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PLAT #71, First platinum of 2020 for me :)


This game is so much fun and very under-rated, the platinum is slightly challenging and it's fun all the way through. I don't usually like buying DLC content for games because i believe it should be in the game for free when it comes out but i'll be buying the DLC for this game because i wanna play the new songs xD

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                                                                                                                    :platinum:#120 Back To 1995 (Again)(PS4 Version)




                                                                                                                 You did everything you possibly could. (Again)


                                                                                                                Difficulty: 1/10 (easy)

                                                                                                                Fun: 7/10 

                                                                                                                Rarity: 80.68%

                                                                                                                Time: 1 hour and 2 minutes (almost less than a hour XP)


Ok, so i already got the platinum in my ps vt (yes, this game is compatible) but i play and beat the game on my Ps4 for celebration of this new year, also to talk a little more about it.


so this game, man this game, is something alright, for a guy that never play the original resident evil back then....(yes, this kind of people exists) the tank control was no surprise for me since i was fan of dino crisis (the 2 one, no the first) so back in 1995 was actually easier this time around, doesn't mean i was less entertaining for this piece of art.


like i said before, it has bad graphics (even for the 1994 standards), the music this time is just fell out of place for me, and with the expection of one battle, the rest of the game was a breeze to beat, i still like it for the charm, but the game really need more than a 1 hour of gameplay to be better.


i hope that the next game of this person (Takaaki Ichijo i think?) puts a little more than a nostalgia pet project, and have the same spirit than this one.



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