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Has someone of you quit trophy hunting after noticing you enjoy less the games? (it feels like a job sometimes)


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3 hours ago, BB-BakkerJ said:

I always play games for fun. I never buy games for trophies. But I am a completionist, and many fun games unfortunately have shitty trophy lists. So I force myself through it even though I really don’t want to do it. And when that happens I take a big break. As an example: I really loved Wolfenstein II, I know I can do Mein Leben, but I just don’t want to put in the time to get it.


Let me rephrase, then: I buy and play games for perceived potential fun.I mean, I won't pick up a game that I don't think I'll like. But even if the game isn't fun, if I bought it, I'll most likely come back to it. I won't necessarily plat it, but I'll play it long after any fun has been removed.

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1 hour ago, ShadeSplit said:


There is no real difference. Final Fantasy X is the perfect example, because during the PS2 era many of us were trying to dodge lightning bolts, race chocobos, and defeat Nemesis. The "issue" is that many of these people were never the type to complete everything in a game, yet still want trophies. And so the conflict is born, and some of them will insist that trophies have ruined games, even though the process is the same as it was before.

For some of us the process is definitely not the same. I never used to look up what you had to do to 100% complete a game before i bought it, and it never used to factor into my decision to buy

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I’ve always viewed trophies as a way to extend games I enjoy, and nothing more. 

I don’t particularly care if I get all the trophies on most games. But the few games I really enjoy, I will try and platinum them. 

It works great with some games that are relatively easy to complete, the trophies add another level of challenge, or at least give me extra to work towards once I’ve finished the main campaign.

But if a game isn’t overly enjoyable, or I just can’t get into it, then I don’t bother trying for the trophies.


I’m the same with stacks, I’ve purchased the stacks for The Witcher 3 and Kerbal Space Program, because I really love those games. The idea of separate trophy lists, gives me an extra incentive to complete the games more than once.

Edited by GizMo_The_Great
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I tend to put a lot of emphasis on getting platinums of games i love.

However, often i suck at a game so i tend to just give myself a rough estimate of how many trophies i can get. And this often applies to games im not in love with, more games i just WANT to play. 


For example, i do not have the time or patience to get all the trophies in say, Yakuza 0. I mean i probably could with time n effort but nah but i cant be bothered. So i just aimed for over 40 trophies. 

I totally had a blast and reached my goal. Got some trophies out of it and didn't overkill or burnout. 


It similar with Assassins creed to me but imo its a lesser series than Yakuza ?

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2 hours ago, Astray404 said:

That's why I still keep my Nintendo consoles like 3ds and gameboy. When I feel like it's time to take a break, I turn them on and play some other games. Thank you Nintendo for not having trophies or achievements.:popcorn:


I just got myself a Switch Lite recently to play Zelda. What a fantastic feeling to wander and discover that world without worrying about guides !! 


Tho, i LOVE trophy hunting and i even initiated my GF to it since the Covid quarantine. I think that as stated before, you need to balance your gaming with some other activities. I realized that if i only game/trophy hunt, it tends to go more towards an addiction than a hobby.... So i make sure to diversify my hobbies at home now. 



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Yes, yes, yes. I've been playing more and more on my Xbox One lately, mainly because for some reason I don't stress so much about achievements than trophies. Trophies can be much fun but sometimes it does feel more like a work than a hobby and that's not okay. I already have a full-time job, so I don't need another one which doesn't pay anything.

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I definitely used to torture myself a lot more with getting plats/100%s for games that weren't that enjoyable. Nowadays, I don't really care too much about plats any more. Been playing plenty of games this year that don't even have trophies or achievements. I'll generally only platinum a game nowadays if it doesn't take too long and isn't too annoying to achieve, or if I actually want to 100% it because it's just enjoyable enough to, and it doesn't necessarily even need trophies for that. In most cases though, even if I really love a game, do I really wanna play it 3+ times and spend 200+ hours on it (and I know that might be a bit of an extreme example, but I play a fair few JRPGs and a lot of them do require multiple playthroughs for the plat)? In most cases, no, I'd rather move onto something new, and with how big my backlog is (literally at 1,000+ games), I'd rather prioritise that than trophies nowadays. Me prioritising trophies in the past is part of why my backlog is so huge now.


Anyhow, getting worn out from trophy/achievement hunting is pretty damn common. As I usually always say, you just have to remember why it is you play games. For most, it's to have fun, so just play games you feel like playing and don't worry about trophies. You can always go back to trophy hunting later when you feel more up to it. If it's games in general you feel tired of, take a break and do other things you enjoy for a while instead.

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1 minute ago, Undead Wolf said:

Nope, I've never even considered quitting. I enjoy games more when I'm hunting trophies. It's nice to have a goal.



I can't even play video games anymore without going for their trophies. Going for trophies is what makes the whole gaming experience worth it. B)

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Yes I believe trophy hunting has ruined gaming for me. I have recently acknowledged this and i'm trying to just enjoy games that i've had in my backlog but dropped as deemed to tricky to Plat. I still like to get trophies don't get me wrong but I'm slowly learning to accept that I will never get them all.



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I retired from trophy hunting almost 2 years ago. It was really fun and challenging. If trophy hunting is not fun for you than that is a problem as that's the complete opposite to playing. Now I just play from time to time and I don't think video games will lose their appeal to me.

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I find that I tend to make a small goal list for myself as far as platinums that I hope to achieve, but I always end up getting some of those and play games outside of that list that are ones that jump out at me and I play because I really wanted to. If I platinum those, then fine, if not then thats fine too, for certain games I obsess about it a bit more but others I just play to play and if it comes then it comes, if not then ill be fine. Some games also have a short natural play time to complete but the trophy list requires exponentially more..and im not a fan of those because I think its good to realize if the dev wants me to play to keep their game alive and make them look good, or if its because there's actual content to justify it. So I weigh alot of things before deciding if I'm gonna go for a lengthy platinum, but usually for games I'm really enjoying ill do it.

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1 hour ago, Flipendo52 said:

For some of us the process is definitely not the same. I never used to look up what you had to do to 100% complete a game before i bought it, and it never used to factor into my decision to buy


Your priorities may have changed, but playing Final Fantasy X on PS4 is the same as it was on PS2. It wasn't any easier or "less grindy/job-like" back then.

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I think part of problem is also game that you love it and wanting so much to get platinum on your collection but most of the time it became chore because majority of them require homework to do because missables or just impossible demand from you (online trophy most of the time)


I also face this problem myself time to time take a break and return just to feel this over and over again for some reason lol because old habit died hard.


So, i am doing thing at my pace and when i feel like doing it. I just start Cold Steel platinum saga (always want to play this and contribute to the problem that i mentioned above) and this seems to feel like a job already only even few hours in lol



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Not really, i play games for 100% completion even before platinum trophy exists. This is how I would enjoy a game and I don't see why there's need to change.


And nothing frustrates me more than replaying the same content for some missing item after spending hours in it.

Edited by Maverick6146
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My golden rules are:


-  Enjoy first, Hunting later.


In other words I take my time with the game and do what I want and when I feel like going for the trophies then I start the hunt.


- Buy/get the game I want or like.


I buy the game for what I want and not for trophies I don't care if are hard or easy to plat


- Accept I can't 100% every game


I'm not a professional nor work in this so if one of the games I like is really hard or tediuos to do it's okay I got fun playing it and that is the objetive after all, trophies are just a bonus to continue playing.


- Missiables and Online are the only danger


If I really can't resist seeingna guide cause the game is to big I see for those two type of trophies just to maybe save me a bit of time and what to expect in the case of multiplayer. (I don't want to do all and then find out that multiplayer is imposible for me). Buuuuuut going again to my rule if I'm enjoying and want to doit, I DOIT..... take your time with each game.


- Don't buy Rataikala games..... just kidding lol if you like them go for it jaja

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Trophies are one of the worst things that happened to gaming. Sure, I enjoyed it back when they first added it during the PS3 era, but I normally drop games once they stop being fun. However, I would also say that I am overly competitive, meaning that if I hear any of my friends boasting to me about a trophy they got, I will go out of my way to surpass them, just to take that boasting oppurtunity away from them, which usually means I will play games way past the point of them being fun. I would prefer if certain games would release without trophies to them, I am tired of every conversation about games I like devolving into "What trophies did you get". Not every game needs trophies, especially if those trophies are only there to fuel the ego of some random person.

Edited by Dekaku
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Go for Platinums if you think you'll have fun doing so. If a Platinum is too much of a pain in the ass and you think it'd take away from your enjoyment of the game, don't bother. Simple. Try not to stress too much about your completion rate or whatever. Video games are supposed to be fun. Have fun.

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what i find helps (and in ways hinders) me is i dont focus on one game at a time. currently im jumping between infamous 2nd son, oh sir!, sleeping dogs, days gone and thats just naming a few. ill play one for a while til it starts to not be fun for feels tedious then ill switch over to one of the others for a bit. i just keep rotating them out. eventually i knock out a plat here or there. this takes alot longer sure but it helps me to keep from being burned out. also i make sure i got some fairly easy ones mixed with some that are more of a challenge. (ideas of easy and challenging will vary) dont know if this will help you but give it a go.

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