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Has someone of you quit trophy hunting after noticing you enjoy less the games? (it feels like a job sometimes)


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If it feels like a job, stop. 


During September I started to feel the same and now I changed some of the ways I play. I wasn't having fun anymore, I was burned out. 


I stopped playing games for some moments, I would occasionally jump in a few matches of Rocket League or finish my projects in Minecraft. Then I just decided to start Hitman Contracts, I had that game for 3 years and never started it, I always thought the trophy list was too hard or that I wouldn't get any fun out of the game. I was wrong. I liked the challenge, it felt good going back to a game I owned for so long that stayed untouched for years. 


After that I started Crack in Time, with no rush to complete it, I had been delaying starting this game because of the "My Blaster Runs Hot" trophy, guess what, it didn't even took 1 hour to get. 


I finished FUBAR from Spec Ops, another trophy I thought would be impossible. 


I finally started and 100% 11-11, a excellent WW1 game btw. This game was just taunting me, I had to follow a 5 hour guide to find all the collectables and had fun while doing so. 


The thing that I'm trying to say is, if the game looks hard, way to difficult or that it will ruin your completion, start it anyway. Don't waste your time on thinking on what to play or how hard it will be. Just jump into it and have fun

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't quit (yet) but yes, I've done quite a lot of games that, even though enjoyable, quickly turn into a second job the moment you go for the plat (or 100%), jrpg tend to do that a lot. Sometimes I realize I could enjoy way more good games instead of grinding the hell out of a single game. Right now I'm considering clearing my backlog entirely before moving to next gen (we are talking about 20-25 games), then I'll see what to do. Time is less and less and the backlog grows bigger and bigger, no point in wasting money if I don't have time to experience what I buy, so either I'll buy way less games or quit trophy hunting, at least to the levels I do it right now.

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On 9/6/2020 at 9:14 AM, Lezonidas said:

At the beginning it was mostly fun to go for the platinum, but lately it feels like a job. I'm at a point that I check a trophy list before I buy a game and I think that's not good for the hobby of gaming. I don't know if I need a few months/years off, just play for fun without thinking about routes, or missables, or checking guides for collectibles and stuff like that. Has someone of you experienced something like this?

Yea Trophy Hunting feels like a chore/job. I plan on breaking that habit "IF" I can get my PS5. I'm very concerned about PS5 package theft after seeing that huge white box. It just means "come steal me" in plain sight.

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NEVER!!! Grind til I die baby, even if it is at my sanity's expense ? It may be stressful at the time, but there is something special about popping that Ultra Rare plat that few other people have done!


I guess I should clarify a bit, because my completion percentage is shit. I have quit individual games because I got bored with them, but trophy hunting as a whole is something I will never stop! I've come waaaaaaaaaaay too far at this point ?

Edited by Joe Dubz
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Last gen I had a 360 first, and ended up going for Achievements a fair amount. Then I got a PS3 very late in the gen (for a handful of exclusives mainly), and didn't go for trophies at all (if you scroll to the bottom of my list you'll see the drop off in % lol). Once I got a PS4 I gradually got back in to it, finding this site was partial motivation for it, I like the lay out of everything. Pretty much my only non negotiable for gaming is I do my blind playthrough first. I reach credits without looking at any guides or anything and then I decide how much I go for. If a game doesn't have any missable stuff I often enjoy the clean up or extra challenges aspect, just as I would in a game without trophies. Just as little extra things to the main blind playthrough. It helps I have a lot of podcasts I like and more menial gaming tasks is a good thing to go alongside them.

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On 9/9/2020 at 3:13 AM, SublimeHawk said:

I have to say my most recent Plats have felt kind of like a chore. P5 Royal, Death Stranding, FFX and FFX-2 Remastered were a massive grind for me. I've got Days Gone to do next, which is another big grind for the Plat. I am also close to the Platinum on FFXIV which is a 400+ hour grind.

If you were talking about the OG P5, sure but Royal is basically to beat the game. It's not really a grind like the OG P5 was

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I will never permanently retire from trophy hunting for one reason(unless i permanently switch to nintendo consoles). And that reason is that i dont need to plat everything in one sitting and unless theres a server shutdown i can always return to a game if i feel like playing it again. I always try to 100% games i like and trophies are literally just no different to me then when i showed my 100% complete files for say bomberman 64(which would be a pretty tough plat if it had trophies, getting all 120 gold cards under 3 hours to unlock the golden armor is no easy feat), star fox 64 or crash bandicoot.

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The hardest (for me at least) would be to go back to gaming without looking at trophies and doing blind runs!


That's like the fat kid going to Mcdonalds and 'only eating the fries', or the dopehead that is just gonna shoot up that itty bit...


Once you're hooked, you're hooked...


Easier just getting a new hobby i think to myself, but i just cant :dunno:

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I have a lot of games in my backlog and I had to make a rule. Only plat a game if I really enjoy it, otherwise, if it's just trophy hunting for the sake of it (either for personal gratification, climbing rankings or just racking numbers) it stops being GAMING. Games are made to entertain and have fun. Endless grind, unless you can take some pleasure out of it is just nonsense, loses it's purpose. The minute it stops being fun and turns into a chore it's not a GAME anymore. If i want chores, I'll go to my job, at least they pay me.

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My trophy hunting habits have waned these past couple months. Mostly to do with Sony changing things around for the sake of changing them, such as the unnecessary trophy change to make level milestones completely pointless, and making it harder for me to access games on the Store that I may be interested in buying and going for all the trophies.


Furthermore, this trophy community has gone down the crapper in the past couple years. Once I finally wrap up my backlog, and put the nail in the coffin for stuff I'm not interested in finishing, I will say goodbye to this website.

Edited by Spaz
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I bought my first ps4 around summer 2017 and went hardcore till early 2020 and got 310 platinums and completionist all the way. I got burned out like hell and took around 5 month's off.

Now I'm just enjoying the games and taking my time. Still going for 100% everything but not having a forced feeling that I need a game 100% as soon as possible. Dunno somewhere along the 100+ platinum marker I had this urge to get everything done quickly.

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i try to re invent ways to keep things entertaining. lately i been trying to go back and finish old games to bump my completed percentage up which is something i never gave a shit about before. im really bored with gaming. sometimes i'll find something that requires long boosting or grinding with a low completion perccentage and listen to podcasts. sometimes just quick easy games to fill the day. other times in between games if i cant find anything i take that time to fully clean my entire house or do whatever shopping i need done. but yah sometimes it feels like a task. especialy when you have one trophy left that is a shitty trophy. its like i did all this work now i feel like i have to get that last trophy and its a total time suck. 

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I started trophy hunting consistently in late 2009 and quit around 2012 - platting a game or two every now and then from there on. 

A couple years later I started trophy hunting again but with less completionist mentality as it felt exhausting and almost like a chore. Now I still trophy hunt but I don’t lose sleep if I can’t complete a game 100%. I only buy games I know/think I will genuinely enjoy and if the game I start playing is not worth platting or completing I simply don’t and move on with another game. I don’t exclude games on this profile even if I know I can’t complete it.

Nowadays the quality of a plat is more important to me than the quantity Of trophies - I still enjoy hunting trophies and challenging myself with harder games so I haven’t stopped trophy hunting after I began (again) but it’s a bit on/off if you will :)

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I only play games I actually want to play, and I generally juggle around 10 games at a time so I’m not burned out on the same game for so long. For grindy trophies, regular breaks help too, just knock the online trophies out first, then go back and finish the rest whenever you can be bothered.

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5 hours ago, Kcrack_Km said:

I only play games I actually want to play, and I generally juggle around 10 games at a time so I’m not burned out on the same game for so long. For grindy trophies, regular breaks help too, just knock the online trophies out first, then go back and finish the rest whenever you can be bothered.

This right here, I know it drives some people nuts to have multiple games going at once, but it's what I've been doing and it feels a lot better to throw in some variety. Chip away at long grindy games every now and then while playing some quick games for a break or have one story based game to work through at the same time. I find it pretty tough, unless I really like the game or the 2nd playthrough has some differences, to play the same game again right after beating it the first time. This happened with KH2 recently for me, I will platinum the game as I just need to beat it on the hardest difficulty, but after all the grinding I did for the other trophies, I took a break and will swing back to it later.

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Not at all, but to help people a bit here is some good things to think about:

1. If it’s a chore then consider yourself changing the habits.

2. If it’s not fun anymore then stop and take a break!

3. If it feels like a job then ask urself a question why you even play? Turning off trophy notifications can be great sometimes trust me.

Remember gaming should be fun regardless what you play or hunt I told myself a while ago to play more challenging plats but somehow I got a bit lazy...? 

Edited by FearlessElle
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Kind of accepted long ago that I really don't want to waste time getting platinums that make me feel this way (like a chore/miserable time-sink.) I have some uncontrollable blemishes on my account anyways so it's not like a 100% completion rate is even really an achievable goal, and I dont want to make a new account to "start fresh" seeing as there are platinum's I'm really proud of and don't ever want to achieve again lol.


Basically, if a platinum trophy list seems fun and not over-involved I'll go for it. Otherwise, I'm fine with it sitting incomplete on my account. None of my PSN friends are trophy hunters so its not like anyone is realistically looking at my account achievements anyways. ?

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I’ve had some long breaks away as the ‘self stress’ that it has bought on sometimes can be overwhelming. 

I know I won’t 100% every game so I like to atleast do all the trophies I can achieve, then I’m happy to call it a day. I try to sit these games on either side of a few 100% and have it in the high % if possible. It’s just an OCD completionist thing 


I hated monster Hunter world so that’ll stay at 27%... not bothered 


AC3 remastered is a terrible glitch fest so I’ll finish that soon at about 85%. I could push on another 20 hr grind but why, I’m not enjoying it. 

80% of games I plat I enjoy, I will stop doing the 20% I don’t, as it’s a time sponge for no reason 

Edited by mikem192
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Nope not at all. I only buy games I want to play so every game (almost every) is enjoyment, then from a trophy perspective I have a plan and an aim of what my profile will look like that would at present take me until 2026, I enjoy this pursuit 90% of the time, when I'm not I deviate from it until I'm ready to return.


Maybe that's the problem with a lot of people, they trophy hunt for so long and all of a sudden stop and wonder why they are doing it because it's never ending, it's no longer about the games just trophies. Some people are also playing games they don't even enjoy just for trophies, weird, no wonder they get burnt out!

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No, I've always enjoyed trophy hunting, and still do, as well as completing as much as possible 100%. It has never felt like a job (except on one occasion, which I'll get to), quite the contrary. It's relaxing and I actually get a kick out of "cleaning up games", doing things in order, and stuff like that ? From the outside, it may look like I put a lot of rules and restraints on myself, but I enjoy it so much. I always play through a game blindly the first time, and put the thought of hunting trophies way in the back of my head. I also take my time with every game, as I'm no rush to be at the top of any leaderboard or in a hurry to move onto the next thing at all. I feel like I enjoy something less, if I put a lot of expectations on myself to finish it quickly, so I can move onto the next thing. I care much more about playing games that I really want to play and complete, than playing "a lot of games", which might explain why I have a relatively short list of games despite having hunted trophies for 11 years.


HOWEVER... to answer your question... the last WWE 2K game I played (2K17) nearly broke me. That time it actually felt like a job. I "enjoyed" the first 25% of the grind, and then it started getting too much, and I just wanted it out of my system. That's the only time I ever felt like a "slave" to trophies, and I never played another WWE game. It would be unfair to blame that entirely on the series' grindy trophies though, as the truth behind that is rather that the series has gone down the toilet for me (just like the actual WWE).

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