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Grown Men/Women Shouldn’t Waste Their Lives Playing Video Games


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I've been told the same thing about watching anime.  That anime is only for kids.  Then I showed them some that had people being ripped apart, nudity and other stuff.  No, it wasn't demonic tentacle hentai, which too me is hilarious to watch.  After that he didn't give me crap about watching anime.  He actually started watching it after that.

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I feel it is waste of time trying fight/ explain/ show the people who think this is true but yeah if they think it is a waste so be it. At the end of it there is people out there who enjoy basically gambling and wasting their life savings on pointless chance games and there is people who enjoy cutting down trees and or hunting it is enjoyment for someone out there as if you always have to be judged on what you like or enjoy then that is a waste of time.

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Im 40 years old. I genuinely enjoyed the constant hunt for challenging platinums.

That being said, I have retired from the endless trophy cycle because of my lack of interest in current games. 


The hunt may be on hiatus but I'll never stop playing video games, as it's part of my culture.

Be yourself, play for trophies, fun or both. 

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1 hour ago, baboon_overlord said:

It's passive - video games are the ultimate form of entertainment (and possibly art). You are in control and they combine music, art, literature, gameplay, narrative and also you versus the AI the developers made.

Quoted for truth. This statement hits the bullseye.


To the author of the article, I'll just say: You don't like video games. I get that. Now don't impose on the rest of us who disagree... just find something you enjoy and quit wasting your time knocking other people's hobbies.

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today is my birthday


I'm now 43


have been gaming consistently since 1990... 31 years now 


even when it wasn't really popular culture and it was considered a nerdy/outcast thing to do


gaming has come a long way since then. its now the biggest entertainment commodity (financially)


i've never been, and will never be, ashamed to be a gamer


since the PS3, and especially with the advent of mainstream online gaming, I've met so many wonderful ppl, of all ages and countries. 


hopefully the playstation brand, and trophies, will be something I can enjoy until I meet my maker 


PS: want to also wish a happy birthday to another gamer who shares my birthday. @Jerry_Appleby hope u enjoy it  ?



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I think this is a controlling issue more than anything. It’s typically a spouse/significant other who doesn’t like it. I’m so thankful I was blessed with a man who also games and we both let each other play as much as our heart desires.

I’ve never gone out of my way to say “you Facebook to much! It’s awful! How dare you!” To probably the same person complaining that their s/o-spouse games a lot.

I think the people dealing with this really should devote their time and energy elsewhere and find someone who actually sees the hobby as harmless. 

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19 hours ago, AJ_Radio said:

As someone who grew up in the 1990s, the common theme back then, especially in western culture, was kids who constantly played video games were generally referred to as geeks. Nerds. Kids who were considered different from other kids.


It was commonplace for middle aged parents back then to try to convince their kids to play outside, to not stare into a screen so many hours each day. Looking back, I think I understood why they did that. Because gaming as a whole was niche. It wasn't just kids, my dad who is now 67 years old played a lot of strategy games on our old Windows 95. He was already in his 40s when he was gaming, and I sort of picked up my habits from him.


Today, a good majority of gamers are well in their 30s and 40s, as this thread indicates. A good number of trophy hunters have long since graduated college, started a family and work a regular job. They have the disposable income to buy hundreds and thousands of games. I don't see too many college kids on these forums, there's a few but not many at all. Their peers need to focus more on studies and starting a future, possibly with a partner with a new career to look forward. I'm sure most of you who already posted on this thread have done all of that.


Long story short, I had to move back in with family a couple years back and right now I'm hoping the COVID-19 pandemic to die down eventually so I don't have to keep wearing my mask every time I go out. I've been gaming a bit more in recent times for this reason.


This article is your typical bullshit from somebody who probably never understood video games. It's nothing new. This writer sounds like she would be better off writing for Fox News. Probably where she belongs.


Edited by patrickogorman19
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I would say gaming (in variety, not just Fifa and COD), it’s one of the best things to keep your brain stimulated, healthy, opened and developed while also fulfilling your soul.

I can’t see a better hobby for mental health, it’s complete, it makes you evade, disconnect, it’s rich in culture, it challenges your brain, it makes you improve… and it’s very satisfying, every game is an experience.


The only thing to keep in check is the playing hours for dopamine reasons and know your priorities. Just like for any other hobbie.


Keep at it guys.

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Yep, it's the Telegraph. Don't be fooled by the gothic script and broadsheet format - it's fox news for middle class Baby Boomers who like to think that reading the Telegraph makes them superior to those who read The Sun (Tabloid read by working class British people). 


It's full of this kind of 'culture war' bullshit. 'Common sense' (i.e. sneering at others who aren't middle manager social climbing posers with a tennis club membership and a car they can't afford) is the central theme running through much of the Telegraph. 


The reference to e-scooters is a reference to east London (the Portland of England) hipsters with topknots and beards who allegedly ride around on e-scooters and like to play video games. It's rather charming in a way how badly wrong she gets this stereotype. Gamers for the most part aren't hipsters - we have our own stereotype! 


Getting a rise out of 'libtards' and 'SJWs' is kind of the purpose of the British right-wing press so this video is sort of an own goal as it's exactly the sort of reaction that the author was hoping for. 


Veering off on a total tangent - Freedom House ranks the UK 4/4 on press freedom. What a lot of bollocks! 90% of UK print media is owned by just 3 companies. Many people coming to the UK from overseas are shocked by just how bad our media is. We don't have Tucker Carlson levels of headbangery but neither do we have any quality, unbiased daily newspapers. 

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I have to admit, I'm kind of surprised at the reactions in this thread...a lady who doesn't and likely never has played video games makes weird accusations and judgments about adult gamers...the only intent seems to be to get a rise out of the latter category...there is no attempt to back up her opinion with any kind of fact or logic...don't we usually just define this kind of article as clickbait?...I also don't understand the linked video...to me, it indicates a certain insecurity if we feel we need to "defend" our position in response to articles as ridiculous as this as though it threatens our place in the universe...shouldn't we just laugh it off and say "what an idiotic opinion this lady has...she's just trying to get a rise out of us"...or "clickbait at its finest", ignore it and move on?...I don't usually respond to clickbait as I find it just leads to the creation of more clickbait but I was surprised at how many people here seem to have been offended by it and was wondering why...and I'm not trying to put down the psnp community, I love it here...I just thought we were better at seeing through crap like this and took a more light hearted stance in response to such articles...



12 hours ago, Xylobe said:

Gamers and taking the bait, name a more iconic duo.

f**k...*squirms to try to get off the hook*...too late...

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