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Copanele's collection of trophies and experiences


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10 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:


Dang, I didn't see that! Lousy quoting system...


Yeah, Shadowman! I haven't thought about that game in years. If peeps are still playing Grim Fandango (which I'm actually meaning to get into this month), Shadowman certainly deserves the same!

Ah! Yep Shadowman is coming to PS4! I am more than hyped for that game xD played it an absurd amount of times when I was a wee teenager and hearing that Nightdive Studios gave it the proper remaster treatment in 2021 made me beyond excited. I'll definitely buy it day 1.


If you want to see the trophy list, here's a look from Exophase :D 



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26 minutes ago, Copanele said:

:platinum: No. 165 - Hitman Contracts



What an awesome write up! ?


26 minutes ago, Copanele said:

This game has a different tone compared to its previous entry. Here, since all missions are hallucinations of a 47 in pain, the tone is way darker here. In every single mission it's either raining or snowing, all of them happen at night and the tone and setting feel more oppressive than ever. Again, this tone is maintained by Jesper Kyd's genius soundtrack, who dropped the glorious orchestral tones in favor of more somber and menacing themes. At some points the tension is so high you feel like playing a horror game instead of a stealth action game. And this is totally intentional, because for instance even in the remade levels like Traditions of the Trade you start the mission during a rain storm, while in the original level it was sunny bright, like 47 was going on a vacation.

I have to say however, at some point I grew abit tired of the tone. I liked the feeling but I definitely preferred the levels from Silent Assassin, where you moved from one country to the other. Rain can get annoying at some point.


This was one thing I really liked with Contracts - it was the earliest point where IO seemed to really play with just how different a level can feel depending on the time of day or the weather - something they really played with in the most recent trilogy for the dlc / alternate missions.

Sapienza in particular - the primary mission is in high-noon sunshine, but the level is reused for a DLC mission where it takes it to sunset, and it feels quite different, then again for a late-night level in the Patent Zero GOTY Campaign that feels really different again, despite the bones of the geometry being pretty much the same.


I do agree though - in a vacuum, Contracts doesn't really get the 'benefit' of this, unless the player has recently played the older versions of the levels - and so because they are all in the dark and the rain and the grime, it can make the the overall tone feel a little flatter, and the game a little less varied - Hitman is at it's best where each level feels like a new epidsode of a travel show, as well as a new assassination!



26 minutes ago, Copanele said:

Taking Seafood Massacre mission, your main focus is to kill 2 Triad members and the Chief of Police. You can either do it classic style with an M60 machine gun and wipe the map out (pray that you survive), you can climb the nearby bamboo scaffoldings and snipe both targets (be wary of the sniper perched across the restaurant though!), you can impersonate one of the triad members and have a private meeting with the Chief of Police OR (best option) impersonate the restaurant's chef and put a little "extra" ingredient in the tea that is to be served at the meeting.


Totally agree that's the coolest option - and IO totally agrees too!

I'm not sure if you've ever seen the intro movie for the Hitman 2016 reboot, but the way that game is structured, is that the very start is set before all the other games, and then the main game takes place after it, so they do a montage scene of some of his most iconic kills at the beginning... and The Seafood Massacre is one they show, and it's poisoned sushi all the way! ?


(That video, if you want to see, is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a2Pk2OYU7Y (i won't embed, incase your worried about spoilers, though TBH, this was also used as the trailer, so it's spoiler free for the reboot!)


26 minutes ago, Copanele said:


Meat King's Party is the opposite of the spectrum - as in, you have to infiltrate a slaughterhouse party. Leaving the dreadful feeling aside - this mission is not for the faint of stomach - again I couldn't help but notice how accurate and clean the romanian spoken by guards and party members is. The actors were legit romanians or studied romanian for several years, else they couldn't have nailed this ass of a language. For me this mission was double the dread because every time I heard "Poţi să-mi arăţi o legitimaţie?" (Can I see some ID?) my heart jumped because it's EXACTLY what I would hear when I was going to parties I wasn't supposed to be at 1f602.png the past is here to haunt me even in videogames! So yeah, besides the disgusting part of the mission (I doubt we actually party in slaughterhouses, there's better ways to be depraved here), the actual tone and approach of the voice actors got me shivering.

However this level also had the most hilarious line in the entire game. Right at the beginning, the guard is checking you for weapons. What he says is LITERALLY translated as "Now I feel your flesh" before checking you. You will NEVER EVER hear that in romanian, it was the most "Engurishu" moment but in Romanian.

The best part was that my wife was around reading (as she does whenever I play stuff). One of her trait is that when she hears something impossibly hilarious she laughs and wheezes in a very expressive way. This line made her laugh so hard I thought that she briefly turned into a tomato. So yeah...for Romanians only, this level is mad great and funny. I really wonder how could the voice actors deliver this line without dying of laughter.


Haha - that's awesome - I totally know what you mean about this stuff though... as a Scot, the main aspect we ever get is accents (there really aren't many games actually set here - Dear Esther I guess, but that dude was English in his voice) - but some of the lines or characters we get can be so bizarre sounding to someone who's actually from here... though that's maybe just because it's weird hearing a Scottish accent without the correct levels of swearing ?


26 minutes ago, Copanele said:

Deadly Cargo is a weird one to mention, I admit. If you played only Contracts, you might think that "ah it's that level with the SWAT team". For me, this level was something else. Deadly Cargo is one of the remade levels from the original Codename 47, it's a combination between Gunrunner's Paradise and Plutonium Runs Loose. Here 47 has to infiltrate on a ship, assassinate a terrorist and disarm a nuclear bomb. 

Plutonium Runs Loose is the absolute worst level in Codename 47 and I'd wager in the entire series. It's a bullshit level with tons of enemies, random detection systems, DOGS, intricate design and an annoying ass target who wouldn't stay still. There's no know surefire way to do this damn mission stealthily and even with God Mode activated you can still fail the mission since the stupid ass terrorist can randomly detonate the nuke. It's probably one of the worst piece of code/development/game design IO Interactive ever made. Replaying Contracts now made me remember that awful mission. I always say that the Colombian missions are the worst but that's because I forcefully erased Plutonium Runs Loose from my mind. 

In comparison, Deadly Cargo is beautifully remade. THAT'S HOW YOU DO A REMAKE! You have multiple ways to infiltrate the ship, you can either sneak as a guard OR disguise as the assaulting SWAT team who swarms the cargo, you HAVE to kill the target silently else the entire country goes boom. You can opt to disarm the bomb but then you will have to deal with both ship guards and SWAT team that see through your disguise, really this level was so fun to play just to spite the original level. I have to give it to the team, they did an amazing job here.


Yeah... so I only played Codename 47 after playing Contracts... and man, going backwards from the cool Contracts level to the old clusterfuck of a Codename 47 level was not fun!


26 minutes ago, Copanele said:


In terms of platinum, the hardest part is getting all weapons. Silent Assassin on all levels is hard enough, now imagine you have to escape the Asylum with a minigun, moving at a snail's pace while the SWAT teams can one shot you. And trust me there's a LOT of them. I...actually enjoyed getting all the level unique weapons, once I got rid of the stupid Silent Assassin requirements, I could get creative with my killings and escaping the levels without dying. Probably the hardest to get was the sniper from the Seafood Massacre level, because I had to pick up the sniper mid-street dressed as a Chef while police was crawling everywhere. Had to leg it to the exit point while bullets were flying around. It actually was fun xD 


All in all, a great game plagued by a bad port. Not a game I would recommend to casual stealth fans, but if you are a Hitman fan, you definitely need to play this one, even more so than Silent Assassin. In my opinion, this is where Hitman started to have an identity of its own.

A heartwarming thanks to @rjkclarke and @DrBloodmoney for reviving my passion of Hitman. Next one is Blood Money and I expect only greatness from it :D 



Really looking forward to your Blood Money review man - feel like I'm replaying these games right along with you and RJ! ?




26 minutes ago, Copanele said:

Non Hitman related - I am slowly also compiling of "Best and Worst moments of 2021 " gaming wise xD should be up somewhere this week, not much of a glorious writer. But given how much I've played this year...it would be a shame not to share my "crappy" opinions too  1f602.png


??Woot Woot!??


Didn't know you were doing this - but looking forward to this too!


Rooting for some best moments from Transistor, and Braid (both of which had awesome moments that still stand out for me after years...)

... but I know that obviously, they will all be playing second fiddle to the obvious choice for best moments... 

Garfield Kart: Furious Racing, obviously!  ?


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1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:


Totally agree that's the coolest option - and IO totally agrees too!

I'm not sure if you've ever seen the intro movie for the Hitman 2016 reboot, but the way that game is structured, is that the very start is set before all the other games, and then the main game takes place after it, so they do a montage scene of some of his most iconic kills at the beginning... and The Seafood Massacre is one they show, and it's poisoned sushi all the way! ?


(That video, if you want to see, is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a2Pk2OYU7Y (i won't embed, incase your worried about spoilers, though TBH, this was also used as the trailer, so it's spoiler free for the reboot!)


Damn I've seen the trailer and WOW what a great depiction of old games! Actually I think that the Sushi scene is from "Tracking Hayamoto" from Silent Assassin and the pool one is definitely "Traditions of the Trade" with the flare added in Contracts. The first segment might be from Kowloon Triads mission, but not 100% sure. 

Hah, they truly know what they are doing here xD how can you NOT get hyped up by this! Need to grab the rest of the games ASAP!

1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:


Haha - that's awesome - I totally know what you mean about this stuff though... as a Scot, the main aspect we ever get is accents (there really aren't many games actually set here - Dear Esther I guess, but that dude was English in his voice) - but some of the lines or characters we get can be so bizarre sounding to someone who's actually from here... though that's maybe just because it's weird hearing a Scottish accent without the correct levels of swearing ?


That was another thing.These Romanians are awfully polite! Although were they to accurately replicate what an angry bodyguard would say...wooo boy the Romanian players would have to mute down the scenes completely. Ours is a foul language too.

1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:


Yeah... so I only played Codename 47 after playing Contracts... and man, going backwards from the cool Contracts level to the old clusterfuck of a Codename 47 level was not fun!


Now I'll be honest, I'd definitely replay a re-released version of Codename 47. I'd get angry, mad, curse at the game but still play it. 

BUT I hope they don't remaster it ever xD because future me wouldn't be able to help it, would buy the game then curse the choice. That's my relationship with that game.

Not sure how I'd do certain missions without God Mode however, it would be hell.

1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:

??Woot Woot!??


Didn't know you were doing this - but looking forward to this too!


Rooting for some best moments from Transistor, and Braid (both of which had awesome moments that still stand out for me after years...)

... but I know that obviously, they will all be playing second fiddle to the obvious choice for best moments... 

Garfield Kart: Furious Racing, obviously!  ?


The hardest part right now is finding enough "categories" so I can include all the beautiful and "beautiful" games that I've played this year. 

Garfield truly has a special spot however, I might forget to mention Braid, but never Garfield. That stupid cat deserves to eat only vegetables for the rest of its diabetic life.


But yep, preparing a list just for fun+to remember what I played xD 

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16 minutes ago, Copanele said:

Damn I've seen the trailer and WOW what a great depiction of old games! Actually I think that the Sushi scene is from "Tracking Hayamoto" from Silent Assassin and the pool one is definitely "Traditions of the Trade" with the flare added in Contracts. The first segment might be from Kowloon Triads mission, but not 100% sure. 

Hah, they truly know what they are doing here xD how can you NOT get hyped up by this! Need to grab the rest of the games ASAP!


Oh man - I had forgotten about the Tracking Hayamoto mission - you're right, that'll be the one!


I always thought that first one was the House of Cards mission in Blood Money, where you can shoot the Sheik through the Casino skylight?...  they're playing it a bit fast and loose with the city background if that's the case..., but that's the one it brought to mind for me!

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2 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:


Oh man - I had forgotten about the Tracking Hayamoto mission - you're right, that'll be the one!


I always thought that first one was the House of Cards mission in Blood Money, where you can shoot the Sheik through the Casino skylight?...  they're playing it a bit fast and loose with the city background if that's the case..., but that's the one it brought to mind for me!

Gotta find out, I know absolutely nothing about Blood Money, other than the chicken costume (not even sure if that's where it happens?)

Still salty that I missed the discount from the past 2 months of the Blood Money + Absolution pack. Gotta hunt them down again because right now they are abit pricey :D 

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3 hours ago, Copanele said:

:platinum: No. 165 - Hitman Contracts




At the risk of sounding too cheesy - Killer review man!


I had a smile on my face through pretty much all of that. I'm sorry that you had to deal with so many infuriating issues - but I think we can safely come to the conclusion that it was the port, not the game. Especially as your awesome write up jogged my memory of some of the issues I suffered, that were almost identical to the ones you had in Bjarkhov's Bomb.


Mine were in Deadly Cargo though - and I'd pretty much blocked that from my memory I think, I liked that level a lot too when I originally played Contracts way back in the day, but this version gave me some absolute nightmares.


3 hours ago, Copanele said:

we tend to shoot first and ask questions later. 


I mean if you were doing what I was doing with a minigun.....I'd shoot me too. ? Slowly making my way out of an asylum with an open backed surgical gown with my big bald arse hanging out, I'd shoot me too! :lol:


I loved reading about your personal perspective on The Meat Kings Party, and Asylum Aftermath - it always makes you feel slightly differently about things, when they are set fairly close to home, or have some level of familiarity that can make you pretty uncomfortable to some level. I think that's why Beldingford Manor has always made me pretty uncomfortable, because of the knowledge a lot of us Brits have about the kind of disgusting and depraved things that can go on at those high society parties. So reading your perspective about that one was fascinating! See this is one of my favourite things about all of this, is getting to read stuff like that, when you get to see how someones own experiences play into how they might see a level in a completely different way


3 hours ago, Copanele said:

so just load up Skyrim and try to assassinate the world. It's more fun than expected, especially when you can one shot Alduin with Mehrunes' Razor xD 



I'm glad I'm not the only one that did this! Kind of felt a bit anti climactic for me - I was like "was that it?" :lol:


2 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Haha - that's awesome - I totally know what you mean about this stuff though... as a Scot, the main aspect we ever get is accents (there really aren't many games actually set here - Dear Esther I guess, but that dude was English in his voice) - but some of the lines or characters we get can be so bizarre sounding to someone who's actually from here... though that's maybe just because it's weird hearing a Scottish accent without the correct levels of swearing 1f602.png



Have you ever wondered why every Dwarf in media is almost always Scottish? I've always wondered where that originated from. It's even like that in Final Fantasy IX..... Although I wish like I said at the time that they turned around and called Zidane a "dirty wee monkey tailed shite!" You very rarely get like the Peter Mullan Scottish characters, that tends to use colloquialisms, like Neds and that kind of thing, that's something I want to see in a game. 



3 hours ago, Copanele said:

Blood Money and I expect only greatness from it :D 



Looking forward to it man! Especially as I'm putting my review out after you've done yours, so it's going to be pretty interesting to see how much overlap there is in locations that stand out for both of us.


Although to be perfectly honest, in Blood Money's case it's far easier to talk about locations that don't stand out, which is almost none of them actually, that has some of my favourite missions/locations from the entire series!


I'm actually writing that Arcania review later that you nudged me toward reviewing, :facepalm: because I would have put that off for a long time otherwise, I've repurposed a song for part of it, which I'm hoping will be a nice bit of fun haha!



3 hours ago, Copanele said:

I am slowly also compiling of "Best and Worst moments of 2021 " gaming wise


Looking forward to this also. Are we all doing that then? Because I was thinking of doing something myself too, but all of the worst will mostly comprise of Agents of Mayhem, and how much that game made me hope for the sweet escape of an Orangutan smashing through my window, ripping my arms off and beating me to death with them, just to prevent me from playing it to completion!

Edited by rjkclarke
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10 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:


At the risk of sounding too cheesy - Killer review man!


I had a smile on my face through pretty much all of that. I'm sorry that you had to deal with so many infuriating issues - but I think we can safely come to the conclusion that it was the port, not the game. Especially as your awesome write up jogged my memory of some of the issues I suffered, that were almost identical to the ones you had in Bjarkhov's Bomb.


Mine were in Deadly Cargo though - and I'd pretty much blocked that from my memory I think, I liked that level a lot too when I originally played Contracts way back in the day, but this version gave me some absolute nightmares.


Reason why I put Deadly Cargo was honestly because of the time when i had to replay it for the M4 weapon, that can be collected only in this mission. After unsuccesfully trying to choke mr Boris without him detonating the entire country (mission failed every single time because of course), I just figured out the best route for this - disguise as a policeman, go in warehouse and kill a SWAT member, run and disguise as worker, run to the second warehouse and disguise as thug, get on ship, choke Boris and steal his detonator BEFORE SWAT teams assault the ship, run as thug and get your policeman outfit back, go equip the SWAT gear & weapon of the dead dude, run to the EXIT point while people pew pew themselves in the distance.


A truly 1000IQ moment I know ? this mission frustrated me at first before realizing that I was doing it wrong every time.

10 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:

I mean if you were doing what I was doing with a minigun.....I'd shoot me too. 1f602.png Slowly making my way out of an asylum with an open backed surgical gown with my big bald arse hanging out, I'd shoot me too! :lol:


I admit, I checked Youtube and saw that you can yank the damn thing over to the balcony, climb down disguised and pick it up right near the escape car. Would have never figure it out xD 

10 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:

I loved reading about your personal perspective on The Meat Kings Party, and Asylum Aftermath - it always makes you feel slightly differently about things, when they are set fairly close to home, or have some level of familiarity that can make you pretty uncomfortable to some level. I think that's why Beldingford Manor has always made me pretty uncomfortable, because of the knowledge a lot of us Brits have about the kind of disgusting and depraved things that can go on at those high society parties. So reading your perspective about that one was fascinating! See this is one of my favourite things about all of this, is getting to read stuff like that, when you get to see how someones own experiences play into how they might see a level in a completely different way


That really was an inspiration, your write-up about that Manor. Of course it was mad atmospheric for me too, but you get all the actual juicy details and feelings that only a local could get. 

But damn, that level is so satisfying to sneak in - poisoning all those posh assholes with Whiskey is quite the satisfying feeling.

10 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:


I'm glad I'm not the only one that did this! Kind of felt a bit anti climactic for me - I was like "was that it?" :lol:


Best parts in Skyrim is when you don't touch the main quest and do your own storyxD although to be honest, given that the hardest enemy of the game is the frost troll that you always encounter at the start..."was that it?" was like 70% of the game.


10 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:

I'm actually writing that Arcania review later that you nudged me toward reviewing, :facepalm: because I would have put that off for a long time otherwise, I've repurposed a song for part of it, which I'm hoping will be a nice bit of fun haha!


Oh boy did I give you some task with that game ? may Diego forgive me. Been a while since I played Arcania myself, still thinking if I should retry it on console or let it rest forever :D 

10 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:



Looking forward to this also. Are we all doing that then? Because I was thinking of doing something myself too, but all of the worst will mostly comprise of Agents of Mayhem, and how much that game made me hope for the sweet escape of an Orangutan smashing through my window, ripping my arms off and beating me to death with them, just to prevent me from playing it to completion!

Write it only for the Orangutan part ? heck, why not!  We played tons of games, we like to write, Sly ain't making us pay for the posts that we do...go Mayhem mode!

I have to write, I owe this to Garfield at least (and another game that will be a surprise...not really xD )

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Huzzah my dude, what an absolutely stellar awards ceremony here! I seriously enjoyed every last word of it, you really have a special way with writing and I loved every second of it ?


I know we've only been chatting since the beginning of the year, but it has been a pleasure getting to know you @Copanele ? I always enjoy your write-ups, as you keep them funny and interesting! I also got to meet several new cool peeps thanks to the event you guys hosted, so I'm grateful for that and looking forward to next year's as well!


On mobile and it's too hard to quote stuff, but I literally pissed myself laughing at "Look at Garfield, the fat tub barely fitting in its own kart. Hope you choke on Lasagna you diabetic bastard!" ???? I knew this and that Castlevania game were gonna make it into the "Hell No" categories, given your extreme disdain from them in your original reviews! Oh yes, and I'd be remiss not to see Catherine incoming there as well ?? Fuck that game, I feel like I want to avoid that like the plague after hearing how you feel about it!!


At any rate, it's been a joy following along with you and I look forward to continuing to do so this coming year! Cheers, happy holidays, and a happy new year to you my dude ?


edit: how silly of me to forget to mention how geeked I was to see Guacamelee make it on the list! I helped suggest it along with others too, since the series is in my top 3 favorite Metroidvania games of all time! Very glad you give it highest commendations ???

Edited by Joe Dubz
Dumbass me forgot something xD
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14 hours ago, Copanele said:

THE WORST GAME OF 2021 - Catherine





Let's start with the main issue - all characters are horrible. And yes, that's the intention, but the characters are "anime" horrible to such an extent that it's unbearable. Vincent is the most pathetic human being, a programmer with lame looks and 0 backbone that for some reason has 2 10/10 hot chicks after him. Heard that Catherine Full Body includes a third chick too so sure, being an idiot of a software developer covers you in bitches, guaranteed. His friends are the scum of the earth too, to the point where I have no idea if they are friends or hidden assassins ready to take this mook's neck. Erica is a snake of the vilest kind that lures you with a smile and her serpentine advices that won't make much sense. AT FIRST. Begone you vile venom spitting viper! The only pure hearted dude is Toby, the happy-go lucky freshman who just unknowingly fell into a pit of king cobras and landmines. I am sorry for you Toby, you never deserved this, may you rest in peace. 

No he doesn't die, but he wishes he did.


Gameplay oh the gameplay...sure the glorious 10000 IQ gameplay that Wapan prides itself with. Sure it all starts with pushing boxes, climbing boxes, run from the baby monster who will eat you with its asscheeks while stacking boxes, boxes boxes BOXES WOAH I GOT IT WOOOOOOOOO!!! EDGE EDGE EDGE EDGE! you go mad with all the puzzling around. And each box has a property, one box cracks, one goes boom, one is a spring, one...is a regular box it doesn't do shit.

But since it's Japan we are talking, you have RANDOM BOXES. The fuck are Random boxes you may ask? Well those are boxes who randomly move on the map! You can't predict them, you can't ever know what they do, you just have to pray to the RNG gods that the bitch won't whoosh away while you plan your escape. You bet your sorry gaijin ass that it will whoosh away, forcing you to restart and hope for a better chance. So yes fuck RNG and this kind of gameplay.




Seriously fuck this game. It can go die in the pits of hell. The only GOOD part of this game is when Vincent becomes a legit Gigachad. Other than that this is a game that I unironically hate with every fiber of my being.




Unironically this all sounds great to me... ??.  Though I might just be weird ?.  We'll have to see if my tune changes next year when I boot it up.   Congrats on a great year of trophy hunting and of course, happy holidays! 


Also It is hysterical to me that after crushing all theses URs this year, its Garfield Kart that actually ends up getting to you ?.  Maybe it's just expectations.  You expect the Persona 4 Arena, SNKs, etc. to be hard, frustrating, and cheap... Garfield Kart tho... lol.


Here's to another great year of trophy hunting!

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Good shit, my dude!


Firstly, I'm glad to know I won't be caught going through your garbage! This is the first I've heard of a Garfield racing game, and it doesn’t seem like something that should really exist... for a game where the object is to be fast, the idea that out of all the fictional characters in the world, they were like "Oh you know who'd be perfect for this? Garfield" is absurd! Catherine never looked appealing to me, and it's good to know I was right to stick with this impression, so thank you for that!


Glad to see the Yakuza love, and it looks like Guacamelee and Transistor just got yet another bump up in the backlog! Also thanks for the mention? I came for the Hitman reviews and stayed for the Awards!


Outstanding work man, ahfuxwiddit?

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Fantastic awards ceremony man!


Although with all these awards shows going on in such a short space of time - my Tuxedo is starting to smell like a Drowners armpit, so I'd better throw that in the dry cleaning before anyone else manages to post one ?


Catherine sounds like something I really don't want to play based on everything you had to say about it - so I'm glad for the helpful shoulder barge away from that one - that sounds like a fast track to turning my long hair self, into a miserable Hulk Hogan haired gimp, so I'm glad I won't have to stress myself out with that! :lol:


I loved to see NieR Replicant getting all the love! Makes me so happy to be slowly inching closer and closer to being able to experience my beloved NieR again, with a glorious new ending to look forward to and inevitably break my heart! I know I could fire it up now, but I'm breaking my usual rule of not putting thought into milestones by making sure that is one.


I'm so happy that Yakuza 0 won your game of the year - it'd win the best game of 2018 for me too (the year I played it,) and I played a lot of Yakuza that year, but that game REALLY REALLY, stands so high above some of the others as the phenomenal game beast that it is!


I also feel the need to check out Slain now.


Thanks for the shout out too by the way, I'm glad myself and Doc managed to get you excited to skulk around as Kratos' suited, and clean shaven twin brother again! Although yes ,@DrBloodmoney and I will almost certainly start some long ass debate about the best locations in the recent trilogy when you get there. I look forward to the day we can talk about the gross naked man of Haven Island and his disgusting dangly moles that look like coco pops, I hope @YaManSmevz has been exposed to that wonderful image by now too! 

Edited by rjkclarke
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4 minutes ago, FreshFromThaDeli said:

I knew I made the right choice to browse the forums on my desktop today instead of my phone as I do most of the time.


It made for a great read, I was thoroughly entertained and amused at your choices and explanations. I keep coming back to the forums for you and your rants posts as well as all the lovely people who also come and leave a comment. (I really need to see start reading more checklists as time does not permit me to game as much 1f605.png)


I had to do a double take when i saw the Potemkin GIF. I will take full credit to have instated your train of thinking when talking about GG Strive to be that of the blessed big boy himself 1f607.png We did have some good matches on Strive through the year after all. Appreciate the shout out on the fighting game talk. Looking forward to continued talks of punches, kicks & smacking people around in 2022. Just don't get carried away and be like Akuma though!





You DEFINITELY did the right choice because my dumbass post would have exploded your phone xD 


Special thanks to you man, for all those crazy matches we had in various fighting games (we still have to play 3rd strike and heck, even MK11, it has great online!). They were incredibly fun and enjoyable.

Honestly yes, you were the inspiration for Potemkin. I legit was thinking what gif should I use for my graphical example...Ky Kiske with his Ride the Lightning? Nah too generic. Chipp Zanuff? Nahh not enough impact...wait...impact...IMPACT?

Then memory flashed with you punching my stupid Anji Mito ass in the air and HEAVENLY. POTEMKIN. BUSTER!

That's the perfect gif to prove my point ?


No worries, fun first, competition after. I don't want to become like Akuma or worse, like a God of the low Tiers. Fighting games are something so great after all :> 


See you in King of Fighters XV :awesome:

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On 21/12/2021 at 11:05 PM, Copanele said:

2021 Game of the Year Awards

- Copanele edition -


Another year done, another uninspired title. Actually, I believe this is the very first year I am doing a serious list of games that I've played. There were good games, bad games, "what am I doing with my life" games...the whole batch. 2021 was especially bountiful for me game wise because I tackled all sorts of games and genres and some were definitely a pleasant surprise. Other games...wish I never started them.


So from my side, I wish everyone some happy holidays, chill gaming time and catch you in 2022 with even better (or worse) games to talk about :D 


I appreciate the mention! It's been pretty interesting & entertaining reading your reviews in general. I do get a good laugh whenever I read about the funny experiences that you have, especially the most recent ones lol. It looks like you've got through a lot of stuff & have maintained many threads on here very well so thanks for doing all that. I look forward to your threads & reviews in the future.

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Very fun read, everyone is getting so good at these end of the year reviews and rankings.


Yay for Yakuza 0 winning, I did the same exact thing and bought all of the games (minus Fist of the North Star and Dead Souls) after playing through Yakuza 0. Currently playing through 4 and have the rest sitting on my shelf staring at me. I don't see why 4 gets a bad rep yet (well meaning people's least favorite I guess), I'm actually really enjoying the story. Although, I'm right at the end and going to try to finish it before I go on vacation so maybe the ending ends up being silly? Might play Judgement next as an interlude to the series.


I was surprised to not see much about the fighting games you played this year. Not complaining as it's nice to see such a nice variety...just surprised. Nier Replicant has been on my list for a while, just waiting for the price to drop a bit more. Seeing transistor show up in the list makes me so happy, haven't seen a single person not like that charming game.


I haven't played Catherine apparently in 8 years, but looking back at my trophies, it clearly didn't hold my interest for too long. One day I might try it again...if my backlog ever shrinks.

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