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platinum #533 Destroy All Humans!

completed in 4 days and 3 hours

platinum rarity 15.52% rare

platinum name: Ruler Of Earth

game difficulty 2/10 with cheats. 

mosted hated thing: game crashes if overload. can have saves corrupt or even lose progress


finished the destroy all humans. would've finished earlier if not for important shopping yesterday. going to dig deeper into my backlog and it'll be forgotten anne (ps4). before all that i'll hit up the ps store on my console to pick up some games for all systems.

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:platinum: #223 - Spartan




I feel like I could write an essay on this game. Not because it's especially deep (it isn't) and not because it's especially brilliant (it isn't), but because I had to spend so damn long playing it. This is a 2D side-scrolling platformer, and it's basically one giant collect-a-thon. Grab 5 "artefacts" in every level and find the exit to beat it. Platinum hunters will also have to hunt down every single coin in every single level, and there's a lot of them. I spent something like 25 hours on this, which is an insane amount of time for this kind of game. With 25 levels in total, that's roughly one whole hour per level. I literally had to plan my gaming sessions around this damn game. 


As for the game itself, my feelings are very much like/dislike. It was presumably made by a small and inexperienced team, and it shows pretty much everywhere. On the other hand, nothing here is fundamentally broken (although plenty of stuff comes close, like roaming enemies you can neither kill nor evade), and there are extended periods of platforming excellence. Even searching for all the coins becomes fun when you know what you're up against. The game allows unlimited deaths on the lowest difficulty setting (which won't lock you out of the plat), which means the biggest challenge here is devoting enough time and patience to get through it. 


So I'm glad I played it, but I'm gladder it's over. It's one of my rarer platinums for a while, and I think I picked it up for £0.79, so I really can't complain too much. I don't think I could recommend it to anyone else though, given the wildly excessive time commitment. 

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Shadow Of The Colossus - PS3 - Easy Games & Hobbies


Shadow of the Colossus (PS3 version)

Game Enjoyment: 10/10

Platinum Enjoyment: 6/10

Difficulty: 8/10

Platinum Completion Percentage: 2.49%


The hardest platinum I've (probably) ever done, and one of the greatest games of all time, has one of the most brutal trophy lists imaginable mainly due to its fucked up physics.



-Even though the game is nearly 90 years old, the mysterious essence of its world is still unmatched.

-It has the greatest orchestrated soundtrack and boss music of all time, fight me.

-Nearly each individual colossus is unique in the way you need to kill it, and every boss is some level of amazing.

-That initial feeling you get when you see the first colossus, and even the size of the last colossus, for the first time is breathtaking.

-The story, while simple on the surface, is beautifully told.

-Most trophies are fine and completely doable, but...



-Fuuuuuuck the hard time trials, and if you've played them you know exactly which one I mean. Apparently the PS2 version was much easier in the time trial department, but whoever did the PS3 remaster completely fucked up the collision physics. This means Wander is constantly tripping over fucking air, bouncing everywhere, and losing his fucking balance while trying to stab. While playing casually this is fine because you have your entire fucking life to finish the bosses at your own pace. These fucked physics make the time trials absolutely brutal. Most time trials you're relatively safe with the time, but with colossus #4, #15, and ESPECIALLY #3 it completely fucks you.


-The collectibles in this game (say it with me) absolutely suck. I had to collect the 77 lizards twice: The first time I fucked up and didn't realize you had to kill the actual lizard and not just eat the tail, and then the second time on a new playthrough because I guess the lizards don't respawn once you take their tail (or at least I couldn't find them). To make this worse, they don't show all of the lizards on the map at once (after you unlock the lizard map), they only show the ones that are relatively close to you; and of course there's no in-game tracker of any kind so you're fundamentally fucked if you miss one like I did. The fruit on the other hand shows up fully on the map so it's easy to track, but the big downside to this collectible is after you shoot them down they like to randomly glitch into the ground and you basically have to either kneel down and hope you find them or just ride away and come back. Either way, and as always with open world games, they're unbelievably tedious and I'm incredibly thankful for not only the video guide I followed step by step, but that the PS4 remake didn't have these collectibles as trophies.


-Maxing out the health and stamina bar is also a bit tedious, even outside of the collectibles that boost them. This (as most things were) was made better in the PS4 remake since you could do new game+ and not only carry over items from the time attacks, but also change difficulty at the beginning of the new playthrough which made it all less tedious. In this version, you have to do at least 4 normal playthroughs (minimum) and collect all of the lizard tails at least once, one run through of normal time attack (which is fundamentally another playthrough without riding agro), a hard mode playthrough, and then hard time trials (again, basically another playthrough but longer because it's insanely hard). This equates to a minimum of 7 playthroughs, if you count time trials, which is a bit fucking much; even if it's relatively short and one of the best games ever made. What annoys me about this, and I blame my past self for this, is that I apparently had 4 initial playthroughs from years ago, before trophy hunting ruined my life, that I separated into 4 completely different playthroughs; aka, not new game+. If only past me knew future me would've saved like 20 fucking hours of my life.


-Colossus #7 scares the shit out of me in this version and taught me I have some version of thalassophobia. 


TL;DR: One of the greatest games of all time. PS3 version is the worst version. Play the original version or PS4 remake to actually enjoy the entire package.

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:platinum: Platinum #528: Slay the Spire (PS4)




I loved every minute of it, even if it was 90 hours plus.

It is a Roguelike Card Game, just like Darkest Dungeon. More accessible, IMO. 

It does give me belief that I can try for DD again.


Available to Stream/Download on PS NOW till December 6th.

r/Trophies - [Slay the Spire] #528. Roguelike Card Strategy, Engaging Mind Stimulation. Available on PSNOW till December 6th.

Difficulty: 4.5/10

Enjoyment: 10/10

Time: 90+ Hours (Over 100+) 

Edited by Kishnabe
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3 minutes ago, Deadly_Ha_Ha said:

:platinum: #50 - Vanquish




Difficulty - 7/10

Enjoyment - 7/10


This one's been a long time coming. I've known for the last ten or more plats that I was going to do Vanquish as my 50th since I was put to the task by @CelestialRequiem. I did Vanquish on my other account on PS3 years ago and at one time or another I knew it would be on this one too since it's such an amazing game. When I was first playing it again for the first time in years it hit me how much of a real game this is. It's exciting, entertaining, well-made, and it's held up for over a decade as being a top-of-the-line shooter. In a weird way, one of the things I didn't love about it was that the experience of going for the platinum was over before I knew it. On PS3 I think I spent like a little over 2 weeks with the game, but this time it was less than three days. I've been excited to reach the 50 platinum milestone and I'll enjoy having this on my profile as that milestone forever.


As for the game's difficulty, it is singularly found in Tactical Challenge 6. That being said, I think its being given ratings of 8/10 or 9/10 as the guide has it, is not right. To me, an 8/10 is a very serious task that needs a kind of dedication and focus that Vanquish just does not require for its platinum. That isn't to say it's terribly overblown, because that's not true; it is more difficult than most games, but that's why it's where it is for me at a 7. It's splitting hairs and everyone's metrics for difficulty are different I guess, but my fear is that seeing a 9/10 on the official guide, and I would strongly urge the guide writers to reevaluate that difficulty score, leads more people away from the game than should be turned away due to expected challenge. It is hard, but it is fair and asks that you spend a day or two with one particular thing, and really that's about it for the difficulty. 


Please try this game some time.

That's dynamite. 

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