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:platinum:#272: Special Agent Of Providence



Another instance of a passable slightly fun experience marred by trophy requirements. And it's not that the requirements are difficult, it's that it requires you to play through multiple times, which means its flaws end up highlighted.


The main problem I had with it is that it's a very sluggish game. Everything you do is so slow. 

- The loading is slow.

- The unskippable cut-scenes are slow.

- Your walk speed is slow.

- Your normal and heavy attacks (as well as their recovery times) are slow.

- Your dodge roll AND IT'S recovery time is slow.

   * (Extra note on this last one, as it really screws with gameplay, because the same rules don't apply to enemies. Many times I would try to dodge roll out of a group gaining up on me, but because the dodge is so damned slow, they would always walk in unison, keeping their perfect circle surrounding me AND getting in free shots because like I said, everything INCLUDING the recovery time is so fucking slow. The only thing saving me was the piss poor damage they do.)


In addition, the game also loves its Cinematic Slowdown. You know, where the action on screen goes slow-mo with a zoom-in so you see a character do a cool thing. But instead of doing it sparingly, when a legit cool thing is actually happening, here it's done all the time.

- Every special move start-up and ending.

- Every enemy you kill.

- Hell, one 4-hit special move itself results in every attack getting this treatment. Every. Single. Attack.

- The Dramatic Slow Walk. Dear lord, the game just doesn't stop with The Dramatic Slow Walk.


Add in the action being capped at an unstable 30FPS with frequent dips to 10 minus FPS which further mucks up the gameplay, and suddenly any good will had during your initial play-through will disappear.


It's like, I don't even care to know more about the source material due to this game.

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