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Always awesome to see Astro's Playroom get some love! I think I've said it a few times before, but I still think it's the best showcase of the PS5 controller's capabilities. Other PS5 games I've played tend to use it as a glorified rumble feature, but Astro's Playroom really pays attention to all the physical details Astro Bot interacts with, and how it should flow through the feel of the controller. I don't know how other to explain it than directly processing what the character feels to what the player should feel. Well uh, not emotionally, you get what I mean. 😂 It definitely provides the most immersive feedback out of it, so it's great to see that same care for the controller likewise shown through the motifs of each PS console generation, etched into the environments as you displayed. On the other hand, there's Quintus and the Absent Truth... More like Absent Textures, am I right?.... No?....... I'll see myself out. 😂
Haven't much seen of Backbone, but it's a shame it wasn't a hit since you mention it having a strong opening. But man, looking at those screenshots, at least it's nice on the eyes! Reminds me a ton of The Wolf Among Us. I mean hey, it's animals in a noir setting! Or, for Backbone anyway, they're animals that can freely be animals. 😅

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25 minutes ago, Shrooba said:

Always awesome to see Astro's Playroom get some love! I think I've said it a few times before, but I still think it's the best showcase of the PS5 controller's capabilities.


Yep! 26 games on the console this year, Astro used the controller better than the rest put together!


26 minutes ago, Shrooba said:

Quintus and the Absent Truth... More like Absent Textures, am I right?.... No?....... I'll see myself out. 😂


Oh dude - deadly accurate mate. Complete shambles.


26 minutes ago, Shrooba said:

Haven't much seen of Backbone, but it's a shame it wasn't a hit since you mention it having a strong opening. But man, looking at those screenshots, at least it's nice on the eyes! Reminds me a ton of The Wolf Among Us. I mean hey, it's animals in a noir setting! Or, for Backbone anyway, they're animals that can freely be animals. 😅


Yeah Backbone had potential! I liked an underlying class struggle that the animals were living within. There's definitely a hierarchy for the different species. It was cool!


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Awesome job with the awards! So happy to see Inscryption taking home some silverware. :D I've officially taken Foreclosed and Backbone off my Wishlist. Two games with intrguing art that you persuaded me out of. Shoutout to Jurassic World 2 for being such an unexpected good time apparently!

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The Vice Awards!


Awesome work as ever dude - full disclosure, I actually read this the other day, but was scandalously away from the computer, and on phone-only access, and the very second I tried to do a quote comment, by phone damned near exploded, so my accolades had to wait 😂


On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:


Best level design



- Elden Ring



Outer Wilds










You know you're in a solid year when even Viewfinder and tunic can't get a look in...

...but hell YES Outer Wilds has to win that one!



On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:


Best soundtrack

Awarded to the game with the tightest strings, the sweetest melodies, the fattest beats and the dankest drops. 



Outer Wilds takes home another win. Not only does the soundtrack have the highest quantity of individual pieces that blew me away, but each of them could legitimately be the individual track of the year for me too. Settling for a winner out of Travelers', the eponymous Outer Wilds and the various emotions brought about by End Times is impossible. Further, Outer Wilds knew the importance of silence, too.




This was the most difficult category in my own awards this year - and for the first time, it literally came down to music alone, without even having any mention of voice acting or foley etc...

...but good to see I wasn't the only one with a smorgasbord of awesome soundtracks to whittle down!


See you picked the same sample from Norco that I would have - the awesome Check2Cash track! - but I gotta admit - if Outer Wilds had been in contention for me this year, even THIS year, it would likely have been in there too!




On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



Best visual style 

Awarded to a game with standout aesthetics. 






The quantity of high-quality locales ensured that Elden Ring abducted this award and brought it back to the Lands Between. 





Surprised, (but not mad!) to see Elden Ring make it in this one, given some of the screenshots in contention - great to see some pixel art love for Backbone, and those disco Elysium shots are so cool looking... but man, did Elden Ring have some incredible art design!





On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:


Most immersive atmosphere 

Awarded to the game whose atmosphere was unforgettable. It beckoned for my return from whatever real life responsibility I was supposed to be tending to and called me to escape into another world. Combining visual style, intimate audio and high-quality writing to create alternate realities that suspend my disbelief for deep immersion will always leave an impact with me. 



I can still hear the unfurling parchment on the desk of Leshy’s cabin and the sounds from talking cards. Sight, sound and gameplay form a perfect synergy in Inscryption and it pulled me all the way in. 




Another one impossible to argue - Inscryption is just so fucking weird and dope, and that 3D style is so strange, in the best way!



On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



Favourite character 

Awarded to the most relatable character, the one with the greatest depth, or the one whose cause evoked the most sympathy. The driving engine of any great story.  



This one is so much fun - forum pre-crime alert.... I might steal some version of this category next year 😛


On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



Most fun gameplay hook

Awarded to the game that brought me pure joy – even if it was only for a fleeting moment. It could have been a single sequence or a full gameplay mode; it could be intellectually heady or brainlessly schlocky... what aspect of gameplay brought me the purest sense of fun this year? 








Correct, sir!



On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



Best trophy-hunting experience of the year

Awarded to the game whose trophies improved, accentuated and complimented the gaming experience. Trophy hunting made these games even better. 















Astro's Playroom



I think we got a lot of cross over in what we dig in a trophy list - Viewfinder is a great one, but I can totally see how Astro would take the win here - that game is just a stonking good time, and the trophies only help it, and never hurt it!



On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



Hardest game

Awarded to the most unyielding game of the year. 





Jurassic World Evolution 2 simply wanted perfection in its final gamemode 



That was a surprise! 

I've heard little snippets about this game from the unlikeliest of sources, but it does seem to have resonated further afield than I might have expected!



On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



Stinker of the year

Awarded to the smelliest game that I played this year.  





Foreclosed does not even believe in the player’s right to alter the most basic aspects of control inputs. The script and voice acting stinks like rotten fish.






Your Computer Might Be At Risk thinks that it is artistic but my eyes started to bleed within an hour of playtime. I am the only platinum achiever and this feels about as prestigious and productive as Tom Hanks solo venture to a deserted island (now available at home on VHS).





Quintus and the Absent Truth. More like Quintus and the Absence of Talent. And Gameplay. And Assets. This feculent double-flusher is the worst thing that I have ever played. I don’t know if this experience counts as a “game.” This is gaming’s answer to Tommy Wiseau’s The Room but no one else seems to have realised this yet. Absolutely worth recommending to an enemy.


Lol - so one of these - Foreclosed - I have already bought but not played...

...but the other two have been quietly removed from the ol' wishlist...


...I thank you for your service 😐




On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:




Biggest surprise





Of all of the games that I really enjoyed this year, it was Jurassic World Evolution 2 that gave me the biggest surprise. I was so engaged that I’m actively looking to play park builders and management sims much more often. It isn’t flashy within the scope of that genre, and nor is it particularly amazing among other dinosaur games or experiences within the Jurassic Park IP, but I just loved every minute of it. 


Okay, now I feel better - it was a surprise to you too! 😂



On 12/17/2023 at 3:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



Game of the year

Here it is. Awarded to what I believe was the best game that I played this year (regardless of what year it was released). 





Review - 10/10


Perfection. Genre-bending, eye-catching, enthralling, immersive perfection. Not the most emotionally-resonant experience when compared with even just the two (very cathartic) runners-up, but definitely special nevertheless. 



Woot Woot! 🙌




Great capper from the year, m'dawg - look forward to new issues of Vice in 2024 👊








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15 hours ago, realm722 said:

Awesome job with the awards! So happy to see Inscryption taking home some silverware. :D I've officially taken Foreclosed and Backbone off my Wishlist. Two games with intrguing art that you persuaded me out of. Shoutout to Jurassic World 2 for being such an unexpected good time apparently!


Thanks dude! I agree - if any readers of this thread take anything away from me this year, it should be "play Inscryption" !

(And also Outer Wilds 😅)


I wonder if you'll be doing a similar end of year post?


10 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Awesome work as ever dude - full disclosure, I actually read this the other day, but was scandalously away from the computer, and on phone-only access, and the very second I tried to do a quote comment, by phone damned near exploded, so my accolades had to wait 😂


Well it's cool that you returned to give me some love, dude, so many thanks.


10 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

You know you're in a solid year when even Viewfinder and tunic can't get a look in...


That really is one of the common threads in the stitching here. They were both so great in so many ways. Tunic, in particular, goddamn! Still thinking about it. Two great games.


10 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Surprised, (but not mad!) to see Elden Ring make it in this one, given some of the screenshots in contention - great to see some pixel art love for Backbone, and those disco Elysium shots are so cool looking... but man, did Elden Ring have some incredible art design!


Is it just me or is pixel art such a gorgeous art unto itself? I love it. I'd take pixel art over the sharpest realism any day of the week.


10 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

forum pre-crime alert.... I might steal some version of this category next year 😛


Tom Cruise in Minority Report has given you clearance. 

'Appropriate' away, good sir!


10 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

I've heard little snippets about this game from the unlikeliest of sources, but it does seem to have resonated further afield than I might have expected


A real life, close to home source? It's pretty on-par for the genre, but management sims are alongside deck builders in chomping at my heels a lot as of late. I think the success this game had in these awards might be moreso due to that personal bias towards the genre than any other reasoning. Definitely had a good time, though!


10 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Lol - so one of these - Foreclosed - I have already bought but not played...

...but the other two have been quietly removed from the ol' wishlist...


...I thank you for your service 😐


There's a part of me that wants to see you play any of these three just to read you dunk on them, but yes, absolutely avoid all three.



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RIP to the "Old Man Yells at Cloud" meme - the new thread title is pretty neat, though! The magazine inspiration is fantastic, too.


While writing the below comments, at one point I had to scroll back up here to make sure that I express how delightful your award category images are! I love how unique they all are, while still capturing the essence of their award category~.


1. Best Level Design
What a fantastic category! "4D" is also a genius way of describing Outer Wilds. 


2. Best Soundtrack
I 1,000% agree with Outer Wilds, especially with how it understands the value of silence.

Unrelated, but I didn't know that we could embed Spotify song previews into posts, that's neat!


3. Best Visual Style
How funny that you ended up playing games A-H that all had great graphics! I was legit starting to wonder if you had decided to nominate every single game for its aesthetics. 😂


The art style of Backbone/Tails Noir intrigues me - I wasn't aware that it had a great high-res pixel aesthetic.
ETA: I see it won your gold trophy for Biggest Flop. Since 2/5 Acts seem to hold up strongly, I'll perhaps pull it from the PS+ Catalog at some point, without having high expectations in mind.  


Woah, with Astro I didn't even *catch* the reference to HDMI ports in its environmental design! I remember seeing things like the PS3 console menu icons and was just so delighted with all the details they captured. I really should go back and revisit that game soon, it's been some time.


Finally, damn but those Elden Ring screenshots with the gold trophy are incredible!


5. Favorite Character
Gosh, Thor was done so incredibly well. The design, the voice, the motivations... and what an unforgettable fight. 


11. Stinker of the Year

When I looked over your list of contenders, "Your Computer Might Be At Risk" was the only game I hadn't heard of before. Now I understand why, and I don't need to bother you with asking if it is worth checking out. 


Omfg, "Absolutely worth recommending to an enemy" for Quintus is a fantastic burn that says everything I need to know. The comparison to Wiseau's movie almost makes me want to experience the "so bad it's bad" for myself, but I'll take your word for it.


12. Biggest Surprise
While my profile doesn't have any builder/sim games on it, I do enjoy the genre - so I'm surprised that I haven't heard of this game before. That, or when I did come across it I had no idea that it was a builder/sim game. Since I already have a few games in my backlog, I'll just keep an eye out for the game in the future to see if it would spark my interest.

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2 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

While writing the below comments, at one point I had to scroll back up here to make sure that I express how delightful your award category images are! I love how unique they all are, while still capturing the essence of their award category~.


You're a gem, did you know that?


2 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

Unrelated, but I didn't know that we could embed Spotify song previews into posts, that's neat!


I've been trying to figure it out for ages... always thought that it would accentuate this thread (that's why I've used hyperlinks), but it was DrBloodmoney that figured it out.


I know you'll start doing it to, so I'll let you in on a secret: it's not actually through the embed feature. When you're on Spotify on your computer, just copy the song and paste it into a comment.


2 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

3. Best Visual Style
How funny that you ended up playing games A-H that all had great graphics! I was legit starting to wonder if you had decided to nominate every single game for its aesthetics. 😂


I didn't realise this until I was compiling the post! As a visual person, interesting graphics can be very arresting.


2 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

The art style of Backbone/Tails Noir intrigues me - I wasn't aware that it had a great high-res pixel aesthetic.
ETA: I see it won your gold trophy for Biggest Flop. Since 2/5 Acts seem to hold up strongly, I'll perhaps pull it from the PS+ Catalog at some point, without having high expectations in mind.  


Oh it is undeniably gorgeous.


If you're still going to play it, please get a second opinion. DrBloodmoney enjoyed the change in narrative direction; hop over into his checklist and weigh up the opinions.


2 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

5. Favorite Character
Gosh, Thor was done so incredibly well. The design, the voice, the motivations... and what an unforgettable fight. 


Oh and the bit where he uses Mjolnir as a defibrillator?!?!


2 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

12. Biggest Surprise
While my profile doesn't have any builder/sim games on it, I do enjoy the genre - so I'm surprised that I haven't heard of this game before. That, or when I did come across it I had no idea that it was a builder/sim game. Since I already have a few games in my backlog, I'll just keep an eye out for the game in the future to see if it would spark my interest.


Yeah it reminded me of Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis which I had on PC and PS2. I went in to JWE2 with that prior game as a benchmark and, while it took a couple of hours to get to this opinion, I was definitely convinced that JWE2 far outstrips Operation Genesis in features and quality.


Still pales in comparison to other management sims and city builders though.


Thanks for dropping in!


2 hours ago, Eqill5 said:

Congrats on all your accomplishments this year Vice! 🍻 A very enjoyable read as always.


You're too sweet Eqill!! Thanks for being you!


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2 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

If you're still going to play it, please get a second opinion. DrBloodmoney enjoyed the change in narrative direction; hop over into his checklist and weigh up the opinions.

@pelagia14 It was interesting reading @Platinum_Vice’s views on the Backbone switcheroo, because our difference in tastes on it it sort of mirrored another game - the ending section of TLOU:P2!


In both cases, the devs make a pretty jarring gear-change (in Backbone’s case, a tonal and genre switch, and in TLOU:P2’s case, a bait-n-switch ending/ continuation- but in both cases, I think we actually had similar reactions….

….but I think I tend to give the dev more of the benefit of the doubt, and think “well, I’m going to assume that was deliberate, so if I’m shook, I guess it worked?” 😂


I will say, the difference though, is with TLoU:P2, I’m 100% convinced it was a choice, and we just had different opinions on that choice…

…whereas in Backbone, I might be straining harder to see the positive side - as Vice’s theory that the change was maybe driven by budget and time constraints more than pure artistic choice is not an unconvincing one…. And I do think the game is fundamentally better in the early parts (gameplay-wise for sure)…


… but in the end, I think I just play enough games that don’t surprise me, that when one really does, even if it’s not an entirely successful surprise, I’m still like “well, I didn’t see that coming… so I guess I’m on board… questionmark?!” 😂

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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First of all, I need to thank you @Platinum_Vice for 1. delivering such a great post (and lots of great posts/reviews throughout the year), it's a continuous joy to read all the game experiences, and 2. I really need to upgrade my laptop because damn it took a while for it to load up all the images 😂


I might have to join the Inscryption gang too, y'all are praising it way too much :lol: hope my moderate YuGiOh skills will be able to help with this card game!



On 12/17/2023 at 5:32 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



Horizon: Forbidden West is disinteresting, lacking in passion and “safe. I’m convinced that the side quest dialogue is written by AI. The negatives start to outweigh the positives by the series’ second entry. 

Ha! Told ya!

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2 minutes ago, Copanele said:


I might have to join the Inscryption gang too, y'all are praising it way too much :lol: hope my moderate YuGiOh skills will be able to help with this card game!



Not to pile on... but I am reliably informed that some passing familiarity with YuGiOh does, in fact, serve you VERY well in understanding a particularly awesome late-game part....

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1 hour ago, Copanele said:

First of all, I need to thank you @Platinum_Vice for 1. delivering such a great post (and lots of great posts/reviews throughout the year), it's a continuous joy to read all the game experiences,


🥰 you're too kind.


1 hour ago, Copanele said:

and 2. I really need to upgrade my laptop because damn it took a while for it to load up all the images 😂


This may be Romanian internet, my friend, although the narcissistic part of my brain is slightly tickled by the notion that this thread requires upgraded hardware 😆


If PC is so good, then why haven't they released PC 2? 




1 hour ago, Copanele said:


I might have to join the Inscryption gang too, y'all are praising it way too much :lol: hope my moderate YuGiOh skills will be able to help with this card game!


1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Not to pile on... but I am reliably informed that some passing familiarity with YuGiOh does, in fact, serve you VERY well in understanding a particularly awesome late-game part....


Well then I guess...




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  • 2 weeks later...


On the puzzle game Xing when you get to the puzzle where you have to organize some animal objects on pedestals be very careful when you set them down to reorganize. I had mine melt through the floor causing multiple resets. Thankfully I was only losing like 15 minutes of progress each time but still annoying.


Your list looks great can't wait to read your reviews. You'll love the combat in Control! But hey if you understand the story come back and explain it to me like I'm five. 🤣

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WOW! This is exciting. What an incredibly fun way to sort of set out your plans for the year when it comes to what games you'll play!


9 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



A side-scroller set within Greek Mythology? Yes please! 

Recommended by: @Copanele, @DrBloodmoney, @realm722 

Years since release: 9




Popping my Supergiant Games’ cherry. 

Years since release: 9


Two very good selections! Apotheon has aged fairly well in my memory since I completed it and whatever jank you'll experience with the combat I think is forgiven for all of the other memorable aspects the game provides. While you also didn't include me in the recommendation list here, I also enjoyed Bastion. What I will say is I believe the game is comfortably Supergiant's "worst" as it was their first title. This is a good thing for the studio! That being said, their "worst" game is still a solid 7.5/10 and I think it has aged gracefully given the era it came from.


9 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



The soundtrack for Furi is already deeply embedded into my library. It should be strange to finally hear it accompanying some gameplay. I don’t really know what to expect, though...? A boss-rush... and that’s all I really know. I saw a trailer years ago, added it to the backlog, and never looked it up again. But with so many recommendations and with the accompanying score by Carpenter Brut (:whip:), I have faith that this should be an interesting experience. 

Years since release: 7

Backup: Final Fantasy VII [the PS1 -> PS4 port]L4c1026.png I’ve never played a Final Fantasy and this would be the place that I'd start. The Remake doesn’t interest me at all though.


I already foresee Furi winning awards at your 2024 GOTY Post. That is a remarkable game. Difficult, no doubt, but remarkably forgiving for all that it asks you to do. My only recommendation would be this... LEARN HOW TO PARRY. You'll thank me later. Oh, and if I may add... I had never played a Final Fantasy game either. And then I played the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Now I love Final Fantasy. Just sayin'.


9 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



This one was on the radar for ages. Looks like the exact chilled-out experience that I would enjoy. And it’s gorgeous... 

Recommended by: @realm722, @YaManSmevz

Years since release: 2



Kingdom: New Lands 

Kingdom came purely from @realm722's recommendation. It looks pretty cool. To be honest, my understanding of the premise and the trailer really just makes this entry look like a jumped-up Miniclip flash game, but time will tell and I’ll give it a crack because it still seems to be up my alley. 

Years since release: 6



Hell yea, I love being the guy who recommends niche stuff. I think you're going to really enjoy Islanders. The visuals are fantastic and it's just a really sweet brisk experience that I struggle to ever see somebody finishing and saying "I had a bad time with this". Your Kingdom: New Lands thoughts will be interesting. I remember the game in a fairly positive light, most of all for the marvelous war bear that carried me through much of my play-time.


Definitely play Bastion before you play Transistor. Mark of the Ninja is remarkably well-made. Pyre is going to be fantastic and win some awards at the end of 2024. Unpacking's great too. You have a truly stellar list of games here. Hope you have fun and the results come back as equally positive as the recommendations you received!

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10 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



A side-scroller set within Greek Mythology? Yes please! 

Recommended by: @Copanele, @DrBloodmoney, @realm722 

Years since release: 9



Dude, yours might be the review that finally gets me to play this one - it's been on my radar as well!


10 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



Popping my Supergiant Games’ cherry. 

Years since release: 9


Nice! I think you'll enjoy this one. And agreed with Realm, it's the best place to start with Supergiant!


10 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:


Elasto Mania Remastered 

I found out a year ago that this had been brought to the PS4. I played this on PC way back in 2004 and brought it home on a floppy disk. I spent hours making my own custom maps as well. It will be a fantastic trip down memory lane and the nostalgia should be delicious. It will be the jankiest and low budget game here and simply isn’t very good. :giggle:

I showed my son some of the trailers for the games that I’m going to play this year, and when I asked him “does this look fun?” he would always say “yes.” When I showed him Elasto Mania he gasped and immediately said, “that looks cool!” which just means that we might find some TV time to spend together for a treat when we’re both well behaved. 

Recommended by: me from 20 years in the past! 

Years since release: 1 [24]


That's fuckin cute, man. I love it🥹


10 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:


Grim Fandango: Remastered 

So this is an early adventure game, right? It seems as though everyone that plays this game falls madly in love with it. 

Years since release: 8 [26!]


Nice! That's a charming visit to the late 90s there. However... some advice that I'm not proud to give? Have a guide ready. For the most part it's standard problem solving stuff, but there are a few incredibly opaque moments where it's like "why would I have ever thought to do that??"


10 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



This one was on the radar for ages. Looks like the exact chilled-out experience that I would enjoy. And it’s gorgeous... 

Recommended by: @realm722, @YaManSmevz

Years since release: 2


10 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



This one comes from two equal sources: recommendations and then watching the trailer myself. The sense of humour tickled me and it should carry the game if the other aspects don’t end up capturing me. 

Recommended by: @DrBloodmoney, @YaManSmevz

Years since release: 8


Yay! Great to see both of these, nice short blasts of different kinds of fun😎


....that felt weirdly graphic, I apologize.


11 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



Resident Evil HD 

Yep. Never played it. Never played any of 'em. Criminal, I know.

Let’s see if this game is the birthplace for the recurring visions that I have had of doors opening in a black void for... far too many years. 

From what I understand, combat depreciates resources which leads to dramatically-increased tension?? Also: puzzles?! Also: fixed camera?! Also: a great-grandfather to my beloved Prey?! Ok: I have to like this one.

Years since release: 9 [28. This game is 28 years old  in 2024!]



Sleeping Dogs 

The game with the most amount of recommendations out of my whole backlog. 

Years since release: 10


SO excited for you to play these!


Y'know... as opposed to the other games I said I was excited for you to play. I was lying, okay?? Completely full of shit. THIS time I'm excited for real.


11 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Somehow Unpacking charms the pants off of everyone on PSNP, so I’ll start Unzipping now, shall I? 




11 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:




A.K.A. Slain II, baby!  

Years since release: 6




11 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:



We Love Katamari ReRoll+ Royal Reverie 

Again: another series that has been foreign to me. I’m trying to experience more Japanese games as it seems to be a sticking point. Maybe this gameplay-led experience will help tear down the walls. 

Years since release:  1 [19]


I love the concept of Katamari, but personally I thought Damacy was such an awful experience from a completionist's standpoint. This one appears to be a lot more forgiving, plus better mechanics, so yes yes do it, and not the other one never ever okay awesome.


If there's one thing I love more than gaming, it's run-on sentences OH YEAH.

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13 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Looking ahead to 2024


Being part of the trophy checklist mini-community (a very welcoming space that anyone can become a part of) has brought me more recommendations than I ever expected. Some have been directly given to me and some have been indirect or just very highly reviewed and noted nevertheless. Recommendations or positive endorsements from others makes up about 50% of my backlog/wishlist (currently 175 games long). It’s about time that I branched out and trusted those respected opinions.


Seriously, the amount of games you listed that are in my backlog is scary! Granted, a lot of the same people are responsible for some of them, lol.


Shared backlog games: [Bastion, Control, Furi (?), Grim Fandango: Remastered, Hollow Knight, Hitman backup, Pyre, Resident Evil HD, Slay the Spire backup, Yakuza 0 backup)

Games pending backlog acquisition: [Islanders, Lair of the Clockwork God]

Games I've played: [Apotheon, FFVII backup, Unpacking, Yoku's Island Express]


Ooooh, Nowhere Prophet is a deck builder?! I feel like DrB might have mentioned it recently, but I can't remember... either way, will have to look into that one!


Yo, you're gonna play *three* Supergiant Games in 2024?! 🥰 I was about to ramble about how much I adore Transistor, but then saw that I've already influenced its inclusion on your list! 😂


I'm a big fan of the ridiculously campy and over-the-top Resident Evil franchise, so I'm super curious to read your thoughts on that game when you get around to it. Honestly, I'm excited to see all the Vice gaming insights for 2024, since minus a few tough letters they are all solid games! 


Smevz really has me interested in the Valfaris soundtrack, so that's another game that I'm interested in learning more about! 🥳


(I'm also considering playing Zero Escape: The Nonary Games at some point to get a Z game completed, so perhaps we can slog through that around the same time! 😂)

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8 hours ago, realm722 said:

I already foresee Furi winning awards at your 2024 GOTY Post. That is a remarkable game. Difficult, no doubt, but remarkably forgiving for all that it asks you to do. My only recommendation would be this... LEARN HOW TO PARRY. You'll thank me later. Oh, and if I may add... I had never played a Final Fantasy game either. And then I played the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Now I love Final Fantasy. Just sayin'.


Damn the Remake made a fan out of you huh? Ok that's an unexpected spanner in the works, not going to lie.


8 hours ago, realm722 said:

Hell yea, I love being the guy who recommends niche stuff. I think you're going to really enjoy Islanders. The visuals are fantastic and it's just a really sweet brisk experience that I struggle to ever see somebody finishing and saying "I had a bad time with this". Your Kingdom: New Lands thoughts will be interesting. I remember the game in a fairly positive light, most of all for the marvelous war bear that carried me through much of my play-time.


Definitely play Bastion before you play Transistor. Mark of the Ninja is remarkably well-made. Pyre is going to be fantastic and win some awards at the end of 2024. Unpacking's great too.


Ok... so I need to use the War Bear in Transistor, learn to parry in Kingdom, play Bastion last and remember that Furi is more chilled out than Islanders. Got it 😜😎


8 hours ago, realm722 said:

You have a truly stellar list of games here. Hope you have fun and the results come back as equally positive as the recommendations you received!


I have a hunch that you're right!! Cheers Realm 👊


6 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

However... some advice that I'm not proud to give? Have a guide ready. For the most part it's standard problem solving stuff, but there are a few incredibly opaque moments where it's like "why would I have ever thought to do that??"


Oh damn, ok. Such an unfortunate reality for Adventure games, right? Especially the older ones. Older arcade games wanted to be obscenely difficult to eat those tokens, and then adventure games wanted to be so wacky with the puzzles that it extended the playtime and generated water-cooler buzz, huh? I'm sure I'll enjoy it anyway.


6 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

THIS time I'm excited for real.



Excitement for 2024, colourised.


3 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

Seriously, the amount of games you listed that are in my backlog is scary! Granted, a lot of the same people are responsible for some of them, lol.


Shared backlog games: [Bastion, Control, Furi (?), Grim Fandango: Remastered, Hollow Knight, Hitman backup, Pyre, Resident Evil HD, Slay the Spire backup, Yakuza 0 backup)

Games pending backlog acquisition: [Islanders, Lair of the Clockwork God]

Games I've played: [Apotheon, FFVII backup, Unpacking, Yoku's Island Express]


Ooooh, Nowhere Prophet is a deck builder?! I feel like DrB might have mentioned it recently, but I can't remember... either way, will have to look into that one!


Yo, you're gonna play *three* Supergiant Games in 2024?! 🥰 I was about to ramble about how much I adore Transistor, but then saw that I've already influenced its inclusion on your list! 😂


I'm a big fan of the ridiculously campy and over-the-top Resident Evil franchise, so I'm super curious to read your thoughts on that game when you get around to it. Honestly, I'm excited to see all the Vice gaming insights for 2024, since minus a few tough letters they are all solid games! 


(I'm also considering playing Zero Escape: The Nonary Games at some point to get a Z game completed, so perhaps we can slog through that around the same time! 😂)


Oh it's totally confirmed - our tastes are too similar!




3 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

Smevz really has me interested in the Valfaris soundtrack, so that's another game that I'm interested in learning more about!


Yeah the soundtrack sounds great from my little dabbling adventures here and there. Very exicted.


Valfaris II is due out in 2024, too. 


The dev's prior game to Valfaris was Slain: Back from Hell. I played it in 2022. It wasn't the most brain-busting experience however I enjoyed it a lot. Review here if you need one. The soundtrack in that game was SICK and it looks like Valfaris is really just a spiritual sequel to Slain anyway. Something to think about.


3 hours ago, The_Kopite said:

Wooooooooo! Resident Evil HD! Really hope you like it man! They did loads of great stuff to this classic remake from the original which is my favourite! Let us know what you think of it!


Will do dude!! 👊👊


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Pretty good list. Glad my boy Yoku is getting some representation. Of all the ones I've played but wasn't mentioned (Grim Fandango, Islanders, Kingdom: New Lands, Mark of the Ninja, Pyre, RE, and Unpacking), I thought they were all great. My one suggestion would be to maybe play Grim with a guide. I think my experience was soured by trying to figure those puzzles out for myself. RE has those tank controls, which suck, but then you'll have an excuse to play games like RE2 and RE7, which were amazing. Kingdom: New Lands has a sequel (that I swore was the same game) if you like it enough.


I'm a little leery of seeing any list with Katamari on it, but I guess that one is good...?


Overall, yeah. Looks like a fine way to spend the year.

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Furi and Grim Fandango! Killer games. Furi has an incredible soundtrack. I was in that exact same boat as you, having listened to the music before even picking up the game itself! 😂
As for Grim Fandango, it has this aesthetic that only point-and-click games have-- the sorta home-y feel where, even in dire moments, you've always got the time to walk about, simply absorbing the scenery however you wish. As Smevz said, a guide will definitely help out. There's some preeeetty obtuse stuff in there, but a guide'll make it all go very smoothly. The Second Year in Grim Fandango is very special, I love the vibe of it... you'll know what I mean when the time comes! 😉

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