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    • KenjiCBZ

      In the middle of experiencing an existential midlife crisis at 25 because my favourite game (Fall Guys) got ruined by a shitty update, I reached a little goal I set up sometime ago which is 50 Trophies with a sub 1% rarity.
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    • ThatMuttGuy

      Currently grinding out the 1,000,000 hits battle trophy in Star Ocean 5. Ridiculous grind, but at least I can just autogrind it.
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    • slender_adrian

      Difficulty: 4/10 
      Enjoyment: 9/10
      Grind: 5/10
      Time: 82 Hours 
      Rarity: [Very Rare 6.1% / Rare 20.17%]
      "Not exactly a fairy tale beginning huh."
      *I'll work on a more rich post after my 100% completion (if possible), this is only the first part detailing my journey to get the plat and my thoughts on the game (Royal Edition).
       It's finally time for my trip to Final Fantasy 15!!! This is one of my favorite looking FF games, I like a lot the mixture of modern times with fantasy, and how it's just the most casual thing haha. I finished FFXV story in 35 hours and I can say I really enjoyed it. I can't speak for FFXV vanilla since I've only played Royal Edition and I can say that Royal Edition is pretty good, but is nowhere near to other FF games in quality lets be honest. The biggest sin of this game is how the story is told, it's mandatory to watch the movie Kingsglaive and the anime Brotherhood to understand the game, and I did just that, so I could grasp better the story. So this FF game is a very special one for me, it's a very casual FF experience and despite the development hell it went through, this is still a fun game to play. It has some awesome freaking cool looking moments but it happens near the end of the game, the summons in this game look incredible. As for the OST well I can really say it's not that memorable, being honest I only remember like 3 tracks and one of them is Stand by me, (which btw I really liked the opening for this game, it is so simple but yet I like pushing a car while listening that song).
      The main cast is by far my favorite thing about this game. Noctis at first glance may look like the typical emo edge lord but he is nothing like that at all, that tittle is between Cloud and Squall haha. But seriously, the bond between Noctis, Ingnis, Prompto and Gladio has is so damn natural that they truly look like a group of friends going on a journey, I remember one part when someone gets mad at Noctis and you can really tell the tension in the air and go like "yep, that's how it is." If you are looking for a casual FF experience this is a great game, it has some "unique" things since is a open world and follows the formula but hey it is pretty good looking world to explore. So far all Final Fantasy games I played I always leave with some good memories and I remember all fondly and FFXV is no exception. Totally recommend it!
      And another FF platinum goes to the collection!!! I spent 82 hours doing this and oh boy it was pure fun and good moments! Despite this game being rushed and having the story told in a very bad way, that is in multiple media forms like the movie, anime and the dlc, I really enjoyed this game so far. The platinum for this game is really easy since the trophies are very simple, I played the entire game on normal and I've only got a game over once on Cerberus (which is a Royal Edition exclusive I believe) and that was only because I wanted my party to die so I had the chance to use a megaphoenix but I ran out of time hahaha, you can play on easy to speed the plat. One tip I can give is to using the car as least as possible and just run hahaha it will save grinding time later for the survival skill, it took me 8 hours to level it up in the endgame, but being honest running around from place to place is no fun and it can make your game experience worse, since going in the car has a lot of good moments, so if you don't mind throwing some extra hours for grinding afk don't bother running and use the car, other than that the fishing skill can take some time but nothing to hard, leveling the other 2 skills is pretty easy. And the big turtle can be instantly killed with the ring of Lucii so no big deal there either. There are a lot of trophies remaining, and a lot of work to be done but I'm so glad to have this plat. Totally love this guys!!! They truly are the best!
      *I played and am currently playing on the physical Royal Edition, which brings a code that access all dlc (except for the Ardyn dlc which you'll need to buy) content including comrades. This code expires on June 2028, I paid 40 bucks for my sealed copy. But be warned!!!! If you are looking to get the RE for 100% you must buy the physical copy corresponding to your region, if you buy another regions copy the code won't work, to my knowledge.

      · 9 replies
    • funboy1246

      Think i'm going to slightly change my approach on my backlog and completion goals. I'm going to make a like of every game on my list that is at 10% or less completion, and work on getting them as high as possible (preferably 100% but make no promises) from there ill make another pass of 10 to 20 etc etc
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