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Has someone of you quit trophy hunting after noticing you enjoy less the games? (it feels like a job sometimes)


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I just play what I have on the shelve (mostly good games with some cheap stinkers in between) and try to complete. Or if others ask if I want to boost (which I maybe want to play in the future) / server shutdown or a very limited chance I tend to buy the game just for that. Good recent examples are star wars jedi knight, destiny 1 / destiny 2 / little deviants


I do say this: 'if a trophy is too grindy or too hard and I don't wanna play it anymore"  then I tend to move on just to finish it a few months later. for example the last grind I did for chess ultra. I didn't really mind the 2/3 hours it costed me. Less then if I played it straight after doing the rest of the grind.

Same as PVZ GW2. I farmed that game for really long, so much that I am bored with it. Though I only need to kill 3000-4000 zombies trophy for the plat and max 98%.


Maybe that is a perk of not been a completionist :P

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This is why I became a casual trophy hunter. It became a damn chore to blaze through really shitty games and I soon grew very bored. I only go for platinum on games I absolutely love. I will sample any game to try it, sometimes I'll earn a trophy or 2 then leave it incomplete, if I love it, I'll go for it but take my time so I have plenty of balance in my life for everything else. Currently going for Ghost of Tsushima. I could have had the platinum in a week but I'm taking it easy, learning to enjoy it.

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Not really but I do my best to change things up when it comes to trophy hunting.  I play both easy games that I can plat without a guide and stuff that has a ton of missables and I need to make bunches of lists to make sure I don't miss one.  The only thing I check for when it comes to trophy lists is that there aren't any unobtainable trophies and the game doesn't have any trophies requiring online MP.  Otherwise I don't care how much of a grind it may be, how many collectables it may have or anything like that.  I'll look into more details when it comes time to play the game since I tend to pick what I'm going to play based off what I'm looking to play at the moment and wouldn't want to pick a massive grind when I was looking for a quick and easy game that I could finish during a weekend.  I find variety overall helps keep things fresh and enjoyable.  Something else I enjoy is playing new releases and games that lack guides.  It can be a lot of fun to discover for yourself how to get the plat even if you might not be the fastest.

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Can't say I've ever thought that trophy hunting brought less enjoyment to my games. Rather the opposite, they bring a unbridled fun to gaming that's really helped me find enjoyment in gaming again. Before I found trophies/achievements I would rarely if ever play games past the "credits" nor did I care much at all about doing stuff beyond what was in front of me except in the few rare games I loved far too much as a kid. Some of these trophy lists have really helped me find every little nook and crannie of a game that by the time I put the game down, I really have explored everything in the game. It's fun and I enjoy it very much with all my games going forward.


Don't really understand this mentality that trophies somehow make gaming worse and should be done away with. Gaming was gaming before trophies. Gaming is gaming even with trophies. It's just you have some cute little icons to show for it now. If you don't like trophies that's fine, but it doesn't mean some of us think the same way. 


Hunting trophies should be a hobby for most people but it's not your life. Life is much more than little tiny icons on a screen. Enjoy them for what they are and just leave it at that, I say. 

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I started trophy hunting around December 2008 up until around June 2011.  I stopped because it felt like a chore. Kept seeing spoilers. But more importantly because I wasn't even paying attention to the game most of the time. My mind was always set on "What's the next trophy I'll be getting in this game" (while im playing the campaign/story). I wasn't enjoying the video game for the video game.... but rather too focused on the trophies.


I started casually trophy hunting around November 2015, and I still casually hunt for them now.  Once in a while I will look up a trophy guide before starting an RPG or some other sort of game that I know is going to be tens of hours or a few hundred hours long, to see if there are any missable trophies. But that's it. Other than doing that once in a while.... I don't even look at trophies when I start a new game. Trophies do not exist to me when I start a new game. I play a game to its fullest and enjoy it for what it is... not because of trophies. After getting my fulfillment out of it, I may or may not look at the trophy list and try to get the trophies for the game.


On a side note: I've never played a game for the sake of its trophies. Every game on my trophy list, I would have played even if trophies did not exist. Yes, even Ice Age 3 lol..... Ice Age is my favorite animated movie of all time.

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Trophies have felt like just a part of the games I play. Most of the time the "hunt" is fun but I have found myself stressing over them more than I should for a while. Recently though, well since about April or May, all the craziness in the world and currently going through the process of a divorce have made me realize how rather silly stressing over them really is. I still enjoy chasing trophies but I'm trying not to let them dominate how and what I play as much as possible. I need the distraction that gaming has always given me now more than I ever have and I don't want trophy stress to ruin that.

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12 hours ago, Artty44 said:

I don't really see that much of a difference between the olden days of completing games 100% vs getting platinums. Most proper trophy lists require you to do pretty much everything in the game anyway and grinding existed before trophies did.

Problem is that many trophy lists aren't proper now a days ....


I think about this all the time and have so for the last .... 3 years (probably more really). After being so gunho into trophies that they were like  all I thought about  to the questioning state of why people hunt them, I totally get what you are feeling. One of the reasons why I started a youtube series interviewing people is to gain perspectives about myself as well. Found different perspectives and takes on what trophies are to others.  Totally get what you are feeling OP. For me it just feels like such a chore to keep up with all the stacks, trashy games and such to keep trophy count up in terms of leaderboards then the fact most accounts  at the top aren't a solo player anyways.... and after putting so much into climbing well.... its hard to throw away. I'd suggest just play games for fun and don't worry about trophies if that's not fun for you. Let's face it we are being sold games based on trophies notthe games themselves and then some great games we are playing 10 min to get the plat or glitching our way through then moving on and from GREAT games too being missed and dev work isn't even seen.......


But yeah like you said I am pretty much sick of having to follow  guides to a tee/ worry about missables etc..... 

25 minutes ago, AffectatiousDonk said:



2. You won’t quit but you will join the growing number of hunters that just whinge about why trophies suck, how much better it was in my day all while never acknowledging how much time they wasted in a pursuit they have stopped if ever caring about long ago. (Please don’t become one of them)




CJ has some good points and in regards to this one ... I feel like he means In other words don't become Unknown_V2_0 lol

Edited by Unknown_v2_0
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If you lose your passion for something, you never truely had it to begin with.

Im not just a complatiost, Im the kind of person who just wants to be the very best I can be when it comes to the things I love and care for(workouts, my gf, gaming, helping others and sometimes my job. lol)

So to me gaming, witch I love is no diffance.

If I feel I need a short break to rest and recharged Ill do it(like I have in the past) 

But that passion to 100% experice another person from of art they have created(this being video games) hasnt died...and it never will.


So Ill say this to anyone who is honstly stuggling to keep the trophy hunter life going, really stop and think why your a hunter, and gamer as a whole.

Why are you doing this?

If you dont find passion inside your heart(I know that sounds crony lol)

Then back off and just let it go, cus living a life without passion, is not a life worth living.

Dont lie to yourself.


Edited by Wild-Arms-R
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I don't worry about fast completion on platinums or amassing hundreds of them. First, you have to have fun. Trophies are nice, but nevertheless a side thing. If I feel that a certain trophy's requirement is ridiculous or not fun, I won't go for it, even if it means sacrificing that particular game's plat.


For ridiculousness, try Tetris Effect's Spin Artist (Rotate the tetriminos a total of 1 million times? Come on now.).

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8 hours ago, funboy1246 said:

what i find helps (and in ways hinders) me is i dont focus on one game at a time. currently im jumping between infamous 2nd son, oh sir!, sleeping dogs, days gone and thats just naming a few. ill play one for a while til it starts to not be fun for feels tedious then ill switch over to one of the others for a bit. i just keep rotating them out. eventually i knock out a plat here or there. this takes alot longer sure but it helps me to keep from being burned out. also i make sure i got some fairly easy ones mixed with some that are more of a challenge. (ideas of easy and challenging will vary) dont know if this will help you but give it a go.

I've been doing this for a while and it does help break the monotony..at the same time some platinums have taken longer than they should've but I know that if I get tired of geinding, I can save it, close it and pop open a different one. Sprinkling some more calm, chill games too helps kind of decompress for me. 

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No, but mostly because i don't play shitty games just for a plat, i've enjoyed almost every game i have played to date with a few exceptions of disappointed games (GOW Ascension, Watch Dogs 2...) that didnt gave me what i was expecting from them. But also because i switch games from time to time to play other online games that i enjoy like For Honor or Titanfall 2. If you want a recomendation try to switch hobbies, i like to see series, movies, animes, i read mangas and so on, if don't want to play games i just switch hobbies and after a few days i have the desire to play games again. 


Also don't try to play games that others play just because they are famous or popular or a "good plat", if you don't enjoy something just go away and stick with the games you like (that is what everyone does, right?), for example i don't like Monster Hunter games, Death Stranding, No Man's Sky or sport games (any of them), i almost hate them, even if they are popular and a lot of people enjoy them, i simply can't enjoy them, I couldn't play them even if they paid me to do it, i just stick with the games that i enjoy and i'm really happy with that. Try to do the same and you'll never encounter this problem ever again.

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I used to push myself to finish certain games and I found trophy hunting unenjoyable because of it. Therefore, I started to platinum games only if I am enjoying myself and if I'm not, it's time to move on.


I use my switch a lot to break up any grinding so it stays fresh, and I don't burn out. I think the key to avoid burnout is to play a variety of games and not to play too much of one game at once. I also find watching anime or reading manga as a good way to take breaks from games for a few days too.

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I wouldn't say I did quit it, but I don't focus in trophy hunting as much as before. Going for trophies nearly all the time caused my backlog to swell again so I am focusing on that one now. Trying just to complete games I have and going for trophies only for games I really enjoy and/or want to have platinum for. I got to play games I wouldn't play otherwise and reduced my backlog by quite a bit so far. I still have few ongoing platinum projects like Yakuza series and similar, but I am not tunnel visioning trophies anymore.



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Never force yourself that's rule 1 of a happy hunter. ?  But ya i think everyone taken a break from it here or there. Maybe without knowing it like. Oh I love this game. And play it normally for like a month or 2.


Also i played many of bad games for trophies. But a bad game can be fun if you go into it with the right mind set.

Iv allso found many games iv like cuz i seen it had a easy list. So gave it a try. And end up loveing it. Now have a fondness for VN cuz it a few great storys. 

Most of the time i just stop playing something cuz i got a new game or got bored even if it's something I like. Hunting just makes me go back and see what i haven't finished. Think iv drop Nino Kuni twice.?


Sometimes the grind does feel like it never end. To avoid that i suggest keeping a comfort games you like around. For me that's old school JRPGS. P5 and the last DQ were good palate cleansers for me.


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The problem I've encountered with a lot of my fellow trophy hunters is the need to compete with each other despite the ramifications it has on their mental health. Most of them feel they would be "left behind" if they were to be surpass, so they keep on pushing through platinums although it devours their will slowly. Personally I took a massive break years ago and came back with a newfound pursuit for it once again ...bottom line is, if your mind is not 100% into the desire of it then it's best that you step away and come back when you feel ready again, don't risk being overzealous and drain yourself out to the point where you might never want to platinum ever again. 

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I got burnt out from trophy hunting n wound up taking a break from the end of 2018 til 2020 when I started to get back into it. Now I'm enjoying it again but some days I don't feel like playing so I dont. When it starts to feel like a chore I just take a break. B4 I would just push through n force myself to play n i wasnt enjoying it cuz as u stated it felt like a job. Pace yaself n don't force it if u don't feel like it.

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