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UNCHARTED - Official Movie Trailer


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It looks like a big, silly popcorn action movie and that is completely okay. I'm looking forward to this. If the movie turns out to be shit, that's fine too.


People expecting the games but in movie form probably should re-adjust those expectations. It is an adaptation lifting familiar elements from those games - so criticising the film because it didn't do something it never set out to do in the first place is a waste of energy.

Edited by Crispy_Oglop
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16 minutes ago, EverythingOnFire said:

Looks like it will probably be fun, but hollow. The director did Venom, which was utter shit. The 3 screenwriters have both Transformers: The Last Knight and Men in Black: International under their collective belts, so I'll be shocked if the movie is anything other than dumbed-down and forgettable.



I forgot it's made by the director of Venom. Well, hopefully, we'll be able to tell what's happening on the screen during the action scenes this time ?. I see, he also directed Zombieland, which I thought was pretty good. 


These two writers, on the other hand, legit make me less optimistic about the movie ?. However, there's also Rafe Judkins, who wrote the story according to Wikipedia. Her filmography is mainly TV shows, so I can't say much about her.

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Looks like forgettable dumb action movie number 100, only difference is Dwayne Johnson isn't in the starring role.

At least this time around they didn't make a tie-in video game that re-tells the story ;)


Edit: It was actually pretty nice, but didn't have the same feeling.

Also pretty weak villain.

Edited by SnizelPS
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44 minutes ago, Slava said:


I forgot it's made by the director of Venom. Well, hopefully, we'll be able to tell what's happening on the screen during the action scenes this time 1f601.png. I see, he also directed Zombieland, which I thought was pretty good. 


These two writers, on the other hand, legit make me less optimistic about the movie 1f605.png. However, there's also Rafe Judkins, who wrote the story according to Wikipedia. Her filmography is mainly TV shows, so I can't say much about her.


Zombieland is definitely a decent movie. I've seen it twice, so that says something. On the 2nd viewing (many years after the first), it did seem kinda slick & artificial though, if that makes sense.

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Horrible. As a massive fan of this franchise, I hate what I saw here. Just looks like another typical action film and has none of the heart and character that the games bring to the table. Yeah there's fun action set pieces in the Uncharted games, but it's the moments in between that, that really captures your attention. Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg would be fine casting choices if they didn't come off as completely disinterested in these roles...they're both so monotone and downbeat, that's literally the opposite of Nate and Sully. 


Plus they literally told us this movie was a prequel...yet it's nothing but a mash-up of every game. So it's a prequel with Nate doing the things, he's eventually going to do anyways? That tells me that they didn't have much hope in this becoming a franchise. That this is likely a one and done just to say they did it. 


Once again another crap video game film made by people who don't care to appease a casual market that has no stake in the property, instead of impressing your actual fans who do give a shit and would actually want this to work.

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1 hour ago, VeldinX said:

The worst part for me: the scene with the “Scottish” character. How many damn times are we going to make the same old (crappy) joke that nobody can understand us when, guess what, it’s never an issue. Damn stereotypes and shit. 


I actually was thinking it isn't too bad like not at all how I pictured it but eh when is anything ever exactly as you pictured it and then they just have some Scottish guy to be the butt of a stupid stereotypical joke?? Like everyone point and laugh HE'S SCOTTISH! Like???????? Suprised they didn't just have him wear one of them stupid tarten hats with ginger hair in it to make sure people really got the joke. 

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I dunno, I think it'll be fine. If it was being released under any other title, no one would care about it being just another forgettable popcorn movie. Taking the rough setting/characters of the game and telling a pseudo-original story (like Sonic the Hedgehog) is a better strategy than trying to mimic the game shot-for-shot (like Super Mario Bros). It's an adaptation, not a remake.


I do think they should have gone older with the casting. Hell, Nathan Drake is actually a perfect match for Chris Pratt's style of only playing himself. Banderas is awesome, I suspect he'll be chewing up all the scenery and carrying the whole film.


Edit: I can't wait for the Uncharted PS5 performance patch that makes the character models for Nate & Sully look more like Holland & Wahlberg lmao

Edited by PhyrxianLibrarin
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A lot of people (Not necessarily here, but in general) keep saying that Tom was "miscast", and I agree that - on paper - he's an odd choice, as much as I love and admire him.

He's been overly frequent in movies as of late, but I'm also glad that he's getting so much attention and recognition because I feel that he deserves it beyond just Spider-Man.
Plenty of other actors have had this happen in the past and became legends later on. It's nothing new, so I'm not quite sure why people are so surprised in all honesty.


That all said, he reminds me a lot of young Drake here - which is the entire point - and he's clearly trying his best. (At least from what I can tell, so maybe I'm wrong lol)

I'm not saying the movie is going to be great because I'm obviously not a time traveler, but after watching this trailer I'm a lot more optimistic than I was before.


Also, while I do agree that Mark looks more like Nate than Tom does, Tom is playing a younger Nathan as stated earlier, and Mark feels like more of a miscast than Tom.

Antonio Banderas, on the other hand, is always a delight to see and picking him to play the role of the villain was an excellent choice. Excited to see his performance most of all.


Either way, I still expect this movie to be pretty average and forgettable for the most part, but I can oddly appreciate that in of itself.

And if it does end up being bad - which is still a high possibility, especially since it's a video game movie - I can still enjoy the games without concerning myself with the film. ?


3 hours ago, xh117 said:

No one wants to see young Drake, that's not what the games are about. We want adult Drake and old mustached Sully. 


I do agree that Mark wasn't a good choice to play Sully and would've preferred him to look a bit older at the very least, but I personally don't mind having a younger Nate at all.

Edited by Zephrese
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7 hours ago, Stan Lee said:

It actually doesn't look terrible despite what a lot of you are saying, could be a fun watch at least; decent but nothing special.


For those confused, the movie is clearly in its own continuity taking inspiration from the games, though I don't blame folks for thinking this was going to be a prequel before this dropped. 


Also, I find it hilarious that gamers still seem to think that movie and TV adaptations are being made for them when that is never the case regardless of the medium- adaptations are made to bring stories to different audiences in a different medium; out of everybody who saw the The Lord of the Rings films, how many had read the books previously? Many things were changed including the way certain characters look and act. Worlds exist outside of our bubbles and gamers seem to be unique in being ignorant of that. A good example of this is the "mArK wAhLbErG iS mIsCaSt!!!" bandwagon. I'm not a fan of Wahlberg at all and maybe he'll suck along with the movie but nobody here is actually qualified to make such a judgement until we actually see the film, until then what you're actually saying is "he isn't who I wanted to play Sully therefore he sucks".

I agree! I thought it was a prequel but movies can’t do a straight from game to theater it doesn’t work, they have to be just different enough, my fiancé hates lots of random killing in games so she won’t ever watch Uncharted but now she has something to experience and I can explain how they are different. Like Tomb Raider 2018 the twist with her dad actually being alive was something I didn’t see coming. Mark isn’t great but I’m fine with it. If they were doing old sully it would be none other than J Jonah Jameson (forgot actors name). Looking forward to this.

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Totally forgot this movie was actually still a thing ( The Last of us series Naughty Dog is working on with HBO coupled with hardly any significant news on the film made me assume they'd scrapped it once again) so I guess kudos for finally getting this film out of development hell at least. 


If I'm being completely honest though this film looks about as average as you can get. Not terrible by any means but give or take couple or weeks and I bet I wouldn't be able to recall a single scene that wasn't ripped entirely from the games (Like the plane scene from UC3)


Could say a whole lot more about the cast but in short I'm not much of a fan. Neither Wahlberg or Holland look, sound or seemingly act very much like their respective video game counterparts but who knows maybe their performances will blow us all away when the full movie releases. Antonio Banderas I will say I thought looked promising as an Uncharted villain though so hopefully his character will be enjoyable to watch


On a bit of a petty final note I got to say I was a little bummed out to hear the Uncharted theme play for a grand total of 5 seconds before it was replaced with some rather generic trailer music 

Edited by Rune2303
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1 hour ago, kdogg_gamer_ said:

I agree! I thought it was a prequel but movies can’t do a straight from game to theater it doesn’t work, they have to be just different enough, my fiancé hates lots of random killing in games so she won’t ever watch Uncharted but now she has something to experience and I can explain how they are different. Like Tomb Raider 2018 the twist with her dad actually being alive was something I didn’t see coming. Mark isn’t great but I’m fine with it. If they were doing old sully it would be none other than J Jonah Jameson (forgot actors name). Looking forward to this.


That would be JK Simmons! And yes, he would be great though I am very partial to Stephen Lang's performance from the fan film too!

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You know what is the biggest issue to us all? 


We know these characters from 10-20-50 hours games (speaking of overall game adaptations). First they need to condense any plot to fit into 2 hour movie, so often those films seem to be going super fast and flashy. In Uncharted between the crazy action set pieces you have slower moments of explorations, more "intimate" connection to the characters. So I feel we all try to look at the movies through the lens of what we already know about these characters, which obviously wouldn't work in a movie. 



I feel like TV series are so much better medium for game adaptations, just because they can give justice to the characters. 


On the Uncharted movie itself, it doesn't give off good vibe. I just kinda can't get over Tom Holland as Nate, but that's because I have vivid image of him from Uncharted 4, if I didn't have it in mind I would probably been fine with the trailer

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I think its best to just go in as if its a dumb fun movie that you wouldn't know shit about. Kinda like how Resident Evil movies are horrible from a game fan point but good and watchable if you didn't know shit about it beforehand.


Same with Monster Hunter, it was watchable but cringe asf, and even more so with Assassins Creed.. watchable but still pretty shit.

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I'm not mad, just disappointed. This was an opportunity to flesh out the world, and highlight parts of the Drake story we weren't familiar yet. Heck, even do a reimagining of one the games. But do a cash grab movie that ain't even canon? Who asked for this? Why is this Uncharted? If you're not aiming for Uncharted fans why don't you just call the movie and the characters something else?  Feels more like a missed opportunity than anything.

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Yeah it looks a completely generic adventure film, and the casting rubs me off in the wrong away, nothing against Wahlberg or Holland, they simply don't fit the roles IMO, at least give Wahlberg the mustache, that's probably my biggest complain lol.


For anyone that is not familiar with the franchise I think it will be a decent watch, can't be worst than many other live action videogames adaptions, not that the bar is too high anyways.

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13 hours ago, SnowxSakura said:

Never understood why they didn't go with Bruce Campbell, he would have been such a perfect Sully



I completely agree here.  Bruce is an awesome actor, I loved him in Brisco and Burn Notice, and he has the exact attitude and look for a live action Sully.  Mark is a great actor, and I enjoy pretty much everything he's in, but there wasn't a single moment in the trailer that made me believe he was Sully.  Same thing goes for Tom, fantastic young actor, he's made some awesome movies (beyond Spider-man), and while I got a decent young Nate vibe from him, it looks more like he's supposed to be adult Nate, which makes no sense.  This movie was obviously made to hit maximum number of movie-goers (big name actors to pull in people who know nothing about the games, and IP recognition to bring in the gamers) and not actually be faithful to the franchise... like pretty much every other video game movie ever.  I guess we'll have to wait and see, just not getting my hopes up.

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