy who accused me of cheating ?

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9 hours ago, FawltyPowers said:

They could be a child with a high pitched voice or an adult (legal definition) with emotional / communication issues or even someone barmy with a tin foil hat.


Or a manchild. Plenty of those assholes out and about.


Children I can completely understand. I remember back in the day I used to get all emotional whenever someone sent me a hate message in online games.

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To OP:


See the bright side of all this, you only got a 7-day ban, it could've been much worse. And now you know how to deal with people sending those hate messages to your inbox, just report them and instead of getting banned, it's their turn to get banned. I know, pretty stupid situation, but you'll live through and you learned a lesson: "People will always be stupid, don't let their stupidity screws you over."

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On 4/18/2018 at 4:36 PM, SunnyCrappyYT said:

Probably weak password. You'd be surprised by how many people use simple passwords.

Not a good idea.  If it's something you can pronounce, don't use it as a password.


I wouldn't report someone for simple swearing.  If they trolled me like "OMG u sux0rz at this game!!11!!!1" then they'd get a 1-way trip to my Block list without the courtesy of a reply.  Yeah, I think silence is the best insult.  It would take something SEVERE (yeah, the kind of severe that is so bad it has to be spelled in all caps) before I'd report them.


If someone gets offensive, Sony should simply gag them.  Do not lock them out of buying new games from PS Store or playing already purchased games- to lock someone out of their paid content is IMO no better than theft.  If the issue is with their username, Sony should make them change it.

Edited by gameoverDude189
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9 minutes ago, gameoverDude189 said:

If the issue is with their username, Sony should make them change it.


That's easier said than done. Someone on Reddit mentioned the way Sony designed their log in system it is nearly impossible for someone to change their name. That's probably why KingMADAFAKA got banned, even though the guy who owned that account created it back in 2010.


Still, the fact this man got his account a temporary ban is complete bullshit. Sure, he shouldn't of talked back, he probably should of just muted the offensive player and went on with his life. But what Sony did was ban the guy who spoke back, not the guy who was being offensive in the first place.


On the internet anything goes. Pornhub, dick pictures, a lot of nasty shit is on the web. Yet for something as trivial as this to take action on is just ridiculous.


Sony needs to stop with the political correctness bullshit. I have enough of that crap to deal with in real life.

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Good thing I never use PS Messages really.

Good thing I haven't turned my PS4 on in weeks.

Good thing I realized Sony learned nothing from the PS3 launch and are more than happy to let winning the console war go to their head, years ago.


All companies do with this shit is drive people like me further into the arms of Microsoft and Nintendo.

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Since pretty much nobody came out on defence of the OP, I will. It’s easy enough to say ‘you said that word now you have to deal with the consequences’ when it’s not you on the receiving end of it. I was getting stalked and harassed on PSN for weeks. This even moved onto other social media platforms. I ignored it all until eventually I snapped and said fuck off once. It’s easy to say ‘don’t respond’ when you aren’t in that person’s shoes. 


In respect of the discussion about how Sony dish out bans. I got an email immediately after it happened too. Luckily I only got a warning. The person who was stalking me didn’t get bans on any of the multiple psn accounts they created to harass me. Nice one Sony. 

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Microsoft has allowed username changes like forever, for a fee of around $8-10.  So WTF can't Sony set up something like this?  Then gag the user until they change their username at their own expense.


Political correctness goes too far here. Sony does need to lighten up a bit & stop acting like a bunch of old prudes from the 1940s. It's not like it's our great-great grandparents' time anymore. Telling someone who stalks you to "fuck off" is justifiable.  I don't give a rat's ass if someone swears.  I would not have reported the OP if I had witnessed the use of the word asshat.

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On 18/04/2018 at 8:40 PM, Japanime_Gamer said:

I had an outrageous reply from Sony when i tried to report someone for something a while ago, Sony messaged me back saying they had reviewed my request and basically said that abusing the report feature could result in me getting banned... words to that effect.






Same happened to me a while ago after getting a random load of insults and fuck yous out of the blue from someone I didn't even share any games with. I gave up on reporting anyone after that, not that I get that type of thing much.


Also to those saying to set to friends only, that works great for a lot of people but I like for people from playstationtrophies to be able to message me when I'm boosting, especially when it's an older game that doesn't have as much popularity here and I have to wait a while to get a response. Unless you're playing a lot of multiplayer you shouldn't get messaged by strangers too often (flashbacks to TLOU mp ?).  

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8 minutes ago, gameoverDude189 said:

Political correctness goes too far here. Sony does need to lighten up a bit & stop acting like a bunch of old prudes from the 1940s. It's not like it's our great-great grandparents' time anymore. Telling someone who stalks you to "fuck off" is justifiable.  I don't give a rat's ass if someone swears.  I would not have reported the OP if I had witnessed the use of the word asshat.


There was plenty of swearing and politically incorrect stuff that happened back in the 1940s. We just didn't see it because that was before our time and we only know that time period through media.


Old prudes exist in every generation.


But going back to topic here, the action that took place was not needed.


In the many years I've used the internet I found that most people who trash talked me in an online game or in a message would likely never do that to me in real life. I tend to think a good number of them are pussies, because saying that crap to someones face will very likely start a fist fight.

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Unfortunately these aren't the PS3 days where you could talk crap via PSN messages with each other, the other person could file a grief report and you can get banned for any old dumb thing you say (A good example is your case), it's pretty sad they issue a ban for silly trash talk but I guess the idea is to save the trash talk for in-game voice chat :P 


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59 minutes ago, Frosty said:

It sucked! I called Playstation to help me out, I was on the phone with them for an hour, and they finally say they can't do anything because they don't have control over the Messages...

It's just a funny story. I'm sorry it happened to you though.. You seem like a cool person in my experience.

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7 hours ago, Frosty said:

It sucked! I called Playstation to help me out, I was on the phone with them for an hour, and they finally say they can't do anything because they don't have control over the Messages...

Wait, did this really happen? I thought you were being sarcastic and had just got caught out sending porn to a friend ???

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On 4/18/2018 at 2:02 PM, SnowFleurz said:

Because I think the whole situation is absurd. It's a message for crying out loud. I will never report someone for what they write to me, it's the internet.


I honestly hope he didn't get in trouble, getting banned for what you type in messages...

Where have the world gone to? Sigh


It's stupid as shit, granted, but it's just like in football. If a guy trash talks you, bumps you, even hits you, and you hit back, you're gonna get the same punishment meted out.

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On 4/19/2018 at 0:24 AM, Satoshi Ookami said:


Not a good logic.. Just don't add people you can't trust. I never accept friend request on PSN anymore unless I know them in real life or have played several hundred hours of Rock Band with the person. (my go-to game and usually the one i get request from)

So it's just a matter of not being a "I need to have 2,000 friends" kind of person...

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